
Thursday, July 14, 2016

When You Life is Off Track!

When you look at the life of Moses, you can see that he made some decisions when he was young that got his life off track.   He thought that his mistakes were so bad that his life could never be restored or repaired to God's original plan.  There are so many people that I talk to everyday that is in the same boat as Moses.  They made some really bad mistakes as they were going through their late teens and early twenties, and they have been trying really hard to get their life back on track.   But, with each decision it is like they get farther away from where they need to be and it gets worse and worse for them.   So, if your life is OFF track, how do you get it back ON track?

What most people do when they feel their life is off track is they start looking for security.  And most people think that security is found in love, or in possessions.   If I could just get someone to really love me, or if I could just get a good job and a nice home and reliable transportation, then I could be back on track.    But those things don't bring happiness even if they do bring a sence of security.  Look at Hollywood stars and professional atheletes.   Even those who have plenty of money, no problem finding relationships, nice homes, nice cars are so miserable they use sleep aids to sleep, and anti-depresents to make it through the day!    So our hearts desire security and we begin looking for that in worldly and material things and with each decision we make our lives get farther and farther off track.

So what is the problem?  The problem is that we are following the desires of our hearts, and those desires are misplaced.   The desires of our hearts are leading us the wrong direction.   We desire material things, jobs, homes, cars, relationships, because we think this will bring us security, and we think that security will bring us peace and contentment and it is all a lie.  If you think material things and relationship with someone is what you need in life you have drank the worlds kool-aide!   Everyone is chasing those things, and most everyone is getting more and more messed up because they are making one poor decision right after the other!  

What do we need?  We need God to come and change the desires of our hearts.   We need to pray, "God give me the desires of YOUR heart!"  If we would seek after righteous, peace and the joy found in the Holy Ghost we would find peace and conentment, and then God would add to us all the relationship and material things in life that we need.

We keep making the wrong decisions when we chase after the wrong things.  Chase after God and you will find that life gets better!   amen.

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