
Friday, March 6, 2015

When Pressures and Stress Are Overwhelming...Learn More Here

Jacob had an experience with God on more than one occasion.  Do you know that one experience with God is not the limit for  your LIFE!  God desires to fellowship with us, so that we can have an experience with Him in occasions through out our  lives.    On one occasion Jacob was leaving Haran and going back to the land of his birth.   He stayed and camped at a certain place and a host of angels met him there.

Genesis 32:1-3  1And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
2And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.
Jacob had already had one experience with God.  He encountered an angel at Bethel.  Here he wrestled until the angel blessed him. This is not the first time that Jacob has had an experience with God.   Jacob was preparing to meet his brother Esau for the first time in 21 years, and he wasn't sure if he would be welcome.  They did not part on good terms, and his concern was that Esau would try to kill him and his family.   He was under stress and things in his life were changing, it was time for him to have another encounter with God.  Some people quit seeking God after Salvation.  God is more than willing to draw near to us when we draw near to him no matter what trial or stress we are facing.  
There are times in our life when our path is scary.  There are times when anxiety of the days ahead are almost more than we can bare.  Jacob was in that place in his life, but God did not let him face it alone.  He sent his angels to escort Jacob through his trial.  There are those of you today going through one of the worst trials of your life.  You are concerned that your life is being swallowed up by fear, by depression, by the jealousy and hatred of others, by oppression itself.   Jacob was faced with a situation that had a potential deadly outcome and he didn't know what tomorrow would hold, but he knew that tomorrow was in God's hand.

God sent his angels and Jacob saw them, he said, "this is God's host"  
Do you realize you are surrounded by God's host right now?  That he has sent his angels to walk with you, to face tomorrow, to keep you, to protect you, to make your way sure?   
Jacob was taken back by the experience and he named the place Mahanaim which means two host., to two camps  That means he was understanding I AM NOT ALONE!
You need to have Mahanaim revelation in YOUR life!  That knowing and rejoicing that whatever you are facing you are NOT ALONE.   You are not alone in your house, it is the place of Mahanaim, two host, YOU and the angels of God!  You are not alone in your suffering, it is the place of Mahanaim, two host, the angels of God are there with you!  
This word can also be translated,   This is God's camp!
You know Jesus as SAVIOR, but do you know that he is an ever present help in a time of need.  A friend that sticks closer than a brother.  He is with you always even to the ends of the earth.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!   

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