
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

People are Angry! But God Will Heal Our Issues!

The Lord has speaking to me about anger.    I have never been the type of person that held anger, or felt angry, or walked in a spirit of angry.  I cannot remember a time in my life when I felt angry all the time.   Yet, the past week the Lord has been saying to me, "America is angry.  People are walking in anger, they feel angry a lot of the time."  I cannot imagine what that is like, but GOD KNOWS, and GOD SEES!

Just as compassion leads to acts of kindness, holding anger leads to wrath.   There are those in the world today that are holding back acts of wrath everyday, because you are so angry, and there are times when the smallest things seem to make you explode in wrath and anger towards your fellow man.

The key is your heart.

Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

I'm going to teach you something today and if you can catch this revelation it is going to CHANGE your life!    But to understand this you will have to hear somethings that may not be exactly easy to hear, but if you open your heart and your mind, this teaching WILL set you free.  

The above verse tells us that life has issues.   Wow.   Yes. Life has issues.  Often times these issues stir up anger, or leave us depressed and frustrated.  The most important thing in overcoming issues is to find the ROOT of the issue and to take care of it there.  Despite what has happened in your life this verse shows us where the root of the issue lies...out of the HEART springs the issues of life!  

No matter what anyone says or does to me, if it does not become an ISSUE in my heart, THEY CANNOT touch me!   Why is it that Paul could be arrested for preaching the gospel and yet be singing at midnight in his jail cell?   Wouldn't you think that getting arrested though you had committed no crime accept preaching Christ would be an issue?  Most people would be mad, frustrated, angry, confused.  And yet he was singing.   Why?  Because it wasn't an issue in his heart.  

If someone is mean to you, or abused you in the past, this cannot touch you today as long as you are away from this person.  That anger cannot hold your heart prisoner today, UNLESS you have kept it as an issue in YOUR heart.    Issues aren't necessarily what OTHER PEOPLE did to us, issues are in  our heart!   

This is why to be happy in life you don't have to have anyone around you change, or your circumstances change.  To be happy all you need is a heart change where God cleans out the issues that are in your heart.  

Two people can go through the exact same trial, and it will scar one of them for life, and the other one won't be affected by it at all.  Why?  Because the one who was scarred for life let it lodge in their heart and become and issue there, and the other one did not!   The issues in life can only impact you if you allow them to lodge in YOUR heart!   

So, what must we do?    We must ask God to change our hearts and to let go and release the issues of our hearts.  We cannot go back and undo what  others have done.   We cannot erase the past or relive it.  And most of all we CAN NOT change other people.   The only thing you can do in healing the issues of your life is to submit your heart to God.  And allow him to heal the issues in your heart.  And to guard your heart so that no more issues can spring up.

Stephen was stoned for his testimony of Jesus.  But instead of cursing or hating, he asked God to forgive them, even as he was dying a horrible and painful death at their hands.   How could He do this?  He could do this because he didn't have issues in his heart.   He had already overcome those issues, and so no matter what anyone did to him, they could not CONTROL his actions!   

Imagine what life would be like if that person that pulls out in front of you at 20 miles an hour couldn't pull your chain!  Imagine what life would be like if that flat tire on your car couldn't make  your blood pressure go through the roof.   Imagine what life would be like if that irritable kid down the street couldn't ruin your day with those pranks.   Imagine what life would be if that family member that is always coming against you could not get inside your head and your emotions!  

Yes, you can overcome anger, fear, depressions, or whatever else comes your way, because it is not what happens to you that determine your life, but it is HOW you handle what happens to you that determines your life.   You can live a life without issues when you allow God to heal the issues that are in your heart.  Then you can truly say, "This joy that I have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away!"  

Just as something for you to think upon, I want you to consider some of the issues of the heart that keep us in bondage creating havoc in our lives...low self esteem, guilt, insecurities, name a few.   AS God begins to heal the issues of your heart, the things that have happened to you in the past, and even today no longer have a place in your heart to dig in and make a mess.  

To hear this teaching in depth go to this link and I will send it to you on three DVD's called It's Time For Your Wounds to Heal.    Even if you don't have any funds to send for the DVD's, sign up for the DVD's and I will send them to you anyway, because I believe it is your time to be healed!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Word of the Month for October!

Ok, September is over.  So, what is next for the world, for the USA for the church.   If you haven't read the prophetic word that I gave for September here is a link to it here.

 The things written for September were far reaching and though September is over, there is still much to glean from this word.  

The word that God gave to me for October is BALANCE.   I hear the Lord saying that the church is getting out of balance because they are looking and listening in the wrong area.   The Church has gotten off balance making money off blood moons  and Jewish traditions for the past three years now.   So much so,  that Christians are beginning to see 'judgment' and 'end of the world' scenarios popping up out of every thing that they encounter.   The church is becoming unbalanced.  At a time when we should be revealing the LOVE of the Father to the world.

Begin searching your own heart and also checking your spirit to be sure that you are in proper balance.   Jesus told his disciples, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisee's."   It is the same today.  There is a lot of leaven, hype and false information being spread around the body of Christ.  Guard your heart, your mind and  your spirit and LISTEN to the Holy Spirit.  Some of that hype is surrounding end time prophesies.  The whole world went out to see the blood moon,  what was called by many in the body of Christ "God's statement to the world" and yet over much of the world cloud cover was so thick that no one could view that statement!    This blood moon was called God's warning by many false prophets,  one God only does every 1/3 of a century, that it was so IMPORTANT.   And yet, God covered much of the globe with clouds so many in the world could not see it, including much of Europe, the middle east, and the Eastern Sea Board of America.   You may think but they went back and showed the pattern of how it always happened before, how could it miss now?   When we try to put God in a box, we miss God EVERY time.     As soon as you think you can 'figure God out' God proves you wrong!

When clouds covered much of the Eastern half of America and a lot of Europe and much of the middle east during the Super Moon  Eclipse I began to ask God to reveal this meaning to me.  After all, the biggest ministries and most popular ministers have 'intrigued' God's people and kept them spell bound with astrological events and Jewish Traditions for the past three years.   We came up to the grand finale, the last blood moon,  and God covered the sight with clouds?    After all, this was presented, by false prophets,  the past three years that this would be God's warning to the world.      And literally the whole world went out to see what God would say, they wanted to watch and behold his wonders in the sky.  So what happened?  God covered the event from much of the world with cloud cover so that you could not see it.  Wow.  I began asking God this question, "On a night like tonight when all of the people of the world have been told by the biggest ministries in the world that you would show your sign in the sky,  why have you covered up the event in much of the world with clouds?"  And then I said, "Lord, the whole world is watching to see if your sign will appear in the sky, is it really a time for cloud cover if you are serious about giving the world a warning?"  Then I realized,

All the cloud cover was God telling the body of Christ, "it is time to quit watching the moon and to start looking at God."

All the so called 'prophets' that have turned us towards the Jewish traditions and signs in the sky got a slap in the face with all the cloud cover.  I guess God wasn't willing to play along, because most of the world was unable to 'see the warning'

Then I  began to ponder the star that appeared in the sky at the birth of Jesus.   Yes, the whole world saw it.  But only three wise men figured out the true meaning of the star.   I cannot imagine the theories that people came up with about the star.   But three wise men from the east figured out the meaning, followed the star and found the babe.    Those three wise men didn't write any books, make any money, or play any gimmicks at all with it, they used the star to lead them to Jesus so they could worship him.  Those that have seen 'revelation' of signs in the sky, are they using this to worship Jesus, or to make a quick buck?   There is room on the internet for pages and pages of uploads.  It was not necessary at all to charge people for the information.   Please quit following these money hungry false prophets!    The true prophet is going to freely share a revelation of warning from God to the world, so that the world can behold Jesus in all His GLORY!

What are we looking for?   Are we looking for Jesus?  So that we can worship Him.   Or are we looking for the next big thing to make money off of?

I hear the Lord saying, "The church is getting off balance, and when you are off balance it is easier to fall."  What is the world going to do?  They are going to use our own off balance false prophesies to knock down the body of Christ and deplete her of her effectiveness.   We are living in a day that when 'top ministries' say,  "thus says the Lord", that people put stock in what they are saying.   The sad thing is that there are so many 'top ministries' today that are false prophets.  They are more interested in turning a buck than in turning a nation, and how many more years in a row are ministers going to  yell, "Jewish feast, return of Jesus, judgment, end of the world"  Yes, nearly every September there is going to be someone saying that the end is near.   This is going to happen so much so that by the time the END REALLY DOES come that people will no longer listen to the body of Christ.  They are going to say, "Ever since our fore Fathers people have said these things, and nothing ever happens"

We are entering into a season where the church will be mocked because of the false prophets.

Romans 7:6  But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

I am no longer bound by Jewish laws and customs.   Most end of the world, return of Jesus,  false prophecies are wrapped in some way around Jewish laws and customs or around astrological events!   We were redeemed from the curse of following these laws and customs and have a better way the LAW OF THE SPIRIT.  What does that mean?  It means that God's Spirit speaks directly to my spirit and I am no longer a 'child' having to learn by laws and customs or signs in the heavens.      We have a new and better way, The Spirit of God leading, guiding and directing our lives!  

When our 'prophets' get back to hearing the Holy Spirit to receive instruction and revelation from God instead of customs, signs and traditions we are going to have a lot less book sales, a lot more accurate prophecy and a lot fewer people mocking our missed prophecies.  

We have to stop putting our focus on turning a buck and reclaim the call of God to turn men's hearts toward God.  

What is ahead for October and beyond? 

 In the body of Christ you will see many that are claiming their prophecies are still unfolding as they try to wipe the egg off of their face.   Also in the church many true prophets and going to begin coming forward, with the fire of God upon their lives, speaking the truth in love,  The truth is that we are now in season of GRACE, where judgments are DELAYED.   Do we deserve judgment?  We deserve it just as much as Nineveh did when Jonah went and preached to her.   But, God gave them grace.   For the sake of a remnant that has been praying and seeking God, we have entered into a period of grace.   God is delaying judgment to give us an opportunity to lay aside our lives and share the gospel in love with our neighbors.    I have been saying this for the past two months, and I will continue to say it.  I can't make money off of it, don't want to make money off of it, can't point you to some star or Jewish feast that will explain it better.  All I can say is, "God spoke to me a season of grace."   And if men's hearts are not changed by the end of that season, we will be in line for judgment, but for now, God's judgments are delayed.   Furthermore, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world will fall to economic chaos before the USA falls to it.  I have been saying this since 2008.    After they fall economically a short season later they will pull the USA economy down with them.    Keep an eye on China and Europe, when you see their economies plunge into complete downfall, you know we won't be far behind.   KEEP your head on and keep balanced   Don't give way to fears of Asteroids, Feast, Signs in the sky, earthquakes, Tsunami's, Papal visits, global agendas, and Government shut downs.   Do I think the government will shut down?   Even if they do shut down, I do not believe it will impact the lives of the average American but for just a short period and then things will return to as the were.   Do not be afraid child of God, we have entered into God's time of grace, but only for  a season, to preach the gospel.  

For the USA.   This is going to be a month of turmoil in the Washington DC.  I feel the next quarter will be up and down, turmoil.   If God HADN'T given us grace, I believe this quarter in the white house with all their squabbling would have been are undoing!    But I see the word turmoil over Washington, and I see the word grace above it and the word grace begins to rain down and nullify the word turmoil.   I believe that the strife in Washing DC is going to be resolved.   For a quarter, maybe even two quarters it will seem like turmoil will prevail, but thankfully God is going to give us grace to work through our problems this season.  

For the Church:  I see fiery darts pointed at the church.  The month of October is going to be riddled with false prophets trying to cover up their false prophecies, and also making upsetting remarks about this quarter and next quarter of the tragedies that is going to happen.   Do not fear what they speak, GRACE is covering us right now, so that we can reach our neighbor.  And if you want,  I am willing to come help you establish a ministry in your neighborhood (all free of charge) where you can reach your neighbors and share your witness for Christ.   You can find more information on that here.

God is giving us a time of GRACE to reach this nation, let's take advantage of it and try to TURN  HEARTS instead of trying to TURN BUCKS.  

 Over the next couple of years  more and more people are going to mock the church and make light and sport of our most sacred beliefs.   I see people scattering from the churches as the darts begin to fly.  There is coming a bit of a falling away, and indifference towards the church and it's practices.

The Lord gave me a vision is which I saw the youth of America.  I saw the youth spread from sea to sea.  And in the sky above them I saw the Words, Atheism...the new religion.   I believe that the next emerging trend is going to be young people who refuse to believe.    We must get back to the supernatural.   We operate in the supernatural everyday in our ministry.  False prophets have risen across America the past few decades telling our youth that God doesn't move in the supernatural anymore.  We have lied to ourselves and to our children, saying that God no longer works through the laying on of hands, or by miraculous powers,  but the youth are no longer buying that lie.  It's time we allow God to be God and pay the price to walk in the supernatural works of God.  

The Lord also shows me small groups of people across this nation praying, witnessing and sharing their faith, in the POWER of the SPIRIT, teaching the WORD of God and NOT religious traditions.  This is the hope is what the Lord spoke to my Spirit.  There is hope for the world yet,  YOU are here, and you are praying, and witnessing in the power of the Spirit!    Or at least you can be!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I hear the Lord saying, "Don't forget."

I hear the Lord saying today, "Don't forget."

Don't forget the things that he has done for you in the past.   Don't forget the times that he helped you, and carried you, and brought you out.   Don't forget how he saved you and changed you and gave you hope and a future.  

Psalms 77:11 I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember your wonders of old.

We should remember God's works and his wonders, so that we can rest assured that the same God who has helped us in the past is the same God that is helping us today!

1 Chronicles 6:11-12  Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face continually. 12 Remember His wonderful deeds which He has done, His marvels and the judgments from His mouth,

What is happening here in this scripture?   This is a psalm of David, after they had just went to retrieve the Ark of the Covenant.  It was a tragedy, the oxen stumbled and Uzziah reached out to steady the Ark, and he died right there.  A day of rejoicing was turned into a day of sorrow and grief.   How could it be that they were trying to do something so good for the LORD and now one of David's friends is dead.   Imagine doing something so important as bringing back the Ark of the Lord, and your friend dies in the process.  Unbelievable and incredible.  

  But they tried again, and this time they were successful in bringing the Ark back.  As they entered into the city David began to dance before the LORD, and his wife was disgusted with his worship.   Wow.  At times our spouse may be too critical of us, but to criticize our worship is cruel.   So far David is having a hard time bringing back the Ark of God, and in this Ark is where the presence of God resides.   Sometimes when you go after the presence of God there are tragedies that take place, there are family members that don't like it, there are obstacles to face.   This is happening in such a way that there were both good things and hard circumstances that were happening and all they were trying to accomplish was the will of God.

But what does David decide to do?  Did he decide to get gripe about the challenges, the death, the criticisms of his wife?   No.  He sings a song to the Lord.    A song about seeking the Lord and his strength.   To seek his face continually.    That he will remember his WONDERFUL of brooding over the things that went wrong and the criticisms, he decided to REMEMBER his wonderful deeds!    And to MARVEL at his judgments.    David had seen both wonderful deeds from the Lord, and the judgments as well, and he chose to praise the Lord and to seek his face instead of pouting about the things that had went wrong.

Hear me today child of God!  It is time to stop pouting and whining over all that has went wrong, and it is time to get up and praise the LORD for the good things he has done!    David's life wasn't without challenge.  My life hasn't been without challenge, and I am sure yours hasn't either.   Whatever the challenge, turn your heart upon seeking God's strength and his face and remember the good things he has done!  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

He Renews My Soul

Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

This was the reply that Jesus gave when asked,  "What is the greatest of all commandments."

So we see that we can love not only with our heart, but also with our mind and our soul.   And not only love, we can also experience fear, hatred, anger, jealousies and many other things.  We understand the idea that we can experience these things in our hearts and minds, but we seldom think about experiencing these things in our souls.  

Psychologist talk about the subconscious mind, where we hide things and store them away, the subconscious mind in an individual is what the Bible calls our soul.  We hide things and store them in our soul.  This is why we have such a hard time getting over some wounds.   We protect our minds by refusing to think about the things that caused us such pain.   And we cleanse the pain from our heart by burying the wound deep down within our soul, or what the psychologist would call your subconscious.    This is why certain things can happen and it will trigger the pain and the memories that is buried down deep in our soul.

But it is your time to be healed, where?  Down in your soul, in those deepest recesses of your being.  How does God heal our soul?

Psalms 116:7  Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.

When our soul is wounded one of the things we lose is our rest.   When our soul is renewed by God, it enters into his rest.   When we cannot rest it is a sign that our soul needs healing and often the wounds are hidden so deep we don't even realize why we are so restless.  Often the wounds were buried in our soul when we were very young, and we don't even realize why we can never rest.

How do we rest?  It takes FAITH to rest.  Faith in God.  There are some wounds in your soul that only faith can heal.   Faith allows us to enter into God's rest, but the enemy tries to bury wounds deep into our souls so that we can never rest.   God wants us to be peaceful, but the enemy wants us to be restless.   Only faith can restore our soul and bring us back to a place of rest.  God can cleanse your soul of restlessness, faith will make the way.

I want to share with you all that God has taught me on restoring the soul.   I have a 3 message series on DVD called It is YOUR time to be healed.    You don't have to live with pain in your heart, mind and soul.  I want to send you these messages.   Here is the link

Monday, September 21, 2015

You Are Important Too!

Jesus told a parable about 3 men that were given talents by their master.    They were not given equal talents, one man was given much more than the other.   In the parable we see that each person was 'judged' by the amount they were given, and not by the amount they had accomplished.

The one given five talents went out and gained five more.  The one with two talents went out and gained two more.  But the one that had received only one talent hid his talent and did not use it, and gained nothing from it.     Let's look at this man today and his interaction in the parable with the master because God is wanting us to learn a lesson here in this parable. 

Matthew 25:24 Then the one who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Sir, I knew that you were a hard man, harvesting where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed, 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered, ‘Evil and lazy slave! So you knew that I harvest where I didn’t sow and gather where I didn’t scatter? 27 Then you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received my money back with interest! 28 Therefore take the talent from him and give it to the one who has ten. 29 For the one who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough. But the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 30 And throw that worthless slave into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth’”

1.  He said his master was a hard man.    Be careful that you do not think that what God is asking of you in life is too hard.  God has not been hard on us in that He gives us grace in all that we do.   Yes, he does expect us to move forward, to advance, to gain more, but He also gives us more grace.   How many people do not do the will of God because they think that they cannot do what God ask because someone else could do better, as if what God is asking is 'too hard.'    Don't accuse God of making living for Him too hard.  

2.  He accused God of getting a profit without sowing.   That is a curious thing to say.  How much has God sown into our lives?  How much has He given His life for us?  How often does He give to us when we asked him in prayer?   God has sown into our lives so much more than what He has ever asked from us.  In other words he was saying, "God does nothing for us and expects something from us." 

3.  He said he was afraid so He hid the talent the master gave to him in the ground.   How often do we refuse to do God's will because we are afraid we will fail?   How often do we take what God has given us and bury it in the world?  We cannot allow fear or worldly involvement to keep us from doing the will of God. 

4.  He wanted to give back to the master what the master gave to him without ever using it to the glory of the master.  People do this all the time.  They fail to use the things that God has given them to further the Kingdom of God, they just sit on those talents and gifts and think nothing that it is dormant in their lives.  They have no idea they will give account for everything that God gave to them and it is NOT OK to just not use what God gave to you.

What happened to this man?  He was the only one the master scolded and rejected.   The man with five talents doubled his talents.   The man with two talents doubled his talents.  Both of these men got the same words of reward, and approval.  But the man who hid his talent and didn't use it was scolded and rejected by the master.   It is not OK to not use the gifts that God has given to you in life.   Are you afraid of failing?  Of not doing well?   Do you think your one little thing you got isn't really important, so, nobody will care if you don't use it?   These are the things we tell ourselves instead of doing God's will, but unless we use our gifts God will not be pleased.

In the end God took the one gift he gave to the lazy servant and gave it to the one who had five.  We get so jealous because some people seem to have it all, and then they get more, but have you ever stopped to think it is because they use what they have and make the most of it?

Are you in a small town, doing a small thing, in a small community, a small church, a small business.  Maybe there is only ONE thing you can do, because what you have or where you live is so small...get up and do that one thing, because that one thing you can do is more important than you know!  Would you like to be a part of God's prayer army?  click here

Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Great Awakening!

Are we headed for a Third Great Awakening?   Well, if the church will live like the church is asked to live we would already be in a great awakening!    I'm sure you have heard people say something like, "WE are going to have a bigger tragedy than we have had before, and this could lead to our third great awakening!"  NOT likely!

Tragedy does not produce national revival.   Only hunger for God will bring us to a place of a third great awakening!    When are we as a church going to 'wake up' and realize that national tragedies only harden people's heart towards God.

I hear people say over and over again, "Well, another big tragedy, worse than our previous tragedies will strike and then people will finally come to God and we will have an awakening."

While this may 'sound religious' it is not based in Bible or in experience,  Both the Bible and the past show us that judgment hardens men's heart, it does not soften them.

  All the plagues of Egypt did not turn Egypt or the heart of Pharaoh to obedience to God.   The more the plagues hit, the harder the hearts became towards God.   Even when they lost their first born to the plagues, still later they turned in anger and ran after the Israel to destroy them at the red sea, but God once again intervened.

In 2001 the twin towers were hit and several thousand people died, and this did not bring America into an awakening.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the coastline, the whole city of New Orleans under water, but this too did not bring about repentance or an national awakening.

In 2012 100 people died in Hurricane Sandy, and yet, we still have not repented as a nation.

Not to mention the Joplin tornado, the Oklahoma bombing, school shootings, increase in violence and drugs and the other tragedies that have happened since 1900.   Do a search on the 10 worst natural tragedies in American history and 8 out of 10 have been since 1900, and even more tragic  4 out of 10 have been in the past 30 years.   We are a generation that has been hit with more tragedies than any other generation in American history, yet instead of growing closer to God, the American public and our government are getting more and more hardened to Christianity and to Christ.

I just shake my head when I see head lines that say, "Big financial crisis coming, could this lead to our third great awakening?"  No. it won't, when are we going to learn that

If a child is being disciplined for bad behavior, does it give them 'goose bump' feelings for the one handing out the discipline!   It often turns them against the one handing out the discipline. It is the goodness of God that precedes an awakening, not judgments.  Awakenings ride on the wave of God's mercy and grace!   Romans 2:4 Or despise you the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

I have been saying since July that we should not set a date for God's judgment and that God is giving us grace right now, so that we can raise up an army that will go into the highways and the byways person to person to share the gospel.  To learn more about this:

   I do  not believe September is going to hold judgment events from the blood moons, the Jewish seven year cycle, from asteroids, or shock waves because I feel that God is speaking to us a season of grace where his judgments are being withheld.   I have been saying this since July

What does the Bible say?   Does it say that Judgments lead to repentance?  NO.  It says that it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance.     What does judgments do?  Judgments harden the heart!

We can sit comfortably in our pews and talk about Jewish feast, plagues, earthquakes, and prediction theories of God's wrath all we want to and it will not turn a nation to God.  When men and women get off their high horses of knowledge and theories and begin to love people by going to their neighbors and their community with prayer, healing, and compassion we will see a third great awakening.   When we stop speculating about God's timeline and we begin to  bombard heaven with prayers on behalf of the lost and dying then we will see a third great awakening.   Those that are lost are not in any way impressed by our so-called knowledge and theories of how and when and why God will destroy this earth.  We have become a laughing stock to the nations with our self-imposed theories of destruction because with each new failed prediction we make ourselves of non-effect.

While we should warn of judgments, we make a fatal error when we set dates to these judgments.   This is what Jonah did, and when the city was not destroyed within 40 days as he predicted he was angry with God.   Jonah did not take into account the grace of God which can extend mercy and delay judgments, and this caused his prophecy to fail.  Eventually Nineveh was overthrown, but it was long after Jonah was dead and buried.   Just when we think we got it figured out and we try to put God in a 'time box' God proves to us that you can't put him in a box, for He is God!   Had Jonah not set a date, his prophecy would not have failed!  And this is what we are seeing from many prophets today.    Judgments will not bring revival, only God's grace can do that.

Revelation 9:20 20The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; 21and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.

What will bring the third great awakening?    Only when people see in us something that makes them hunger for God.   When we stretch out our hands of love.  When we feed the hungry, heal the sick, open our homes to the afflicted, when we live the truth we are preaching, then with a hunger will our light break forth like the noon day.   And our healing will come quickly.

Isaiah 58:7-9 7"Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry And bring the homeless poor into the house; When you see the naked, to cover him; And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?8"Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will speedily spring forth; And your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. 9"Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; You will cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.' If you remove the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness

The point is this.  Judgments have never brought anything but destruction.   Don't be so eager for God to judge us as a nation.  His judgments will only harden people's hearts further, his judgments will not proceed revival, only when people are hungry for God because of the faith they see in us will we see a revival come to our nation!  

We must do the works of God, live in the love of the gospel, walk in faith, heal the hurting, keep the faith.  If we would live what we preach, revival would break out and the sinners would stop calling the church, 'hypocrites'

1 Peter 4:17 
7For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 

And remember if we want to SHOUT OUT the time of God's judgment, judgment begins in the HOUSE of GOD, so brace yourself.   If we would do the works of God without hypocrisy  we would see an awakening instead!  It's time to stop pointing the finger and passing out blame church and it is time to get up and DO the works of God!
Would you like to join God's prayer army?  Click the link below.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How Can I Move Forward In Life?

The law of inertia is a powerful force that God put into effect to help us move forward in life.   When the law of inertia is working for you, it will cause you to prosper.    What is the law of inertia?

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force"

Our life gets out of balance when those things that should be resting are 

running full speed open, and those things that should be moving are stuck and 


It is my experience that many people in life are out of balance in this way.  

A lot of what Jesus taught us was about keeping our lives in balance.   What does excess 

worry do?   Excess worry throws our life out of balance!   What does excess fear do?  

Excess fear throws our life out of balance.   In fact, gluttony, bitterness, jealousy, anger all of

these things in excess can throw our lives out of balance.   What happens when a tire is out 

of balance?   You go down the road bounce, bounce, bounce.  The faster you go the more it

beats you to death.   Life is this way too.   What happens when your life is out of balance 

and then you get busy and try to pick up speed in life and get things done?   It absolutely 

beats  you and exhaustion and fatigue take over your life.    Do you see the law of inertia

above?   An UNBALANCED force can take things that are in motion, and slow them to a 

stop!    I believe that one of the problems that many people face in life is that their life is

completely out of balance, and they are trying to move forward and get out from under some

negative set backs, but the law of inertia won't allow them to get very far with their life  so 

out of balance.   It is like a washing machine that is loaded wrong,  that thing beats and 

bangs, and as long as it is unbalanced it misses it's purpose because it can't get the clothes

cleaned properly with an unbalanced load.    That is where I see most people are today.  

They are trying so hard to move forward in life, but it is just so impossible because they

have got an unbalanced load!    

This is why I wrote the KICK it program.    This is a six month life coaching program where 

I walk with you daily to help you get your life back into balance once again.   You either have to add weight or lose weight to balance something out.   MOST people have things they need to kick out of their life.  God wants you to find that proper balance so that the things life that should be resting will be resting, and those things that should be moving are moving!

Here is the link to sign up for the KICK IT program.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

It's Time for Your Wounds to Heal!

The enemy would like for us to go through our lives crippled.    Whatever you are facing in life, it is time for your wounds to heal.    The enemy is throwing his fiery darts, but you can overcome the pain that he inflicts.    The wound of loss, the wound of regret and abuse, the wound of rejection and failures it's time for you to be healed and to overcome the pain.  We have to know that there is a reason for pain,  Pain is meant to protect us.   In our physical bodies God designed our nervous systems with pain receptors so that we would know to stay away from things that cause pain such as a hot stove, or a sharp object.   Pain is also meant to make us aware that we have an injury.  Injuries cure better when we slow down, and give our bodies time to mend.   All of this applies to the wounds of our soul as well.   Pain is meant to help us know when to stay away from some things, and to help us to slow down and take some time to mend.

There is too much on this teaching of overcoming our pains, and healing the wounds for me to write into a devotional post.    I would like to send you three messages on DVD that will help you move past the pain and find the healing that will set you free.    You have carried pain and hurt for too long.  I want to teach you how to overcome the pain, it's time for your wounds to heal.   Below is a link where you can sign up to receive these messages!

click here to get a copy of my messages, It's Time For Your Wounds To Heal

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Truth.

Why do people get mad when they hear the truth?

1.  They don't want to change, because truth requires change.
2.  They don't want to admit they are wrong
3.  They do not have a love for the truth
4.  They base their life on doing what others are doing
5.  They do not believe that truth is absolute.

Jesus said the truth would set us free, and because so many reject the truth, there are so many people in bondage today.  Both inside and outside the church, bondage is everywhere.    Truth is like medicine.  It heals, but people don't like to take their medicine, it seldom taste of feels good.   And it goes both ways.  Sometimes the truth shows you how dark your life is, and at other times it tells you not to be so hard on yourself.

For instance, the truth might expose the gossip in the heart of the people.   But on the other hand the truth may tell you that your life is of value and you can't seem to believe it, so you refuse to believe that there is value inside of you.

For whatever reason that we reject the truth, rejecting it is not wise.  The truth is like a big horse pill, it is hard to swallow, but once  you do, it bring freedom, life, healing, peace, liberation.

John 8: 31Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; 32And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how say you, You shall be made free?

34Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin. 35And the servant stays not in the house for ever: but the Son stays ever. 36If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. 37I know that you are Abraham's seed; but you seek to kill me, because my word has no place in you. 38I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and you do that which you have seen with your father.

39They answered and said to him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham. 40But now you seek to kill me, a man that has told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Don't Get Wrapped Up In Judgment Date Setting Theories!

On June 8, 2015  three weeks before the judicial ruling legalizing marriage I wrote a blog on what I saw coming ahead.  In the blog I talk about perversion taking over, conservatives over reacting to the point that we look hypocritical, and a mass exodus of the church following the after math within the next couple of decades.   Here is a link to that blog called:  What Is Happening with all the moral decline?

Also, this is a warning!   All of those that are telling people that bad, bad, bad things are going to happen in September are RUINING their witness to their family and friends.  Why?  Because God is going to delay His judgment for at least another decade upon America.   And here we have the supreme courts legalizing same sex marriage, and then people in the church going crazy saying God is going to strike us putting a certain date on it so they can PROVE YOU WRONG when it DON'T happen, and then they are going to mock saying, "Where is the promise of His anger towards us?'  There has been judgment in September.  It won't matter that it happens a few months later, or a decade later.  Why?  Because they are stating a specific month for it to take place and those who don't want to believe are going to use that to further mock and exploit our faith because it didn't take place in September.   Here is a blog I wrote outlining that God is delaying judgment and pouring out mercy right now, giving us some more time to share the love of God with people face to face, door to door, community to community.   It's not the end, but a new beginning of hope for the church right now.  A time to pray for people who are bound in their fear and sin.

The Bible plainly says that in the end times people are going to say, "Where is the promise of His coming?"   This is happening right before our eyes.   Nearly every September people start saying so many reasons why Jesus is coming, or so many reasons why God is going to end us.  This has been going on in increasing measure for at least two decades that every September people start this stuff.  It's time we start listening to God instead of every new mathematical theory and astrological theory that comes down the pike.   Yes, the wise men did follow a star to find the Baby Jesus, but look at it this way.  Imagine the news of this star spreading through Jerusalem, they may have known a the Messiah was born because of the star, but they STILL would have rejected JESUS as being a possible candidate of that prophecy.  Why?  Because their hearts were too hard on their OWN ideas and religion to see what God was doing right before their eyes.  

Yes, we are grieving God with our sins in America and around the world.  Is God giving us our last warning?  NO.  But since so many people have implied that He is, the world will mock us in October.  It will be just another reason for friends and family of Christians to despise the faith that we hold so dear to our heart.

Since there is so much sin and wickedness why would God speak to my heart and tell me that judgment is going to delay for a season?      It is because God is giving us a chance to raise up people in every community and every neighborhood and around the world that will pray around the clock, and not only that but to go out door to door offering prayer and ministry to people.  When we go to people's home not promoting a church, but instead offering prayer and ministry so many people open up their heart and receive from God.  We have groups going door to door sharing in several cities in America and in other parts of the world.   There is still a harvest out there, but we must go out into the fields and harvest it home to home, house to house, street by street.  The harvest doesn't come to you, the farmer goes out to it!   If you would like  more information on how to start a street witnessing program in your community here is the link to find out more.

Friday, September 4, 2015

God's Watchman, A Powerful Remnant!

God has always had a remnant, and he does have one today, that is why I have hope.  I heard the Lord saying, "I have a remnant"   Though I believe the Lord is with us, I know that we are seeing our freedoms slipping here in Kentucky.   We are seeing the government here in Kentucky begin to restrict religious freedoms.   We had a problem in which the state put a culvert in for us at the church about four years ago, so we asked them to come back and maintain the work they had done.  We were told the state is no longer doing any work past the shoulder of the road when it comes to churches because of the separation of church and state.    Four years ago they put the culvert in for us with no charge and no separation of church and state, but now that has changed in Kentucky.  We were told that  now the state no longer maintains culverts for churches.   And in one of  our correction facilities in Bowling Green, KY  all ministers going in had to sign a statement that they would not say that homosexuality is wrong, or that it was a problem.  Those who would not sign were not allowed to go in to minister.   And a county clerk here in Kentucky was put in jail yesterday for standing up for her religious rights.    Yes, there is a problem, and our freedoms are being taken away and many are just now waking up to realize what is happening.  But, do not lose all hope.  I heard the Lord speak to me this morning about a remnant, those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth and are willing to rise up and be a personal witness to this generation, not of the judgment of God, but of HIS GOODNESS and willingness to save.  He is still willing to save, heal and deliver.  He has not given up on us yet.

The church is starting to wake up now to a realization of how far we have fallen as a nation, and how much this world has given over to violence and perversion because they have not served God but rather our own appetites.

But I have hope today of a new breed of christian that will rise up and begin offering to pray with people face to face, door to door, neighbor to neighbor.  God did not intend for us to stay in the upper room always seeking more, more and more.    He expects us to come out of the upper room and go out to the streets and be a witness.    How many of the people in our neighborhood will testify against us on the day of judgment that no one came to them and offered them life, hope or a prayer.   Are we feeding the hungry?  Visiting the Shut Ins?  Clothing the naked?  Offering refuge to the homeless?  Praying for the Sick?    Why do we sit home glued to christian TV, wanting more and more, or glued to CNN wanting to hear more and more when there is a whole world lost and dying?  Wake up Watchman,   Rise up Remnant and let your light shine!   Come out of your place of slumber and begin moving out into the streets with healing for the nations!

God has given us a mandate to go out door to door seeking the lost in communities.   You may think that no one wants you to come visit them.  WE have found that many people want you to come and pray for them.   So many people hurting.  So many people lost.  So many people ruined, and they need hope.  We can help you, and assist you, teach you how to be a witness door to door in your community.  If you have tried this thing before without much luck, then let us help you and show you how to do this where it is powerful and effective.

Someone may say, "It don't do no good, people won't listen."   I am here to tell you that we were not asked to save people, but to be a witness to them.  Even if everyone you visited turned down prayer, and discipleship materials still you were a witness to them

God has made us a watchman?   Will you join us in being a witness to this generation.  By next generation our freedom to go door to door witnessing may be GONE.  It may be our last opportunity!

Ezekiel 3:18When I say unto the wicked, You shall surely die; and you give him not warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand.
19Yet if you warn the wicked, and he turns not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.
20Again, When a righteous man turns from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at your hand.
21Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man, that the righteous sins not, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also you have delivered your soul.

Below is a link that will take you to a page where you can get more information about setting up around the clock prayer (as we do this too) and witnessing door to door in your community.   It only takes two people to get started.  God isn't looking for a big mega-crowd, just a few faithful watchmen, a remnant to stand in the gap.   On this link you will see our prophetic Word for September which outlines this vision  in more detail and a place to sign up to receive more information.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

It's NOT TO LATE! God is still Interested In SAVING AMERICA! Or JAMAICA, or whatever part of the World you LIVE IN! Click here to learn more about it!

Are we headed for an economic downfall?   We are most certainly headed for a stock market correction.   All through out history the stock market has corrected itself periodically, usually every 18 months.   Until August of 2015 it had been four years since we had a stock market correction, so we are due a pretty big one, it is just part of the nature of that business.

My concerns are more on Europe, Asia, the eastern part of the world.  Russia, China, the EU.  I had a       prophetic dream in which I saw these nations go through an economic crisis and they were under water so to speak economically and then America fell.   I know that many are saying that America will fall first, but this is not what I believe is going to happen.  I believe that the east and Europe will fall first.

What could be more important that an Economic downfall?   When all else fails, God is in our midst, so, if God is for us who can be against us.   But what if we have lost the favor of God?  How can that happen?   It can happen when people decide not to live their lives for His Will.  

God spoke to Abraham and said He would give Sodom and Gomorrah mercy if they could find even 10 righteous men within the city.   I believe the same mandate is true today.  I believe God is asking me to lead people out into their communities to go door to door, house to house, person to person, face to face, to offer prayer, discipleship materials, and to give them a chance to respond to God's offer of mercy and forgiveness.    Would God delay judgment as we go through the cities of the world to find those that are righteous before Him and challenge them to pray and seek God's face?   Yes.  I believe He has and He will, especially now, in the time of the YEAR of JUBILEE.    We have an opportunity to rise up, over the next decade and pray, visit, and share the gospel, the time is now church rise UP.   If you want to know more about this, or want to get involved here is a link with more information and a way to contact us.  God bless!