What does it mean to be lukewarm? Most of us like our drinks hot, or cold, but a lukewarm drink can taste bad. We serve hot tea, cold tea, I've never seen 'lukewarm' tea on the menu. If they bring our hot or cold drink to us lukewarm we complain, we want a new drink. The Bible describes lukewarm as neither not nor cold. This is the way that Americans were for a decade or two. Politically we called them moderates. This lukewarm attitude also crept into our churches and our homes. Sept 11, 2001 when the twin towers and other sites were attacked by terrorist it made Americans 'wake up' Since that time we have had to make a lot of hard decision in Congress and a lot of change has happened. These changes have polarized us and people are no longer indifferent about politics. Many have become passionate and some have moved from the middle of the road moderate to the left, and others to the right.
What we are seeing in the church today has also become a wake up call for those who are moderate in their faith. Some people have risen up and accepted sexual sins, others have accepted all religions as one, and others have said that Sanctification and holiness is a fallacy and not necessary because of the grace we have in Christ. Some have fallen away from preaching Christ and only preach positive success driven messages.
Because the church has been lukewarm the Lord has shown me two things:
1. God is giving us over to sexual perversion. The homosexual agenda will prevail, and this is going to cause a big back lash among many of the conservatives. Many conservatives are going to over react and cause the rest of America to despise conservative Christianity. Not only that but instead of repenting of their own sins, they are going to point the finger and pass the blame to the unrighteous. God plainly says that if HIS people called by HIS name would humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, He would heal the land. Yet, instead of personal repentance we are going to see the pointing of the finger and the passing of blame.
2. The church is going to have a mass exodus down through the Bible belt in the next 20 years.
The sleeping giant is going to wake up, but they will awaken to a world that is PREACHING better than their Pastors are preaching. They will awaken to sinners calling them hypocrites because they do not obey the Word of God, and because they over look their own sins while pointing the fingers at others. In the next decade you will see people examining what they believe and many are going to decide that their church, their pastors, and the Bible is just a farce. They will realize that our churches are not preaching what is really in the Bible. Holiness, sanctification, total surrender to Christ. Dieing to ones self...and they are going to walk away.
Do you want to be purpose driven or spirit lead? These are questions people are asking. What are all of these things creeping into the churches going to cause? Polarization. Over the next decade we are going to see the same split in the churches that we have seen in our nation. Some polarizing to the left and embracing modernism in their religious views and some polarizing to the right and embracing the traditional translation of the Scriptures. Don't be worried about these things that you see coming ahead. God desires for us to be cold or hot, he is spewing out the Lukewarm church that has been in America the past two or three decades and out of the ashes will come two groups. Those that are hot for God and his Word, and those that are cold and embrace the world and it's teachings. The thing each of us have to ask ourselves as we awake from our slumber is what direction will I go? Joshua said, "choose this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." God has moved America politically from a moderate position and over the next decade he will do the same thing in the church.
Revelation 3:15-17 'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot.'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. 'Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked,
In the next three years we are going to see more people 'reviewing' what they believe and why they believe it. The faith of some is going to be shaken, while others who really had no relationship with God in the first place are going to reveal their true colors by embracing sin and heresy. I believe by the early 2018 to the early 2020's we are going to see a revolutionary movement in the church in which whole denominations are renouncing the morals traditionally taught by the church and the moral code of the Bible to embrace 'new enlightenment' that will be the pre-curser to the rule and reign of the Antichrist.
God has always had a remnant and the elect of God will not be deceived. It may seem like a bad thing that this shaking and polarization is coming to the churches, but don't believe for a minute that the devil is in charge of it. God is the one shaking because he is bringing us to a hot or cold position and we will leave our moderate Christian faith behind.
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