
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Six Things that Will Help You Avoid the Ptifalls of Life

I have spent  my whole life doing what I "should do"    We all have times when what we should do is not the easiest course of action, at times it is so much easier to just "go with the flow" of society.    I have come into many blessings and avoided many pitfalls simply because I did what was right, and what was expected.   I know today there are many struggling with doing what is right.   Doing the right thing doesn't always feel good, and it doesn't always come easy, but in the end it is always worth it.   You will never know the pitfalls and the tragedies that you save yourself from when you do what you know is right instead of doing what comes easy.

Here are some things I have learned over the past 30 years of doing what was right.

1.  When what you want conflicts with what is the best course of action, and the wisest course of action it will feel like you are dieing to go ahead and do what is right.

Here are a couple of examples:
Like when you know you need to leave a relationship, but you really don't want to...
or, when you know you need to stop doing something but it is hard to put down,  or when you know you should stay, but you really want to leave...

To do what is right even when it conflicts with what IS THE EASIEST thing to do is one of the hardest things you will ever do in life.   Most people will only do what is right if it is also the easiest course of action for their lives.  Sometimes we even deceive ourselves and pretend that the things that are bad for us are REALLY what is best for us - just because we want them so bad.   Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.    
The only way to overcome the desires of the flesh is to crucify them, and that never feels good.   The Apostle Paul said, "I die daily."   I have lived this way for over 30 years and it has saved me from myself, keeping me from making costly mistakes in life.  

2.  If you stay on course with doing what is right even when you would rather do what is easiest in time you will find a greater peace and happiness with that decision.

A good example of that is like when a child is told to clean their room.  That is not what they want to do in that moment at all.  But, if they do clean their room they will be in line to get an ice cream later.  But, they will get disciplined and miss the ice cream if they fail to clean the room.    While this is a simple example it still applies when we reach adulthood it just manefest in a different form.  There are so many people that go through life "missing their ice cream" and getting some sort of restriction instead all because they didn't do what they should, or because they did things they should have never done at all.  Hebrews 12:11  Now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them who are trained by it.   The hardest form of discipline is self-discipline, it can seem harsh at first, but in the end the rewards are great.

3.  If you overcome your desire to do the wrong thing, in time that desire will return and you will have to face it and overcome it all over again.

No matter how many times you "lick" a habit and put it out of your life, in time temptation for that very habit will return and you will have to "lick it" all over again.    Life is a fight.  Paul said, "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, and now there is laid up for me a treasure in heaven..."  If you don't fight your bad habits, you will have to fight the BAD CIRCUMSTANCES those bad habits bring to you, so either way you are in a fight.   When you fight your bad habits and WIN this will allow you to stay IN CONTROL of your life.   When you allow your bad habits to take control of your life than the CIRCUMSTANCES of those bad habits will be in control of your life.

4.  If you chose to do the "right thing" people will pressure you to do what you know is wrong and sometimes they will get mad at you for standing your ground.

Most people in the world do what they want to do instead of what is the "right thing" to do.  Most people do not live their lives by a moral compass, but instead just follow whatever their own heart and desires lead them.  People around you will feel convicted if your follow convictions instead of just doing "whatever" and this makes them uncomfortable and can lead to persecution.   Galatians 1:10 For do I now seek the favor of men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

5.  Greater blessings and prosperity will come to you as you continue to make wise choices, your life will be taken to a good place, filled with good things, but it will be a struggle at times.

In the end we will all reap what we sew.  If you make wise choices, you will stay in control of  your life.   If you make poor choices you will eventually find that your circumstances are so bad that you are greatly hindered in life and don't have many options left.   You either pay now or pay later, but everyone pays.  If you want good things it will cost you something.   Making wise choices require you to put away what you "really want" to do at times, but in the end you can reap big rewards for your obedience.

6.  It takes great faith to do the "right thing"  

When you make wise choices  it show you have a greater faith.   When you lay aside the easy path and make better choices it shows that you believe that good things come to those who chose wisely.   It is our faith that redeems our life, and doing what is right must stem out of our faith.

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