
Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Word From Jesus That Is For Today

When Jesus spoke to the church of Laodicea in the book of Revelation, he was speaking to our generation.  If you need a Word from Jesus this is a Word that is a now word for this generation.   If we can line our lives up with what Jesus said to the Laodiceans in this generation truly nothing would be impossible for us.   The means by which to spread the Gospel around the World is amazing in this age, and more people are being a witness for Christ than ever before yet we are losing ground for Christianity everyday?  Why is this?  It is because a majority of Christian witness and preaching has no power, no passion, and very little truth in it.    What did Jesus say to the church of Laodicea?

Revelation 3:14 ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God:

The first thing we must acknowledge is the Jesus is both faithful and a true witness and that creation is from God.   There are churches, theologians, whole denominations that are challenging this witness.  They will tell you that parts of the Bible is not true.  They will tell you that parts of the Bible are no longer for today.  They will tell you that the  biblical account of creation is not accurate.  Their witness is nothing more than doubt, unbelief and full of error.   A church that does not believe is a church that has fallen into apostasy.

Revelation 3: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,[b] I will vomit you out of My mouth.

Many in the body of Christ today are lukewarm.   How are they going to get into Heaven if God is spewing them out of His mouth?  They aren't.   We see this today in our Pastors and evangelist.  They preach a message that helps you feel better, try harder, become MORE for you own life.  This is not the gospel of Christ that requires that we lay down our life and follow Jesus.   These false Apostles are everywhere.  Living in perversion, luxury, robbing widows to fund their latest luxury item all in the name of 'winning souls'  How can you win a soul to Jesus if you never preach Christ and him crucified?  You can't.   I walk in the blessings of God, but I have found that Christians today have been seduced by these false preachers.   They want to hear blessings, peace, easy life, more money.  AS soon as  we mention anything about sacrifice, sharing in the sufferings of Christ or laying down our lives for Jesus they are ready to turn away.    These false teachers aren't cold towards God.  They are not preaching against him, but they do not have a passion for God.  They are motivational speakers that will lead you into a passion for greater levels of success.   Many of them can preach a whole hour about money, possessions, wealth, blessings, but the name of Jesus won't be mentioned once    They are lukewarm.  When we spew or vomit it is because something made us feel sick.   Luke warm Christianity makes God feel sick enough to spew them out of his mouth.

Revelation 3:17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—

I have actually heard these false preachers use words very similar to these words from the pulpit while they are claiming to be bringing the message of Christ.   They will say, "I am blessed, and wealthy and have need of nothing because God has given me the keys"   Yet Jesus said this would be the very thing that the lukewarm church would be saying!   Jesus spoke these Words to the church of Laodicea knowing that the end time church would have a fixation of money, wealth and possessions.    I have even heard some of these false teachers rebuke the Apostles claiming that their doctrine is a better doctrine than how the Apostles lived and taught.    I have heard others say that Jesus was rich too.  If he was, he didn't spend it on himself.   If Jesus had lived the way the false teachers lived he would have had a horse for every disciple and himself, after all they need them to spread the gospel faster.  He would have had a boat in every harbor, after all they can spread the gospel more readily if they owned a few boats.   He would have had a house in every city.  After all where would they sleep when they went there to preach.  He would have spent 30 minutes taking up an offering at every engagement.  He would have had the best clothes, best jewelry, the best of everything.   Jesus didn't have any of those things He kept his focus on God and on the conversion of the souls.  He spent all day healing the sick, and ministering to folks.  There were no lines outside the building waiting to get in, Jesus walked among the crowds.  They pressed him often on all sides.   He didn't pick four hours in a nice air conditioned arena to speak to his followers who had to sit on bleachers and were not allowed to get close.   He ministered all day and all who came were healed.  Jesus didn't spend money to pay body guards to walk around with him, He trusted God.   Their are false teachers today that think they are all that because they have a house in every city, the best cars, the best planes, the best clothing, the best body guards that money can buy.   They don't realize that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.   They are so far in left field to what a heart is that is truly sold out to God that they have even deceived themselves.

Revelation 3:18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Gold refined in fire is symbolic of sharing in the suffering of Christ.   If we suffer with Him we will also reign with Him.    White garments refer to living a pure life.  Unadulterated.   Many of the false teachers of today are like Gehazi the man who walked with the Prophet Elisha.  Gehazi wanted the wealth that Namaan had to offer, and he ended up with Namaan's leprosy.   We are either clothed with God or we are clothed with our own righteousness and good works.  You may work your confession, but it is only filthy rags.  We have people today that are confessing the Word but they are not being obedient to the Word.   Obedience is better than sacrifice.   And the eye salve is the real anointing that makes a difference in the lives of people.  Preachers are spitting out cliches and rhetoric, but a Word given in season by the anointing will truly make a difference in your heart.   Instead of being zealous for more wealth and blessings, we should be zealous to repent, so that we can be truly on fire for God.   God loves this generation, that is why his chastening and disciplines are going to come against us if we do not repent.  

Jesus concludes by saying, "I stand at the door an knock"    Remember that Jesus is talking to the church here.  In most churches today you will not find the presence of Jesus.  He is standing outside knocking on the church door asking us to open up and allow him to come in.   We make provision for everything in our churches except provision for God.   We are so careful not to offend anyone, but we care nothing about offending God.    I know these words were hard to bare today, but they are the Words of Jesus.  He is asking us to go from a lukewarm state to a place of on fire for Him.  Are you about half passionate for Jesus?   Do you love him with a passion, are you on fire with your service and devotion.   When we are passionate about something it takes priority.  We can't wait to get into it.  We can't wait to learn more, get more, or be more involved.   Worrying about bills is a trap of the devil.  If he can keep your mind on money all the time he can steal your joy, peace and health in the process!    It is time to lay aside the chasing after the things of this world,  and to chase after Jesus.    

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