
Monday, November 16, 2015

The Steps To Overcoming Your Fears

For several day we have been talking about the things that can block the flow of God in our lives.    This is so important because healing comes from this flow.   Prosperity comes from this flow.   Blessings come from this flow.  Joy, peace, life, patience...all that we need from God comes from the flow of God that resides in us through the Holy Spirit.   Jesus said rivers of living water would flow from the person that believes upon him, but we have to make sure that nothing can block that flow.  I have identified seven things that will try to stop up the flow of God in your life and hinder his promises.    We have studied 5 of them.  They were...

1. Guilt and shame.   We must learn to forgive ourselves
2.  Condemnation.  We must let go of our past mistakes and realize that God loves us and has forgiven us too.
3.  A Lack of Love.  Hurts and painful experiences can make us withhold our selves from reaching out to                 others in love.   Love can hurt, but if we do not love, than God cannot flow through our lives.
4.  Illusions and lies.  The worse kind of lie is the lies that we  tell ourselves
5.  Aggravations and frustrations that steal our joy and peace.

Who you handle these five things will determine your attitude in life.   A bad attitude will keep you in darkness even if you know Jesus as you Savior.   When we come to Christ and we trust Him and obey His Word it will being light into our lives.  Joy, peace, security, trust.    But, when we allow things that shouldn't be in our lives to drive our lives we are blocking the flow of God from manefesting in us.  This keep us in bondage and in darkness as well.  

The last two things are the most important things.   They are overcoming our fears, and letting go of this world.   Today we are going to talk about overcoming our fears.

Look at the first five things we talked about primarily our fears come from these things.  We feel fear because of our past and it brings condmnation and guilt.    We fear we are not loved, or appreciated and we hide behind walls of suspicion.   We lie to ourselves and create illusions where we do not see our need to repent and then our bad actions come back to haunt us and we think we are receiving bad things that we don't deserve.    It makes us feel like a victim in which we have no control, as if we do good, but only bad comes to us in return.    This makes fear rage out of control in our lives.   We become aggrivated and frustrated that things and people are not what we want them to be, and we fear we will never find what we are looking for in life.    FEAR hides behind all of these things.  Other sources of fear come when we don't have enough to live on, and we aren't sure what we are going to do.   Or fear that the worse will happen instead of the best.  

Fear precedes tragedy, follows tragedy and is found in the middle of tragedy.  So fear is past, present and future and in some people it controls everything they think and do. 

Here are some steps to overcoming fear
1.  You must face your fears.  Hiding from them only makes them grow larger.
2.  Never act of fear, always act on faith.   Someone may say, "What about fear of God?"   Better to act on your faith in God than on  your fear of Him!     The fear of God is just the beginning of widsom, so we need to grow up in our relationship with God and act on faith in him which is much better than acting on fear of him.   Here is an example of that:   God is always offering reward for obedience and punishment for disobedience.   It would be the same as you saying, "Clean your room and we will go to McDonald's, but if you don't clean it, you are getting grounded."  Acting on faith is when you clean the room because you are confident of the reward.   Acting on fear would be cleaning the room because  you don't want grounded.   Don't allow punishment to rule your life always being afraid that God will strike you.  Keep  your eyes on his rewards and act in faith and your relationship with God will be a much more postive and rewarding experience.  
3.  Don't base you decisions on fear.   People are afraid to give, afraid to love.  afraid to move. afraid to climb. afraid to trust God and take him at his Word.   Come on now, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of Love, peace and a sound mind!  
4.  Keep your heart and mind on the good things, and don't think about the bad.   Whatsoever things are good, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever ever things are of a good report...Think on these things!
5.  Let faith arise in your heart.   TRUST in God and having enough faith to OBEY HIS WORD are the things that will allow you to overcome fears.l

And remember that fear can also be a spirit.    And spirits of fear must be broken off your life.  

Let's pray.   IN the name of Jesus I bind and break that spirit of fear off of your life.  Lift off of them now in Jesus name.   Every anxiety, stress and fearful spirit will leave you NOW in Jesus name.  I pray the peace and faith of God to rise up in your heart and life right now, today, in Jesus name.  amen.  

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