
Thursday, December 10, 2015

God is Raising Up Eliakim's To Carry His Glory

2016 is the year of the peg, God is going to secure and fasten your life.   The things we see happening in the world around us is no reason to be in fear.    God is going to secure your life, and raise you up in His glory.   The world is shifting, times are shifting, darkness has been rising, but you have no reason for fear for this is the season that God is going to make you secure like a peg in the ground.  Unmoveable, untouchable, unstoppable, unshakeable.  

God is raising up Eliakim's in this season.   Eliakim's name means:  God will develop.    Over the past few years God has been developing people and they have been through some trials and test but they have prevailed.   There are many of you right now the enemy is just shaking his head because after all he has hit you with, you are still STANDING!   And the enemy can't figure out after all you been through how you still standing?    God is raising up an army of Eliakim's that have been through the fire but was not consummed!   God is raising up Eliakim's that have went through the flood but did not drown in their problems.   God is raising up a generation that will not bow, will not burn and he is putting his goods into their hands and they are going forth to heal the land!     Eliakim is the son of Hlkiah meaning God is my portion.  God is raising up people that he has developed and HE is their portion!    These are going to the be ones that God is going to raise up to carry his glory and his kingdom to this generation in these last days.  Who is Eliakim?  

In the Bible in Isaiah 22,  Eliakim is being raised up by God to replace a man called Shebna.     Shebna had built a monument to himself and was basking in his OWN GLORY as a leader.   These passages talk about the judgment of Shebna and the way that God is blessing and raising up Eliakim to take his place.   In this next season we are going to see that leaders and people that have misused their positions and have built ministires and monuments to themselves are going to see their blessings stripped from them and God is raising up Eliakim's to take their place!  

Isaiah 22: 20And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah:

21And I will clothe him with your robe, and strengthen him with your belt, and I will commit your authority into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah.

22And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.

23And I will fasten him as a peg in a sure place; and he shall become a glorious throne to his father's house.

24And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house, the offspring and the posterity, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of pitchers.

Those of you that have been faithful to God through everything this is your season to rise up because God is going to bring you to a place of position and authority, both on the earth and in the spirit realm.  

verse 21  Tells us four things that belonged to Shebna that God is going to give to Eliakim
1.  HIs robe.   A robe in the bible often represents your position and calling.   God is going to cloth you in HIS Glory.   Get ready to receive the robe of God's Glory.   God's glory is going to come upon your life, expect it, believe it, look for it.  

2.  His belt.  A belt is the Jewish gartel, that is used in prayer and in connecting with God.   You are going to find that those things that have hindered your prayers in the past are gone and you are experiencing the presence of God upon you.  The dry season is over, the wilderness times are over.   Prayer is going to come easier and more powerfully on your life.  

3.   You will receive the authority that you need to rise up and do the will of God.   You have authority over sickness, over pain, over any hell that the enemy throws your way.  

4.  God will raise you up as a Father (parent) to the people around you.    Not only will God raise you up to overcome the challenges in your life, but He is going to use you to help those around you rise up and overcome their issues as well!  

Verse 22 tells us two more benefits that God is going to bring our way.  
1.  The key of the house of David will be laid upon your shoulder.  
2.  Doors that open that no man can shut, and doors shut that no man can open.
The church in Philadelphia was given this key in the book of Revelation.   It is very beneficial to be given this gift because this means that God is going to advance you and the enemy will not be able to shut that door of blessing!   And the door that the enemy would try to go through to stop your progress, you will have the ability to shut that door, and the enemy WON'T be able to open it again!    GLory to God!  IN this season God is giving you the key to open doors and the ability to shut doors that should not be open.  

verse 23:  And I shall fasten him as a peg in a sure place;  and he shall become a glorious throne to his father's house.  

In 2015 so many things changed so fast, and there is pressure on Christians every where to compromise.  To let go of our righteousness and  become 'politically correct'  but God is going to fasten you like a peg, in a sure place in 2106...   You will be given the strength to stand and stand strong.   If you will say Jesus IS LORD, and MAKE him the Lord of your life without compromise God is going to secure your life like a peg that cannot be moved!  

1 comment:

  1. Amen, what an awesome word that turns out so true for my life. God bless.
