In times of trouble where do you put your trust? In times of plenty where do you put your trust? We know the old song trust and obey, but sometimes we fail to go that far with God. FAITH = Trust and Obey. Faith is supported by action. When faith is inactive it is a dead faith. Where faith is dead, situations are dead. You will not have an active faith, and dead circumstances. why? Because faith always alters circumstances. Is there a mountain in your way? Jesus talked about how to deal with mountains.
Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If you have faith, and doubt not, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done.
Speak to that mountain to get out of your way. How? By faith. When the three Hebrew children refused to bow to the idol that the KING made, they risked their very lives to honor God's commands. Their hope and trust was fixed completely upon God. When Daniel opened up the window to pray to God, he was breaking the KINGS command and he risked his very life to obey God's commands. These men committed all they had to God, so God committed all he had to them.
In counseling with people, by far what I see is that people disobey God's commands, get themselves in a mess, than they want immediate resolve from God. I see many more people who get themselves into a mess by disobeying God instead of people who get into a fix because of their obedience to God. Always the miracle working power of God is working with those who have OBEYED God, not those who have disobeyed. If you have gotten yourself into a messy situation because you have disobeyed God, don't expect an immediate deliverance. The laws of reaping what you sow does not go away because we turn to God and ask him to fix our mess of disobedience. Always when God delivered people who get themselves into a mess because of disobedience repentance was required. Repentance does not mean, "Sorry I got caught and have circumstances." Repentance is a brokenness of heart, that is a true shamefulness regarding sin. When you truly repent of sin, you are determined to serve God if he gets you out of the mess you made or not.
In the good times, God wants us to trust him. In the bad times, God wants us to trust him. When trials come, God wants us to trust him. When we are prosperous, God wants us to trust him. Is he just the God of your troubles, or have you made him your trust no matter what the situation or the circumstance.
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