I see planes exploding in the sky, war, bombs, explosions. But just under all of this warfare, is a net, that is not letting it come down. I hear the Lord saying, "I am holding back destruction for a season. Many prophets have said, "it is coming destruction is coming for we have forsaken the Lord our God." But, for a season I am with holding my destruction says the Lord, but it will come in due season if my people do not repent, and seek my face, and turn to me with their whole hearts.
I also hear the Lord saying, "It is a new day" Whatever you thought was 'normal' or the way things were, it is a new day. The old ways and the old things have passed, so don't look to the past, or to the way things used to be. Move forward says the Lord and meet the challeges of today. Learn to shine like a beacon in the night to a lost and dieing world, and go forth as my witnesses. The old things have passed and it is a new day, learn to shine in this day and bring glory to my name says the Lord.
The Lord says, I called some to be Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelist but there is a new breed that has risen up that have called themselves 'blessed' and they are nothing more than swindlers. They will say and do anything to make another buck, and turn another dollar. They say they are blessed of me, but they will persish with their money. They will NO longer prosper in this new day but each one will be exposed.
The Lord says, Many of you have said to me, "Are we on the march to armageddon? But I say unto you this world has always been on the march to Armageddon.
The Lord showed me the earth, and it actually wobbled on it's foundation, and afterward, there were earthquakes, and other tragedies upon the earth. I said, "Lord, what has just happened?" He replied "the earth will shake and tremble at my presence, tell my people to get ready, for I am coming back in power and glory"
Also, any of you that have followed us for a while may remember that just before the Supreme Court leaglized homosexuality, I prophesied that homosexuality would be legalized and then the churches would begin to over react and it would turn the tide of America against the churches in which we would be called haters and bigots. I still see this up ahead for us in an even greater degree than what is already happening. Don't forget that the weapons of our warfare are mighty, spiritual weapons, that all we need to do to see the tide turned is to preach the truth, and humble ourselves through repentance and prayer. Whatever we do to turn the tide of the battle that is not SPIRITUAL thing is just playing right into the enemies plan.
I hear the Lord saying, "Fear not little flock, for I am with you to uphold you and strengthen you. I will increase my power, my favor, my blessings and my provisions on all who will stand up in the POWER OF MY SPIRIT and be a witness to me. You will do signs, wonders and miracles, and preach the truth IN LOVE as a testimony to my name. You will go forth in power. Do not allow the things of this world to distract you for I have an awakening for America. Not all will see it, but those who rise up in my glory and power will go forth and shake the nations with my glory!
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