
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

God sees your heart

We are told in the Scriptures to give thanks to God.  It is hard to disagree with giving thanks.  We all know we should do this, but many are given over to a corrupt mind.   Often we think a corrupt mind is one that is filled with sinful thoughts and images, but a corrupt mind is one that does not function as God intended.  

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Giving thanks is more than just words of thankfulness.  Giving thanks is an attitude of the mind.  We should have an attitude of thankfulness.  What is your attitude today?

Some people have pouty attitude.  Some people have a angry attitude.  Some people have a grumpy attitude.  Our attitude often sets our moods.  Have you ever had to tell someone, "you have a bad attitude."  Attitudes are what we often use to control people around us.  We use our attitude like and intimidator to maneuver what we want out of life from others.  What would it mean to have a thankful attitude?  Have you ever seen a rebellious person that carried a thankful attitude?  No.  They usually have an attitude that is the OPPOSITE of thankful.  Have you ever seen a bitter or angry person with a thankful attitude?  Not usually, most of the time their attitudes are cynical.  An attitude is a reflection of your heart.  A hateful attitude springs from rebellion.  A cynical attitude comes from those who are bitter.  A thankful attitude comes from those who are humble and leads to joy.

We can take a few moments each day to thank God for various things in our lives, but true thankful ness is an attitude of the mind that you carry  with  you throughout the day.    God listens to our hearts, and our hearts are seldom silent.  Even when our mind shuts down, our hearts are still speaking.  Whatever attitude you have in  your heart is the sound that God hears when you heart speaks.  You can say things with  your heart that you never said with your mouth, and to God it is the same as if you spoke it.  When the angel said that Sarah would have a son, she thought it impossible in her heart, and she laughed.  God heard the attitude of her heart though she spoke on words at all.  

I cannot express to you enough that God hears the meditations of your heart.  Does he hear a pouting, upset angry noise?  Does he hear rebellion, hatred and envy?  Does he hear selfishness and pride?  What does God hear when you heart speaks?

Put on a attitude of thankfulness that comes up out of a heart of praise.  When God hears the sounds in my heart, I want my heart to be singing a  melody of his praise.  I sure don't want my heart griping, fussing, moping, and complaining.  Lord give me a thankful heart!

1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.

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