" An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force"
Our life gets out of balance when those things that should be resting are
running full speed open, and those things that should be moving are stuck and
A lot of what Jesus taught us was about keeping our lives in balance. What does excess
worry do? Excess worry throws our life out of balance! What does excess fear do?
Excess fear throws our life out of balance. In fact, gluttony, bitterness, jealousy, anger all of
these things in excess can throw our lives out of balance. What happens when a tire is out
of balance? You go down the road bounce, bounce, bounce. The faster you go the more it
beats you to death. Life is this way too. What happens when your life is out of balance
and then you get busy and try to pick up speed in life and get things done? It absolutely
beats you and exhaustion and fatigue take over your life. Do you see the law of inertia
above? An UNBALANCED force can take things that are in motion, and slow them to a
stop! I believe that one of the problems that many people face in life is that their life is
completely out of balance, and they are trying to move forward and get out from under some
negative set backs, but the law of inertia won't allow them to get very far with their life so
out of balance. It is like a washing machine that is loaded wrong, that thing beats and
bangs, and as long as it is unbalanced it misses it's purpose because it can't get the clothes
cleaned properly with an unbalanced load. That is where I see most people are today.
They are trying so hard to move forward in life, but it is just so impossible because they
have got an unbalanced load!
This is why I wrote the KICK it program. This is a six month life coaching program where
I walk with you daily to help you get your life back into balance once again. You either have to add weight or lose weight to balance something out. MOST people have things they need to kick out of their life. God wants you to find that proper balance so that the things life that should be resting will be resting, and those things that should be moving are moving!
Here is the link to sign up for the KICK IT program.
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