Just as compassion leads to acts of kindness, holding anger leads to wrath. There are those in the world today that are holding back acts of wrath everyday, because you are so angry, and there are times when the smallest things seem to make you explode in wrath and anger towards your fellow man.
The key is your heart.
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
I'm going to teach you something today and if you can catch this revelation it is going to CHANGE your life! But to understand this you will have to hear somethings that may not be exactly easy to hear, but if you open your heart and your mind, this teaching WILL set you free.
The above verse tells us that life has issues. Wow. Yes. Life has issues. Often times these issues stir up anger, or leave us depressed and frustrated. The most important thing in overcoming issues is to find the ROOT of the issue and to take care of it there. Despite what has happened in your life this verse shows us where the root of the issue lies...out of the HEART springs the issues of life!
No matter what anyone says or does to me, if it does not become an ISSUE in my heart, THEY CANNOT touch me! Why is it that Paul could be arrested for preaching the gospel and yet be singing at midnight in his jail cell? Wouldn't you think that getting arrested though you had committed no crime accept preaching Christ would be an issue? Most people would be mad, frustrated, angry, confused. And yet he was singing. Why? Because it wasn't an issue in his heart.
If someone is mean to you, or abused you in the past, this cannot touch you today as long as you are away from this person. That anger cannot hold your heart prisoner today, UNLESS you have kept it as an issue in YOUR heart. Issues aren't necessarily what OTHER PEOPLE did to us, issues are in our heart!
This is why to be happy in life you don't have to have anyone around you change, or your circumstances change. To be happy all you need is a heart change where God cleans out the issues that are in your heart.
Two people can go through the exact same trial, and it will scar one of them for life, and the other one won't be affected by it at all. Why? Because the one who was scarred for life let it lodge in their heart and become and issue there, and the other one did not! The issues in life can only impact you if you allow them to lodge in YOUR heart!
So, what must we do? We must ask God to change our hearts and to let go and release the issues of our hearts. We cannot go back and undo what others have done. We cannot erase the past or relive it. And most of all we CAN NOT change other people. The only thing you can do in healing the issues of your life is to submit your heart to God. And allow him to heal the issues in your heart. And to guard your heart so that no more issues can spring up.
Stephen was stoned for his testimony of Jesus. But instead of cursing or hating, he asked God to forgive them, even as he was dying a horrible and painful death at their hands. How could He do this? He could do this because he didn't have issues in his heart. He had already overcome those issues, and so no matter what anyone did to him, they could not CONTROL his actions!
Imagine what life would be like if that person that pulls out in front of you at 20 miles an hour couldn't pull your chain! Imagine what life would be like if that flat tire on your car couldn't make your blood pressure go through the roof. Imagine what life would be like if that irritable kid down the street couldn't ruin your day with those pranks. Imagine what life would be if that family member that is always coming against you could not get inside your head and your emotions!
Yes, you can overcome anger, fear, depressions, or whatever else comes your way, because it is not what happens to you that determine your life, but it is HOW you handle what happens to you that determines your life. You can live a life without issues when you allow God to heal the issues that are in your heart. Then you can truly say, "This joy that I have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away!"
Just as something for you to think upon, I want you to consider some of the issues of the heart that keep us in bondage creating havoc in our lives...low self esteem, guilt, insecurities, selfishness...to name a few. AS God begins to heal the issues of your heart, the things that have happened to you in the past, and even today no longer have a place in your heart to dig in and make a mess.
To hear this teaching in depth go to this link and I will send it to you on three DVD's called It's Time For Your Wounds to Heal. Even if you don't have any funds to send for the DVD's, sign up for the DVD's and I will send them to you anyway, because I believe it is your time to be healed!
To hear this teaching in depth go to this link and I will send it to you on three DVD's called It's Time For Your Wounds to Heal. Even if you don't have any funds to send for the DVD's, sign up for the DVD's and I will send them to you anyway, because I believe it is your time to be healed!