Circumstances can be like a cancer in that they wrap themselves around us and won't let go. But God has the cure for cancer! What circumstances are you facing today? Sometimes our circumstances don't change until our position changes.
Gideon was hiding, threshing out the wheat. He got a revelation from God and that moved him to come OUT OF HIDING and into a public course of action. Even with the angelic revelation that he received had he not changed his position, he would have remained in his circumstances.
Moses was on the back side of the desert tending his Father-in-Laws sheep. He got a revelation from God and that moved him to go back to Egypt and confront Pharaoh. Even with the voice of God that supernaturally came out of a bush that was on fire but was not consumed without a change of position he wouldn't have delivered his people.
Jonah was in the depths of the sea in the belly of a great fish. He got a revelation there that obedience to God wasn't just one option for his life, but was actually a command required by God. He changed his position and agreed to obey God and God brought him up out of the belly of that great fish. His circumstances changed when he changed.
What has God revealed to you? The power of faith? The necessity of thankfulness? The joy of giving? The rewards of serving? We all have a unique gift and revelation from the Father, when you get up and move according to the measure of faith and revelation that God has given you will find that God has moved. Often when act upon the revelation that we have received this is the very thing that will propel us up out of our circumstances and move us towards the best that God has for us in this life.
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