1 Corinthinas 9:24Know you not that they who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain.
There are several positions of our faith. We are told to stand (Ephesians 6) We are told to walk (2 John 1:6) We are told to run (1 Corinthians 9:24) We are told to mount up and fly (Isaiah 40:31) There is a progression to our faith. How can you walk if you have not learned to stand? How can you run if you cannot walk?
Paul was the one who instructed us to run the race. With each position we are learning something important. As toddlers we go through different positions that help us to become mobile. When we are learning to stand we are developing strength. It takes strength to stand. It is the same in the Lord. When the world throws all it has at you and you are still standing in your faith this is developing your Spiritual muscles. To stand is a military term as well. It means to take a stand, or to hold your ground. When a child is learning to stand it is not getting anywhere, but it is makiing the necessary first position required in forward movement. To stand.
When we begin to walk we are learning balance, co-ordination. That first step can be a scary one. Usually a child will take that first step to move towards something it wants. It is the same way with our faith. That first step of faith can be a scary one, but we have to keep our eyes on the promise. This will motivate us to move forward one step at a time.
When a child has learned to walk really well, they will eventually begin to run. A child that can run has mastered forward movement. Often the thing we are concerned with the most when our children begin to run is that there are no obstacles in their way and that they have NOTHING in their hand, or weights that would cause them to trip and fall. To run a child must lay aside everything that is nonessential. It is this way in the Spirit too. Paul said to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us and to run with patience the race that is before us.
The psalmist said, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
A clean heart and a right spirit will allow us to run the race as Paul directed. There is a tendency living in this world to have a heart full of issues, and spirit that is weighed down and heavy laden. It is hard to stand when your heart is upset and heavy, how much harder would it be to run the race when we are weighed down?
I want to pray for you today that God would give you a clean heart and a right spirit, that all those things that weigh upon your heart would release you. When bad things happen, we cannot change those things. Only God can change those things and he does so according to our faith. If you have a lot of issues today the most important thing for you right now is to keep your heart in faith so that God will heal those issues in his time.
Father, In the name of Jesus I praying for everyone today that is too tired and to fatigued to even think about running the race. Lord, put your hand upon them, and strengthen them today. Created within them a clean heart that is cut free from the issues, pressures, and strife of this world and renew within them a steadfast spirit that is focused upon the faith of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I bind an break that spirit of anxiety and stress off of your life, and I pray the peace of God to come into your heart. I speak the spirit of God and the love of Jesus over you soul. In Jesus name. amen.
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