
Monday, June 27, 2016

The Seven Statements That Will Change Your Life!

I am going to make some revelatory statements, and there is going to be at least one that breaks down the walls for you.  

1.  Just because you hear voices doesn't mean you have to do what they say, or believe what they say!  
Random voices in your head are NO DIFFERENT than voices of people sitting next to you!  You have to decide if you are going to believe the Word of God, or the voices around you.  Just know this the Word of God is going to lead you to FAITH and VICTORY, while those 'other voices' are going to bind you in FEAR.   Here is what you do.   Begin saying outloud as many times as you need to these words.  "I believe the Word of God and I am NOT AFRAID!"    "I WILL NOT FEAR"  "I AM NOT AFRAID"    You see random voices in your head are just that NOISE, and they only have power if those voices make you afraid.    HELLO PEOPLE.   We are living in a time in society when everyone is just a half notch from crazy.   Don't be surprised if you or someone you know can 'hear voices'   that is no big deal.  The bad part is if you start BELIEVING the voices.   Now you have a real problem!  

2.  Just because you have NO OPTIONS does not mean you can or should lay down and QUIT!  

We are living in a time in American culture in which financial and relatlional situations can often leave people with little or few options in life.    So many times when people are faced with limited options they just lay down and quit.   HELLO!   When Moses ran into the RED SEA, he had NO options, but they didn't quit.  When Jonah was swallowed by the whale he had little or no options, but he didn't quit.  When Gideon was oppressed by the Midianites they had little to no options, but he didn't quit, they were still threshing grain!   Why are  you laying down and quitting??    Get up and move forward.  Pray a prayer of repentance and ask God to help you.   Do what you can with the little you have and keep moving and pressing forward.    Life is like a boat.   You can't really move it unless you got some movement already going.  You have tied yourself down to the dock.   Untie from the dock, push your self out a bit into the water and start your engine, and move forward even if it is just an inch at time!

3.  Just because someone is talking about you, or hurt you doesn't mean you have to FALL APART!

What would happen if someone talked about you, or hurt you and you went on with life and prospered anyway!  I guess you would have OVERCOME the world!    Jesus came so that we could overcome the world.   If there are 5000 people in this county and 2400 are talking about me, and I don't allow that to IMPACT my life, my work, my joy, my peace, my mind, my thoughts, my directions, my flow in God that guess what I WIN!    If someone hurts you, talks about you, and wants to see you ruined and you REACT to their gossip guess what?  THEY WIN!   Please listen to me child of God.  Yea.  Haters going to hate.  People are going to lie on you,  the going to be jealous of you.  They won't be doing no good works at all, but they will criticize the good works YOU do.  Of course they going to hate you, but what did Jesus say?  He said but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.  I have spent a life time IGNORING my haters and REFUSING to respond to their nonsince.   And you know what bothers them more than you prospering.    It's when you prosper and they attack you for it and you IGNORE THEM.  It burns them up.  No more facebook post rants about  your haters.  If you respond like that, they eat it up.  You are doing just what they want.   Listen to me child of God!  Just because someone talks about you doesn't mean you have to RESPOND!   Take that and be set free!


Show me how many people and things you are truly comitted to and I will tell you how strong your life is.   So many times people lives are so fragile and their whole house falls apart two or three times a year, they got to move, start all over, get new job, new people, new relationships, new furntiure, new everthing over and over and over.  They are only starting all the time, but never sticking and flourishing.  Why is that?  It is because they haven't made enough comittments in their life.    What are you comitted to?  Your children?  If the only thing you have made a comittment to is your kids, you are going to have a terrible time raising them.    Please listen to me.  When we think that a comittment to our kids is ALL that we need in life to have stability and a home we are going to fall short and those kids are going to be dragged from person to person, home to home, relationship to relationship.  

5.   Your procrastination is KILLING you.

I think that is enough said.   You know what you should do, but you haven't done because you are 'waiting on God's timing'  that simply put is saying, "I want to wait until I don't have to use faith to do it, so wait on God to make it EASY.'   Wrong.  Without faith it is impossible to please God!  

6.    You will know a person by their FRUIT.    

If they have a prison record, don't date this person.   If they have kids by several people, don't date this person.  If they are married to someone else, don't date this person.   If they have no job, no money, no class, don't date this person.   If they do more drugs than they do work, don't date this person.    What makes you think that you can date someone and have a baby with them and then all the sudden they will be a responsible parent that helps raise this child?     If they aren't responsible before the baby, they won't be afterward either!  


  If you put your family and your life, your job, your kids, your family time, your stuff before you put the things of GOD, (notice I didn't say God but I said the things of God)  than your family is  not going to serve God at all.    You call Him your GOD, and yet you put yourself and your family before HIS things.   Why would your family honor a God that you yourself do not honor.

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