We have been talking about our soul, and where our soul places it trust. I cannot express to you today how many people I see in the USA that is placing their trust in money and possessions. For Jesus himself said, "You cannot serve both God and money." Do we take that seriously? Half the stuff that we got bills on, we don't even need. Half the gadgets that we spent our cash on breaks within a few months. Are we walking in wisdom, or are we walking in lust for possessions? I heard an evangelist say something to this effect, "If you have a car that is a hand me down, you are making God look bad because of you being poor." So we think that we have to go out and borrow beyond our means to make ourselves 'LOOK BETTER?' Jesus said this of the Pharisees of his day.
Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness
Here is the truth that we as Americans like to ignore. More than 1/3 of the world lives on less than 2.00 a day. If you have a roof over your head and food on your table you are in the top 20% of the richest people on the planet. When the Bible talks about rich people, count yourself in that number America. You don't believe me that you are rich? Go live in Mexico, or China. Work the jobs that they work for the pay that they get and try to live on it for a while. You will want to be back in the USA very quick. So, as rich people what do we do? We spend all we have, then we borrow and spend some more. Than we declare bankruptcy, play down our debt, and then in a few years borrow and spend some more. And, God is pretty sick of it all. There is a whole world of lost, dying, phobic, depressed, clinically sick, addicted, suicidal people out there, and what do most of our preachers want to talk about, money, prosperity, finances, reaping and sewing in money matters, tithing. Don't get me wrong, all of that is part of the Bible, but when we spend 15 minutes out of a 30 minute program EVERYDAY talking about these things we have brought about our own desires, because we are hungry for more wealth and finances.
God is interested in your heart. God is interested in your mind. God is interested in your health. God is interested in your speech...and he isn't interested in those things so that he can do something as insignificant as prosper you. Someone is thinking, "insignificant." Yes, it is insignificant because it is of this world, which is currently passing away. Hello. You can't take it with you when you die! He is interested in you so that he can fellowship with you. He wants to be more than a banker in the sky regulating your giving and receiving. He wants to know you intimately. There are those in the body of Christ that would have you believe that maturity in Christ means you are wealthy and prosperous and abounding in financial gains with no lack. Jesus is the WEALTH of the gospel. My treasure is that I have him. Yes, he has blessed me financially, with abundance, no lack, every need met...but that isn't what I wanted in life. I wanted to KNOW him and the POWER Of his resurrection and I have chased hard after Jesus all my life. All the blessings and provisions in my life was just what he gave me of his own design. I never sought those things, I sought him first, and his kingdom, and he decided to give me provisions, that was his choice, what he did, not what I desired, cause I only desired God...I just want to know him, to know his peace, to have his presence on my life, to walk with him, and to talk with him. I want HIM, God is my treasure, he is my abundance, he is my wealth, he is my good fortune. You can take this old world, Just give me JESUS!
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