Prophetic Word for June 2016
May was a month of healings, purgings, restorations, cleasnings. Issues that some have carried for a very long time God began a work of removing these things from lives and bringing about restoration and renewal. If you have had a problem in your life for a very long time and you want help being rid of that issue contact me at the link below... God is going to help you.
God is still doing some restoration, healing and purging, so it's not too late to get on board! Contact me, I want to talk with you about bringing your life to a place of restoration so that you can complete the call that God has placed on your life.
June is going to be a month of visitation! God is giving out new anointings, new revelations, new visitations, new visions. I hear God saying, "Behold, I make all things NEW! Some of the stagnation that you have faced is going to be broken off of your life this month and God is giving out new direction.
I hear the Lord saying, "Break Up Your Fallow Ground!" This is a month also of specific prayer and fasting. Specific as in 'FOR A PURPOSE' Spend as many hours each day that you can seeking God. The prayers you sew in tears today is going to spring up into harvest in your life this fall around September, October, November. What is fallow ground? Fallow ground is unplowed ground. Nothing can grow deep in fallow ground, it's hard unyeilding ground. Prayer is the key to plowing the unfallowed ground of your heart, this allows the SEEDS OF THE WORD OF GOD to go deeper into your life. It is going to spring up into greater revelation, greater vision, greater manifestation of God's Word in your life.
The past few years the vision and plans that God has given, and the promises of God have been DELAYED, DELAYED DELAYED! I hear the Lord saying, "No more DELAYS!" Think back about the promises of God that have been spoken over your life and begin to seek God for his plan to bring those things into your life. If you are not planning for God's Word to come to pass in your life, than you are not making room for the promise! Adam sewed together fig leaves. Abel offered up a better sacrifice. Enoch walked with God. Noah built a boat. Abraham made a journey. Moses faced his past. Joshua marched and conquered. God's promises always comes with an action REQUIRED on your part. Do not sit by and be passive and miss the mark. This is the time right now in this season to open your ears to hear instruction. Some of those decisions you KNOW you have had to make and you been putting it off, NOW is the time to move! Sell that house! Trade in that car! Start that ministry! Step out into that Calling! If you don't move now you are going to risk losing the momentum of this season. Because we are in a season right now where God is shifting and bringing us from a place of stagnation to a place of moving forward and vitality. Move child of God! Don't miss this season of change!
I hear the word fruitful. Some of you have been in a stagnent place where the fruit was at best rotten and not fresh. This is the month to move into a place of fruitfulness. Fresh season, fresh fruit, fresh word, fresh bread. Don't settle for yesterdays crumbs any more. Seek God and ask him to do something fresh in your life.
The economy is going to bounce along this month about the same as last month. A few ups and downs, but I don't believe we will see anything major happen to the economy of the USA this month.
The Lord is showing me a map of the USA and it has a couple of needles in it and the Lord is saying that drugs have become a major problem for this nation. God is raising up men and woman of the church to minister to people who are on drugs, to help them be delivered. But not only delivered from drugs but to help them overcome the under lying issues such as: abuse, panic, fears, depressions and lack of purpose. For some of you, this month pray and ask God to begin to move you the direction you need to help these people recover. God is going to use you in this.
Also I am seeing these catastophes up ahead:
I'm seeing some kind of problem in the airline industry too. Problems with air planes, and riding in air planes. So be on your guard and pray for this industry this month. What I am seeing is two air planes exploding. If God's people would be aware and pray we could avoid these kind of catastrophes.
Also seeing some tornados coming up through the mid-western states, up around and through the Missippi river areas. I am seeing some F3 and F4 tornadoes. So once again, we are going to need to pray to avert these dangers.
I see a major fire breaking out somewhere too, cannot tell you what part of the world, but a few dozen people at least injured in this. I believe it is in Nevada. People of God let's pray against these things so it will not come to pass.
Sometimes I see catastophes and they happen soon and other times it takes a while before they come to pass, but if we will pray God will listen.
Also, the Lord is showing me that there is an organized syndicate overseas, with people spread out through several nations overseas and they are organized, not individuals, but an organized group of people, that what they do is find ways to scam Americans. I hear the Lord saying, "they want to squeeze the wealth out of us and make it thier own" They are plotting night and day on how to take the wealth of the average American. They are using our greed against us, our materialism against us, our fears against us. ISIS is NOT our only enemy against us, this is a hidden enemy but is just as deadly. We need to ban together and pray that God would expose these people and break up their schemes and foil their plans.
Once again, JUNE is a month of visitation. So prepare for God to visit both the righteous and the unrighteous. Make it your goal to witness to one person each day the month of June because God is going to be visiting the sinners this month and drawing them to himself. This will make this month a month of harvest if you will go to the fields and reach the lost. What God is doing this month is postioning HIS body for a turn around! So move this month! That thing you been putting off, GET UP AND MOVE. Let God position you for a turn around, and you will find that when you get up and move, God is moving with YOU.
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