I am currently writing a book called HELP! My Circumstances Won't Move! I hear people day after day say the same thing to me. "Can you help me?" Often they tell me they have prayed and prayed and prayed and their circumstances won't move. I have spent a life time of moving mountains and circumstances out of my life, and helping others move the mountains out of their lives. Think about when an army comes against your nation. Think of WW2. When Hitler came against the nations it took more than the status quo to defeat him. Some people had to put on military outfits, take up arms, and march to war. But going to war isn't all that is required. If you are going to win the race you have to make sure that you are fit for battle and have all the doors to our back yard closed so that the enemy can't just walk up to our back door and enter our house. I have learned to do spiritual warfare over the past 30 years of ministry that really packs a punch. I am going to write this book to teach you how to move mountains, and I have some news for you. It is going to take more than just speaking to the mountains in your life to move them.
Joshua had a wall in his way, but through the power of God that wall was removed. Daniel had a law that was fashioned against him, but through the power of God that law was made of no effect. Sarah was barren but it didn't stop her from having a child. Moses had committed a felony, and was wanted by Egypt for crimes he actually did commit but it didn't stop him setting a whole nation free. Joseph was sold into slavery, BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP HIS DREAMS FROM COMING TRUE! Oh, come on people. Somebody needs to stop right here and praise the Lord. No matter what challenge, disability, abuse, disadvantage or lack that you have suffered NOTHING will be able to stop you when you learn how to put on the whole armor of God and fight. You see that mountain over there in your way. I KNOW it will move!
Praise Assembly Church 312 Jamestown Street Columbia, kY 42728 Pastor's Bob and Patty McCann
Friday, May 29, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Praise IS The Release Valve Of Your Life!
Your praise is important. All of creation finds a way to express and to release praise to God. We find a way to release anger, why don't we find a way to release praise? It is simple it is because praise is not within us! Pressure, stress, angers, fears, arrogance these things build within us and we have to find a way to release them before we explode from the pressure of it all. You see these things build within us because PRAISE is the release valve. Someone has got to hear this today. The birds get up and sing, that song is praising the Lord and as they praise all that STUFF that builds up is released. If the birds didn't praise the Lord they would get angry and snarly and huffy, their peace would be gone. They would be so wound up with stress and pressure. What is praise? It is the release VALVE! If you praise the LORD on a regular basis you release all the stress, pressure, hatred, angers even the fears out of your life.
If we had a thankful heart and a grateful heart we would know better than to hold back our praise to God! You see all mankind knows is the MIND. They medicate the mind. They tell you how to shape your thoughts to have a more productive and peaceful mind. God knows where our problem is. Our problem is in our heart. Our heart is full of cursing. People get made, they take God's name in vain. People don't get what they want, they take God's name in vain. People don't like what they see or hear, they take God's name in vain. All across this planet people are cursing God instead of blessing him and everyday this little blue ball in space is wound up tight like a top, with people so stressed and angry they could explode at any moment. Our hearts are full of grumbling. We don't like what we were told so we grumble and carry on and on and on and on. We don't like what someone else did with their time, talent or money, so we talk and blab and spit, rinse, repeat as soon as we find someone else to talk blab too, then spit, repeat and rinse and look for yet another person to blab it all too...our hearts are far from God, far from praise, far from the answer we so desperately need.
Put you hand on your heart today. Give God permission to change your heart. Ask God to fill your heart with praise. It works like this. Life hands you lemons and it sours your soul, but as your give thanks and praise to God it releases all that frustration and begins to fill you up with gratitude and pleasant things. Praise is the release valve. It releases us from our anger and frustration and pent up stress.
Exodus 15:2
"The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Psalms 33:1
Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him.
Psalms 92:1
A psalm. A song. For the Sabbath day. It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High,
Psalms 135:3
Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant.If we had a thankful heart and a grateful heart we would know better than to hold back our praise to God! You see all mankind knows is the MIND. They medicate the mind. They tell you how to shape your thoughts to have a more productive and peaceful mind. God knows where our problem is. Our problem is in our heart. Our heart is full of cursing. People get made, they take God's name in vain. People don't get what they want, they take God's name in vain. People don't like what they see or hear, they take God's name in vain. All across this planet people are cursing God instead of blessing him and everyday this little blue ball in space is wound up tight like a top, with people so stressed and angry they could explode at any moment. Our hearts are full of grumbling. We don't like what we were told so we grumble and carry on and on and on and on. We don't like what someone else did with their time, talent or money, so we talk and blab and spit, rinse, repeat as soon as we find someone else to talk blab too, then spit, repeat and rinse and look for yet another person to blab it all too...our hearts are far from God, far from praise, far from the answer we so desperately need.
Put you hand on your heart today. Give God permission to change your heart. Ask God to fill your heart with praise. It works like this. Life hands you lemons and it sours your soul, but as your give thanks and praise to God it releases all that frustration and begins to fill you up with gratitude and pleasant things. Praise is the release valve. It releases us from our anger and frustration and pent up stress.
Monday, May 25, 2015
How To Activate the Healing Power of God
Sickness and disease are real problems in society today. Bugs and super-bugs, new diseases, an increased rate of childhood ailments and diseases. Everywhere we go people need healing. When I was young I attended a church that didn't believe in the super-natural power of God to heal. My Sunday school teacher said that since we have modern medicine, doctors and surgical procedures we no longer need the gift of healing from God. What about the millions of people that go to the doctor and only get worse? The Bible tells about the woman who was healed when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment. She had spent all she had going to the doctors, and she only got worse. This is the story of so many people today. They spend all their strength, time and energy going to the doctors to get medicines and procedures that only make them feel worse. To say that we no longer need the gift of healing because we now how modern day medicine is to leave a lot of people without much hope.
How do we activate the super-natural healing power of God? There have been many faith teachers that have taught us that faith will unlock the supernatural. Without faith it is impossible to please God. While faith is so very important God has more than one tool to help us find the path to healing. Jesus looked at many people and said, "according to your faith so be it unto you." But what you must realize is that they were standing in front of someone who was carrying the anointing of God! Faith in God is very powerful, but when faith in God and the anointing of God mix together you will see an INCREASE in miracles because it is the anointing that BREAKS the yoke! And the Good News is ALL of us have an anointing! Yes! In Christ Jesus you have an anointing. What does the Bible say about the anointing?
Isaiah 61:1-3 1The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
How do we activate the super-natural healing power of God? There have been many faith teachers that have taught us that faith will unlock the supernatural. Without faith it is impossible to please God. While faith is so very important God has more than one tool to help us find the path to healing. Jesus looked at many people and said, "according to your faith so be it unto you." But what you must realize is that they were standing in front of someone who was carrying the anointing of God! Faith in God is very powerful, but when faith in God and the anointing of God mix together you will see an INCREASE in miracles because it is the anointing that BREAKS the yoke! And the Good News is ALL of us have an anointing! Yes! In Christ Jesus you have an anointing. What does the Bible say about the anointing?
Isaiah 61:1-3 1The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
2To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
3To provide for them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.
The anointing is the power of God to accomplish a task. Of course it was according to their faith that they were healed but you must understand that their faith ACTIVATED the anointing that was upon the life of Jesus that was standing in front of them. Faith ACTIVATES the anointing. Without faith the anointing is dormant, but it takes the anointing to get the job done!
Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
If you are sick begin asking God for the anointing to break the yoke of that sickness off of your life. He may put that anointing for healing upon your life, or he may direct you to someone else who already carries that anointing. You may say the "Word of God" by itself has all the anointing that I need to see my healing. Yes. This may work for you, but in every instance of the Bible stories we see someone carrying a healing anointing and others activating their faith and receiving the healing they need when that anointing is released. We do not have any Bible stories of someone that quoted the Word of God until they were suddenly healed one day. The anointing of God is meant to be carried in vessels, men and women were meant to carry that anointing, YOU were meant to carry an anointing from God. When the faith of man activates the anointing of God that is given by God to you and I that power that is released will heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils and do all the works God intended.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
If You Really Want Your Life To Change Read This...
Song of Solomon 2:15 Catch us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
We all understand that good choices make for a better life. The more good choices we make the more breaks we get, and the more bad choices we make the worse our situations become. The Bible says it is the small things that ruin the vine. Those of you that grow a garden look how small a bug is and yet it can destroy your whole garden. Those of you that are in the medical profession, look how small a germ is, and yet it can kill a person or make them very sick. Those of you who like to play sports think about what one mole or golfer can do to a golf course.
It is the same way in our lives. It isn't the big decisions that carry the most weight in our lives, it is the small choices we make everyday. As a counselor I have people asking me advice all the time, and as a prophet they are looking for me to give them a Word from the LORD. What I see often is that they have a huge decision to make and they can't seem to find the right course of action. 90 percent of the time the answer is simple but NEVER easy to live out. Why do people have such a hard time finding the answers in life? It is because they do not submit the small things to God, so that makes it almost impossible for them to submit the big things to God. None of us want to miss the big things in life because with big issues come big consequences. But you have to see it this way. If you are not nice to people and friendly on an everyday basis, then when you need help on something that is really important it is awkward and rude to ask people to help you through your crisis. More than likely they will find something else to do when you really need help because you didn't do the small things like smile and be friendly when you had the chance.
It is this same way in our everyday life. What are the small things? The things you think. The things you do with your free time. The things you spend your extra change on. The people and activities that you allow in your life. We think nothing about these things most of the time. But then when the bills are due and we are 300 dollars short we suddenly want to know what God wants us to do. When our relationships are falling apart and we are at a cross roads with someone suddenly we want to know what direction God wants from us. Every time you have a thought you are making a decision, and while a thought may seem like a small thing, your thoughts are going to shape your life. Making good decision has to start all the way back to the thought life or you will find yourself in a mess with no options trying to figure out what God wants you to do. Direction if life starts with a thought, that leads to a desire, that end in an action and all of that produces outcomes for our life. The problem is that we choose our own thoughts independent of the Will of God, and that produces a desire that takes us down the wrong path. And once we are completely lost we begin looking for God's purpose in all of this. And I have walked along side of people, helped them out of that mess they got themselves into, and what do they do nine times out of ten? Once their circumstances are a little better they take the reins of their life right back into their own hands and go right back to doing things like they always did. And guess what? You guessed it, within just a few weeks and months they are calling for help again, they got right back into another mess. I'm going to say something and agreeing with it is not enough. You have to agree with it enough to DO IT. And if you do this, your life will eventually straighten out for good.
Over and over people violate the Word of God, get into a mess, cry out to God long enough for things to get better than they go right out and violate God's Word again and get into another mess.
Life isn't about us doing what we want and then God making a way for us to live in that mess and find a way to make things work and us be happy in that mess. Surrender your life to the will of God and you will find that everything begins to work for you. What is the will of God? It is written in the Bible, we cannot violate the Word of God and find God's Will for Our lives. There is someone reading this right now, you have prayed and prayed and sought the Lord, you want HIs will, but you violate God's Word with your lifestyle, your attitudes and your behavior. You can't find God's will while you are violating God's Word and that is why you have prayed and sought God for years and yet nothing changes and nothing gets better. You are waiting for God to 'fix' things for you, but you won't submit to the Word of God and do things by faith God's way. MONEY is the number one reason people violate God's Word. It takes faith to obey God even when it is going to cost you money. If you want to find God's will prayer alone won't get the job done. Obey the Word of God and live by faith. Living by faith means you do what the Word of God says even when you think you can't afford to.
We all understand that good choices make for a better life. The more good choices we make the more breaks we get, and the more bad choices we make the worse our situations become. The Bible says it is the small things that ruin the vine. Those of you that grow a garden look how small a bug is and yet it can destroy your whole garden. Those of you that are in the medical profession, look how small a germ is, and yet it can kill a person or make them very sick. Those of you who like to play sports think about what one mole or golfer can do to a golf course.
It is the same way in our lives. It isn't the big decisions that carry the most weight in our lives, it is the small choices we make everyday. As a counselor I have people asking me advice all the time, and as a prophet they are looking for me to give them a Word from the LORD. What I see often is that they have a huge decision to make and they can't seem to find the right course of action. 90 percent of the time the answer is simple but NEVER easy to live out. Why do people have such a hard time finding the answers in life? It is because they do not submit the small things to God, so that makes it almost impossible for them to submit the big things to God. None of us want to miss the big things in life because with big issues come big consequences. But you have to see it this way. If you are not nice to people and friendly on an everyday basis, then when you need help on something that is really important it is awkward and rude to ask people to help you through your crisis. More than likely they will find something else to do when you really need help because you didn't do the small things like smile and be friendly when you had the chance.
It is this same way in our everyday life. What are the small things? The things you think. The things you do with your free time. The things you spend your extra change on. The people and activities that you allow in your life. We think nothing about these things most of the time. But then when the bills are due and we are 300 dollars short we suddenly want to know what God wants us to do. When our relationships are falling apart and we are at a cross roads with someone suddenly we want to know what direction God wants from us. Every time you have a thought you are making a decision, and while a thought may seem like a small thing, your thoughts are going to shape your life. Making good decision has to start all the way back to the thought life or you will find yourself in a mess with no options trying to figure out what God wants you to do. Direction if life starts with a thought, that leads to a desire, that end in an action and all of that produces outcomes for our life. The problem is that we choose our own thoughts independent of the Will of God, and that produces a desire that takes us down the wrong path. And once we are completely lost we begin looking for God's purpose in all of this. And I have walked along side of people, helped them out of that mess they got themselves into, and what do they do nine times out of ten? Once their circumstances are a little better they take the reins of their life right back into their own hands and go right back to doing things like they always did. And guess what? You guessed it, within just a few weeks and months they are calling for help again, they got right back into another mess. I'm going to say something and agreeing with it is not enough. You have to agree with it enough to DO IT. And if you do this, your life will eventually straighten out for good.
Over and over people violate the Word of God, get into a mess, cry out to God long enough for things to get better than they go right out and violate God's Word again and get into another mess.
Life isn't about us doing what we want and then God making a way for us to live in that mess and find a way to make things work and us be happy in that mess. Surrender your life to the will of God and you will find that everything begins to work for you. What is the will of God? It is written in the Bible, we cannot violate the Word of God and find God's Will for Our lives. There is someone reading this right now, you have prayed and prayed and sought the Lord, you want HIs will, but you violate God's Word with your lifestyle, your attitudes and your behavior. You can't find God's will while you are violating God's Word and that is why you have prayed and sought God for years and yet nothing changes and nothing gets better. You are waiting for God to 'fix' things for you, but you won't submit to the Word of God and do things by faith God's way. MONEY is the number one reason people violate God's Word. It takes faith to obey God even when it is going to cost you money. If you want to find God's will prayer alone won't get the job done. Obey the Word of God and live by faith. Living by faith means you do what the Word of God says even when you think you can't afford to.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Walking In Greater Joy and Peace Today!
Joy isn't found in a bottle. I knew a lady that walked in the flesh all her life, living as she pleased, ignoring the path that God lays out for us. Known for having a filthy mouth, a bad temper, and a filthy mind. She made this comment to me. "I went to the doctor and he gave me my happy pill." If her pill made her happy then why was she so miserable and fighting with people all the time? Joy and happiness cannot be manufactured in a chemical factory and pushed into a bottle that we can purchase and digest. You have to go to the Word of God to find true joy, because joy and happiness is a gift from God. This is why you can be 'living the dream' and still find your joy is lacking. This is why you can be a billionaire and still struggle finding peace and joy in your life. This is why you can accomplish all your goals and still feel empty. This is why you can purchase everything you desire and it isn't enough to give you lasting peace and joy. On the contrary it is possible to be poor as dirt and still be happy. Some of the happiest people I know are people the world has labeled with a learning disability, because happiness and peace is a gift from God and not something that can be obtained by human effort. NO matter how hard you try you can not make yourself happy and joyful on a continual basis by your own efforts.
Psalm 46:4 There is a river, the streams of which shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the most High.
Contrary to what the world believes it is easy to be happy. All you have to do is find the river of God and drink the water. The river isn't a place on earth, it is a figurative description of the Holy Spirit of God that is freely given to all those who are in Christ Jesus and seek for him as they would seek for a treasure.
John 7:38 He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.
Jesus said that the Spirit inside of us would be a river of living water, he offered this water to the woman at the well. She had went from relationship to relationship to try to find happiness, and none had satisfied. Jesus said that if she would drink of the water he would give that she would never thirst again. This water satisfies, and he spoke of the Holy Spirit. That you are looking for, "a better life" it doesn't come from a bottle, it doesn't come from getting all your bills paid, it doesn't come from finding the right partner in life, it doesn't come from finding a better home, better clothes, or a nicer car or better income. The joy comes from the Holy Ghost, it is a gift from God. If we really believed this we would abandon all for the pursuit of the Spirit of God working within us, welling up our of our inner most being like rivers of living waters. We know how important water is, and yet the water we drink is not alive. God is saying the Spirit he wants us to live in is like water to our soul, but better than water, it is alive!
Isaiah 12:3
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
The joy of the Lord comes to each of us at Salvation because with the new birth experience we receive joy. Where did the joy come from? The Holy Spirit that brought us into new birth is the source of the joy. However if we do not continue to drink of the Holy Spirit we will find that we begin to lose our joy. The presence of God is felt in every service at our church. When people first come to our church their depressions begin to break off of them as they enter the door. Anxiety begins to break from them as the encounter the presence of God. Joy and peace begin to penetrate their inner most being. How does this happen just by sitting through a church service? It happens when the Spirit of God connects with our inner man. Joy and peace are a gift from God. When people walk into our church they are walking into the flow of the Holy Spirit and joy and peace begin to bubble up within them. You may not have a church in your area where you can walk in and experience the presence of God but you can experience this right in your own home. Begin to create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome in your home and your heart. Put on music and TV that promotes the worship of God. Pray and ask God to fill you. Get rid of everything in your home that violates the Word of God and give him honor in your house.
Isaiah 35:6
Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
No matter what you situation in life you can have joy and peace even to the point of death, because it is a gift from God distributed by the Holy Spirit!
Monday, May 18, 2015
You Can Change Your Circumstances by Doing This
Miracles happen everyday. God is healing, saving, delivering and shaping the live of individuals. The key is finding where the anointing is being released and getting in on that anointing. Nothing was going to change for Moses until he obeyed God and went back to Egypt. In all the time he was with his Father-in-law, he only saw the hand of God move in the miraculous one time. He came to the mountain to see the bush and to hear the voice of God. This experience didn't give him a miracle in itself. It was just an experience and an indicator that God wasn't through with His life and had a plan for him to see the miraculous. He obeyed the voice of God and this sent him on a journey that not only changed his life, but the life of everyone that he came into contact with. How would you like to go beyond having an experience with God, and move into the place where God is using you to change not only your own life, but the life of everyone that you come into contact with? You can do this through obedience to God.
Moses had an experience with God on the mountain, but if it stopped right there, he would have had a good story, it would have produced an inner change in his life that he would never forget, but it was not going to change his circumstances until AFTER he obeyed God. It is obedience that releases the miracle working power of God in our lives, merely experiencing God falls short of it. But we all LOOK for the experience. You see the EXPERIENCE doesn't change your circumstances in the Long run, it is obedience to what God ask of us that changes our lives. It is wonderful to see a burning bush and hear the voice of God, but we have to go past experiencing God and hearing his voice if we want our circumstances healed. Because Moses was living with some consequences. He had killed a man in Egypt and fled. Through that 'mistake' he had found found his way to Jethro's house and married into his family, had children, a whole life shaped by one mistake back in Egypt. How often do we make a mistake and it takes our whole life suddenly a direction we never dreamed we would go. Moses was now having an experience with God on the mountain. Seeing His Glory. Taking off his shoes, walking on Holy Ground. Hearing the audible voice of God speaking from the burning bush. Wow. What awesome experiences with God. And yet, if that had been the end of it NOTHING would have changed. God is looking for a people that are no longer satisfied with an experience on the mountain, He is looking for a people that will come down from that experience of the mountain with a renewed determination to be obedient to God!
How many times do we have incredible experiences with God and yet NOTHING in our circumstances change! The experiences with God are good. They give us direction, focus, anointing, they commission our steps, and yet if we stop right there and do not step out in obedience to do the will of God it is just what it was an experience with God, that ultimately did not change our circumstances at all.
When you step out in obedience to God this will not only change your life but just like Moses it will change the life and circumstances of everyone around you. We look for and crave the experiences and we SHOULD do this, but we must come out of those experiences with a renewed focus on obedience to God, and then our world will change.
Moses had an experience with God on the mountain, but if it stopped right there, he would have had a good story, it would have produced an inner change in his life that he would never forget, but it was not going to change his circumstances until AFTER he obeyed God. It is obedience that releases the miracle working power of God in our lives, merely experiencing God falls short of it. But we all LOOK for the experience. You see the EXPERIENCE doesn't change your circumstances in the Long run, it is obedience to what God ask of us that changes our lives. It is wonderful to see a burning bush and hear the voice of God, but we have to go past experiencing God and hearing his voice if we want our circumstances healed. Because Moses was living with some consequences. He had killed a man in Egypt and fled. Through that 'mistake' he had found found his way to Jethro's house and married into his family, had children, a whole life shaped by one mistake back in Egypt. How often do we make a mistake and it takes our whole life suddenly a direction we never dreamed we would go. Moses was now having an experience with God on the mountain. Seeing His Glory. Taking off his shoes, walking on Holy Ground. Hearing the audible voice of God speaking from the burning bush. Wow. What awesome experiences with God. And yet, if that had been the end of it NOTHING would have changed. God is looking for a people that are no longer satisfied with an experience on the mountain, He is looking for a people that will come down from that experience of the mountain with a renewed determination to be obedient to God!
How many times do we have incredible experiences with God and yet NOTHING in our circumstances change! The experiences with God are good. They give us direction, focus, anointing, they commission our steps, and yet if we stop right there and do not step out in obedience to do the will of God it is just what it was an experience with God, that ultimately did not change our circumstances at all.
When you step out in obedience to God this will not only change your life but just like Moses it will change the life and circumstances of everyone around you. We look for and crave the experiences and we SHOULD do this, but we must come out of those experiences with a renewed focus on obedience to God, and then our world will change.
Friday, May 15, 2015
God's Season of Favor is Upon Us!
There was Spiritual fervor, spiritual authority, spiritual warfare and spiritual vitality that the enemy has been hindering in your life since the middle of 2014. This past year the enemy has come to many in the body of Christ with a shaking and testing. The Spirit of God lifted off of many to a degree (though not completely) and they were tested for compromise. If you want to know why so many have fallen to compromise both in practice and in doctrine the past 12 months now you know why. In the past 12 months the presence of God has withdrawn to a certain degree from many Christians so they could be sifted by the enemy to see who would compromise, and who would remain faithful to God. That time of testing is over. On the flip side of this testing period there has also been those that in the past 12 months God has been positioning them and reassigning them to a place where they are going to produce the greatest fruit of their lives in the next two decades. Right now those who passed the test and remained faithful to God are receiving back the Spiritual vitality they once knew, with even greater tenacity than what they had before this test. In the past few months if you have doubted your faith, doubted your calling, doubted your beliefs and doubted your spirituality you have been through this testing. As you fall upon you knees and ask God for grace and mercy to endure you are going to find supernatural strength come to you to fight these doubts and fears and your life will be restored to the spiritual vitality you once had. Others who failed this test and have compromised are losing their place in the body of Christ and are falling away to heresy and false doctrines. In the next 12 months it is going to become apparent who remained faithful to the Word of God during this past 12 months of testing and who fell to Apostasy. But get ready, if you have remained faithful to God, then during this next season the anointing and power of God is coming upon your life with greater power, tenacity and resolve than you have ever experienced before. Strongholds that they enemy built into your life are coming down in this next season of favor from God.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
What is Stealing Our Relationships?
The Lord is speaking to me today that there are those who the enemy is trying to fill their life with contention. This is the trick of the enemy to steal your peace, steal your joy, steal your time and productivity. The definition of contention: a heated disagreement; an assertion, especially one maintained in argument.
Some people are full of contention. This is how they live, this is their food for their soul. If they don't have something to stir up they are looking for a reason to stir something up. They thrive on agreement, which sounds contrary to their nature. How do they do this? They find points of contention against one, and then go to the others to 'gossip the issue' to get them to AGREE that they have a valid point of contention. Once others agree with them, contention enters their lives and does not leave.
For those of you that understand the power of agreement, your spiritual ears should be perking up right now. There are some of you right now that the contention that is in your life right now is because a tale barer came to you with a point of contention, something about someone else that didn't have anything to do with you, and instead of rebuking them and sending them there way with a warning not to gossip, you entered into agreement with them. The moment you entered into agreement with them a SPIRIT OF CONTENTION entered into your life and it is now making havoc on your current relationships.
Proverbs 26:20Where no wood is, there the fire goes out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases.
Some people are full of contention. This is how they live, this is their food for their soul. If they don't have something to stir up they are looking for a reason to stir something up. They thrive on agreement, which sounds contrary to their nature. How do they do this? They find points of contention against one, and then go to the others to 'gossip the issue' to get them to AGREE that they have a valid point of contention. Once others agree with them, contention enters their lives and does not leave.
For those of you that understand the power of agreement, your spiritual ears should be perking up right now. There are some of you right now that the contention that is in your life right now is because a tale barer came to you with a point of contention, something about someone else that didn't have anything to do with you, and instead of rebuking them and sending them there way with a warning not to gossip, you entered into agreement with them. The moment you entered into agreement with them a SPIRIT OF CONTENTION entered into your life and it is now making havoc on your current relationships.
Proverbs 26:20Where no wood is, there the fire goes out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases.
21As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife.
But how do you cleanse yourself of contention. The only way to get rid of it is through humility. You must rebuke those who would like to use you for a sounding board for their gossip, and you must go to those you have 'shared' your 'problems' with and ask them to forgive you for spreading your issues. Is it OK to listen to drama and gossip as long as you don't agree with it? No. Sin is like a germ. If you are around it long enough it will get down inside of you. If you eat the gossip and drama of other people you will soon find nothing but strife in your own relationships.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
A Vision of the Coming Economic Collapse
In 2008 God gave me a vision of the coming economic collapse, it won't just effect America. It will be world wide. In 2008 I had my own business and it was very lucrative, I paid off 50,000 dollars of debt in just three years, for God had opened up a door for us to have a business. Later we closed that to go full time in the ministry as we were spending a lot of time running the business and also doing ministry as well. As I was running this business in 2008 I had a vision and I saw myself standing in a stream. The water was quite shallow, but there was gold coins in the creek bed. I was bending over and picking up coins and putting them in my pocket. They were there for anyone that was willing to pick them up. I looked around and a few people were in the creek picking up coins, but most people were busy doing other things unaware of the blessings laying in the creek bed. I began trying to get people's attention to tell them to come and get some of the gold coins, but it seemed that no one could comprehend that it was just as easy as bending over and picking them up. I continued to pick up coins with the others that were in the stream until my pockets were full and overflowing.
I looked to the east and I noticed something unusual. It seemed as if I could see all the way across the ocean into Europe and the odd part was that the whole world seemed to be under water except for the USA. Economic destruction was pulling the countries of Europe, the Middle-East, and the East apart. I thought why is this not happening in America. I looked and there was a great barrier, it was made of very thick glass around America. I could see through it, and this glass barrier represented the economic policies that the USA had put in place to keep us from falling to economic chaos. So what I was seeing was the whole world under water, and economic collapse, and nothing but this glass barrier was keeping it out of the USA. The rest of the world had sent submarines and they were right there on our borders, just on the other side of the barrier. It was like they were looking for a way to break the glass and flood us with the same economic chaos that they were enduring. Just then I head a loud CRACK, and I saw a crack that came in the glass barrier that was protecting America. I knew that this flood of economic chaos was eminent and would happen as soon as that glass fully gave way. I took off running as fast as I could to get out of the stream. I yelled at everyone in the stream to run because destruction was eminent, but they seemed to ignore me as they continued to pick up gold coins and put them into their pocket. As I ran towards the bank each step that I took represented a year going by, I don't know how many steps I took, but I was running as fast as I could go. It all happened very fast in this vision and I didn't think to count my steps as I ran, but each step represented another year going by. I got to the bank and leaped up and landed on the bank and the glass barrier gave way and it washed everyone and everything in the stream away. All those picking up the gold were washed away, all the gold was washed away as well. I looked across America and some homes stood above the flood, and some were under it, or washed away, for we were now under the same economic problems that had swept the rest of the world. And there was no one to help us restore it all. After I looked at where I had landed I was surprised. Remember that as I ran to get out of the stream each step represented a year going by, so I had been in a very lucrative business in 2008 when I first began running, but when I got out of the stream I looked at my inventory which was there beside me and it looked like yard sale items, old furniture and such. I thought to myself why would I ever even have a business like that?
After this vision two months later the economic crisis of 2008 hit America and I believe that was the CRACK in the glass wall. Shortly after that countries in Europe began to go bankrupt. There are economies in the east that are close to going bankrupt now. I expect to see more of Europe and the Eastern Countries including China and Russia going bankrupt and finally they will find a way to pull us down with them just like I saw in the vision. I began closing my business in 2008 and was out of it by 2010, and now we run non-profit thrift stores as a blessing to the community and to reach the loss. It has been seven years since the vision, and I expect total collapse of Europe and the Eastern economies to continue, and then those countries will band together to figure out a way to take us down with them. If you are in debt, do all you can to be out of debt before these things take place. Only those out of debt and able to handle all the wealth being washed away are going to withstand this coming economic collapse.
Monday, May 11, 2015
God Gave Me A Vision Of Why His Blessings Are Missing Our Cities
In 2009 I had spent several weeks fasting and praying in the Sanctuary of our church in Columbia, KY. I had sought God for an answer to the problems facing our society as a whole. Drugs, depression, anxiety, poverty, perversions, sickness, the problems we face as a nation. So many churches on every corner in Kentucky preaching Christ and yet the crime rates do not go down. The addiction rate does not go down. The Christians are still sick and depressed and anxious beyond reason. Many going through poverty and panic attacks. How could this be when we have churches on every corner? We run a food pantry where several hundred people come through for food each week. We have prayed for people and they were saved, healed, delivered their sickness lifted, burdens lifted, depressions gone. But surprisingly some people would turn down prayer though they had great needs. And Why? Because we lay hands on people and pray in the power of the Holy Ghost. They were taught by their church to be scared of the power of God. They were taught that any true power to deliver must come from the devil because God doesn't work signs and wonders any longer. And others attend churches that believe God can move by His power, but He usually doesn't, so what happens? They go into church depressed and come out just as depressed. They go into church with panic and fears, and come out in the same condition. They go into church with sickness and come out just a sick. They go into church with a since of hopelessness and come out just as hopeless.
As I sought God about the condition of our society and our churches God gave to me a vision. I looked up and I saw the blessings of God raining down on our cities. I was so happy to see the blessings pouring down from heaven like rain. It was the answer to everyone's prayers, pouring down from Heaven. But as these blessings fell from the sky, I looked and their was a sheet spread out over the cities of America like a canopy. And the blessings of God were falling from heaven hitting this canopy that was over the cities and falling off. This canopy was keeping the blessings of God from reaching the people. It was a terrible thing to see. Here were all these great blessings of God, falling from Heaven to the earth, and a large canopy spread over the cities kept the blessings from reaching the people. Under the canopy I saw the people and they were groaning in their sickness, in their poverty, in their pain, in their depression, in their drug addictions, they were crying out God save us and help us! I grieved at the sight of it and I said, "Lord, the canopy has got to go." When I said this God took me to the four corners of the canopy. And at each corner was a preacher who had staked down his corner I listened to them as they were preaching. They were saying, "We are the keepers of this city. We keep this city safe from false anointing and false doctrines. We know that God only used the Apostles and now his supernatural manifestations are done. We will protect this city from anything supernatural and we will run it off, for we are the keepers of this city appointed by God." They people came by and said to the keepers, "Pray for me." Pray for me, I need a miracle." and the keepers would reply, "God's grace is sufficient, we live in our sufferings, it was meant to be, but yes, I will pray." These men who were the Pastor of the largest churches in the community were holding this canopy over the city by their false doctrines and the blessings of God would hit off this canopy of false doctrines and the people would miss their answer from God. They told the people that God finished doing signs, wonders and miracles through the hands of men with the last apostles. They made the people afraid that if they sought the power of God that they would get a bad spirit, or false spirit instead. They blasphemed the Holy Spirit by attributing the power of God and the gifts of God to the works of a demon instead. They would not anoint people with oil, or lay hands on the sick as the Bible instructs but instead they made up a lie that God no longer does these things, and the people took them at their word. Every time a move of the Spirit broke out under the canopy and reached the city these false preachers would rise up and say, "there are demons in this move, and snake in their hands." They lied about the moves of God and called every one that spoke in tongues or healed the sick devil worshipers and snake handlers, though none of this was true. I cried out in anguish, God what will break this canopy and break through the lies of these false preachers. Suddenly I saw a light come up through the middle of the city. It was like liquid light and it shot up and broke through the canopy and it fell to the ground and the blessings of God poured into the community. People were healed. People were delivered. People came off of drugs and alcohol and began to worship and praise God. I rejoiced! I said, "Lord the light that sprang us and broke through the canopy, was that a move of God? Was it another revival? Was it a third great awakening?" The Lord replied, "No. It was the WORD of GOD!" I realized then that no manner of the move of the Spirit was going to change our world around us because the people in America have been taught to be afraid of the move of the Spirit. It is going to take a revolution to change this nation. A Spiritual Revolution where we go back to preaching the uncompromised WORD OF GOD, instead of preaching the interpretations of the Theologians and the Unbelieving. Are you in the ministry? Do you teach a class? Do you Witness to your neighbor and your family? Preach the Uncompromised Word of God and do what the Word says. Anointing the sick, Practice the laying on of hands, let the gifts of the Spirit of God flow, Keep the faith, and watch God restore this land.
Friday, May 8, 2015
How Can I Have The Presence of God Upon My Life?
Often I am talking to people and they are having a hard time experiencing the presence of God when they pray. To them it feels like their prayers go up and hit off the ceiling and return without every breaking through to God. There are times when this is our situation and it can last for months and years at a time. How do we break through, the old timers called it 'praying through' Our prayers going up touch heaven, but when we pray and heaven comes down and touches us, God's Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Most of the time when I pray the presence of God will be there as soon as I open my mouth, and this causes people to ask me to pray with them because they appreciate the presence of God. The presence of God is actually touching the earth less and less as sin increases and abounds of the face of the earth. People have asked me to 'teach them' how to pray in the power of the Spirit. I tell everyone the same things. When you value the presence of God upon your life more than anything else, you will find that the presence of God is hovering over your life, even rising up inside of you like a river of living waters that never will run dry.
Matthew 13:44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; which when a man has found, he hides, and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.
If you want the presence of God upon your life you must value his presence above all else. You must value his presence above getting your bills paid. HOW? WHAT? Someone is saying, "What? I have to pay my bills!" You see if you value that above the presence of God than the enemy will use that to occupy your mind and your heart. Your life will revolve around those bills. Your soul will put that above all things. I am all for paying bills, but I won't let 'my bills' be the center of my life. That leads to nothing but worry and frustration and a constant reminder that we are needy. The presence of God is EVERYTHING to me. I can't live without that. I can't go through my day without that. If I have the presence of God I have everything, and when my bills get paid even when I don't spend my every day thinking and planing and talking about it. God provides my needs. And with the Spirit comes righteousness, peace and joy! I won't let bills be my center, the presence of God is my treasure. I can't live without it. I lay down everything to obtain it. I am happy.
If you want the presence of God upon your life you must value his presence above all else including relationships. I won't let a relationship with my family, my church, my spouse, even my kids take precedence over the presence of God in my life. If they offend me, or do things that are destroying them, I have to just let it go. I won't let the actions of others dominate my mind, my heart, my soul and rob me of my joy and peace in God. There are many today that are full of bitterness, worry, anger, stress and frustration and it is all because your whole being is focused on another person and their actions. LET it Go, do not let another person dominate your life. Others WILL NOT BE my life focus. If I allow them to be my life focus than I will forfeit the presence of God. To have the Kingdom and presence of God inside of you on a daily basis you have to lay down everything else for pursuit of the KINGDOM. The hardest thing to let go is a love relationship, or one of your kids...but if you let relationships and what happens in them dominate your heart and mind you will live on miserable life. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.
If you want the presence of God upon your life you must value his presence above everything else including whatever it is that frustrates your day. We make our plans, and they seldom work smoothly. If your plans are the center of your life you will live one big frustrated life. The ONLY thing that matters to me is that the presence of God is on me, in me, working through me, and flowing out of me. The only thing that matters is the KINGDOM. The Kingdom of God is INSIDE you, the working of the Spirit of God inside you. You must desire the Kingdom of God above those everyday chores and activities that you think are SOOO important. There is NO DUTY you have in your life or your home that is more important than the presence of God inside of you, for the presence only comes when we value that presence above ALL ELSE in life.
I picked those few things above to talk about but their are other things that we can put above the Spirit of God upon our lives, but those I mentioned are the most common. Let go of all, lay down your life and value the presence of God above everything and watch the peace, and joy of God flood your soul. You see I value the presence of God TOO much to let what YOU do offend or upset me, cause I know if I get offended or upset at your actions it will distract my heart and mind from God and the Spirit of God will lift off of my life. And nothing is worth losing the presence of God. I choose to overlook the foolishness of others and go on with God. Forgiving others isn't hard, just overlook them and go on. That may be humbling, but humility is one of the keys to having God's presence upon you.
Here is the answer:
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
How to Experience More of the Presence of God In Your Life
IF we want to experience more of the peace of God, more of the presence of God, more of the power of God, more of the blessings and favor of God we must be LED by the Spirit of God. We have this promise from God those that are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God. This makes being led by the Holy Spirit a requirement and not an option for the life of a Christian.
Romans 8:14-16 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.
The Spirit of God is the comforter that Jesus promised to send from the Father. Jesus sent the comforter to us to confirm to us that we are God's children. When you seek God but the presence of God does not flow upon you it can make you feel like an orphan. I have talked to many people and counseled many who have a blockage when it come to the Spirit and presence of God in their lives. Nearly every time it leaves the feeling like a spiritual orphan, as if God has rejected them or pushed them away for some reason. When the Holy Spirit is grieved the Spirit of God does pull back from our lives. It is unreasonable to think you would feel the presence of God when you pray every time that you pray, but also if it has been months and weeks and you have not felt the presence of God this should not be this way in your life. We can grieve the Holy Spirit and also quench him in our lives. You cannot do things YOUR way, and be LED by the Spirit at the same time. If you neglect to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit long enough, he will pull back from you life eventually.
When God quickens us to pray and we come up with enough excuses and delays eventually you will lose that unction to pray, and only when you lay aside EVERYTHING and seek God completely will you be graced again with the precious leading of the Holy Spirit to pray. You may have to seek him whole heartedly for weeks, even months before that unction to pray comes back into your life, but aren't we the same way with our friends. If you call a friend and they keep putting you off, and not answering the call and ignoring the text, most of us will turn around and do the same when they suddenly need us and start calling and texting us. The Holy Spirit does get grieved and quenced, He does pull away from us if we don't treat his comfort and friendship as valuable.
If you struggle feeling the presence of God in your life, lay aside everything for how ever long it takes and call upon God, and ask for mercy and restoration. And then whenever the Spirit begins to quicken you again don't make the same mistakes and LEAD yourself. Let the Holy Spirit lead you, lay down what you think you have to do and do what the Spirit ask you to do when He ask you to do it. He is a comfort, a best friend, and more valuable than silver and gold to those who treasure HIm. But if you do not treasure the presence of God, you will hardly ever be able to experience it.
Monday, May 4, 2015
How Can I Get the Kingdom of God to Manifest In My Life?
There has been a lot of incorrect teaching in the body of Christ. Have you ever heard someone say, "Sow your seed into the Kingdom of God, this is good ground, God will give you are harvest." You know they are wanting you to send a gift to their ministry, but our ministries are not the same thing as the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not something you can sow into, the Kingdom of God is something that GOD sows into your life. And how does he do this? IT is a work of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you. When Jesus prayed, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven he was not talking about a physical Kingdom, or the ministry of a man upon the earth. What was He talking about? The Kingdom of God is a work of the Holy Spirit inside the believer. Now if you get this, you get EVERYTHING, and if you don't get this, you will GET NOTHING but frustration, heart aches and troubles. Jesus said the Kingdom of God was inside of us.
Luke 17: 20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
I was talking to a friend who is a spiritualist. Now this person is not a christian, but they like to think they are a student of all religions. Her view point was that the 'god force' was in each of us and as we discover our Spirituality the God within us is what we find. This is not what Jesus was talking about when He said the Kingdom of God is within you. Look at what he says about the Kingdom of God in Romans 14: 17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
The Kingdom of God comes from the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit (Ghost) is the presence of God in our lives. We cannot have or obtain the Kingdom of God within us unless the Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us. Our bodies are the temple, the vessel of the Holy Spirit, but if the Holy Spirit does not dwell within us than we are empty vessels. There is no god-like essence or force that is within us that was part of us from birth. It is not within man to be god-like, or to evolve spiritually into a god-like essence inwardly. When God comes and fills us with the Holy Spirit the Kingdom of God just took up residence in our lives. How do you know the Spirit of God is in your life. You will experience at least one of these three things, righteousness, peace or joy. Or you may experience them all at once.
Most people are looking for relief because their circumstances are SO BAD that what they search and hunger for is relief from their current circumstances in life. What they don't get is that God said if we would seek the KINGDOM FiRST that all those things that we need would be added to us. Now what was the Kingdom of God again? It was righteousness, peace and joy that we obtain in the Holy Spirit. So when we seek the Spirit of God, the presence of God in our lives FIRST AND FOREMOST God adds to us everything that we need.
Quit looking so hard for a relationship! Seek after the Holy Spirit and that relationship will find you. Quit trying so hard to change the people you love. Seek after the Holy Spirit and God will not only change you, but them as well. Quit trying so hard to get your bills paid! Seek the Holy Spirit first and foremost and God will see to it that your bills are taken care of.
When we were young my husband and I began running after God, and seeking his presence, yielding our lives to His Word. We put that above career, above family, above money, above our own health and well being, we put the presence of God in our lives above everything else. It was tough at first. While others our age were out partying and having a good time we were seeking God, fasting, sharing the Gospel, laying down our lives. I remember very well when I was 33 years old, I had been fasting and praying and seeking God with all my heart for 16 years at that time in my life. The enemy came to me and said, "Why do you labor so hard, you pray and fast and deny yourself, don't you want to have a good time like other people your age?" It was a sobering moment. I thought about it and I replied, "No. I will continue to lay down my life so that Christ can live through me."
As we got older we noticed something happening in our lives. God added wealth to us, so that we always have much more than we need. God added health to us in that no matter what sickness comes into our lives God has healed us completely. He added peace into our home, and then with our children, who are all in the ministry. In our immediate family and our extended family we have no fights, quarrels or stress with any of them. By the time we were 40 years old we were completely out of debt and sickness free, and there are no stresses in our interpersonal relationships within our family. It is not our efforts to have those things that brought those things about in our lives. What we did was seek God and His presence above everything and everyone, and about 15 years later God just started adding everything to us and blessing us beyond measure.
People have said to me, "I want you to teach me to have what you guys have." I just look at them and smile. I know that the secret is to lay down your life, and abandon it completely to the pursuit of the presence and Kingdom of God, and few are wise enough, faithful enough, and brave enough to do that. Every time I explain that to someone, they try to make it something super spiritual, or they say, ""yes that is what I want." Then they go out and do the same things they have always done. It is not rocket science. It is as simple as Jesus said it. Lay down your life and you will gain it back again. Hang on to your life and you will lose it. That goes beyond sowing a few seeds and hoping to get something back.
There is something better than having your finances fixed, there is the Kingdom of God which brings the presence of God into your life and I would rather have that then have my finances fixed. There is something better than having perfect health, there is the presence of God, and I would much rather have his presence than to have health in my body. There is something better than having good relationships and less stress in your home, there is the Kingdom of God which brings you righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. At a very young age we decided to seek the Kingdom and the Kingdom alone. We did not go after anything else in life, and God added all those other things to us in time, and the best part was that we have spent a life time enjoying his presence. How can you get your life straightened out? Don't every try to straighten it out, you will fail. Just abandon it to the pursuit of seeking the presence of God. Abandon everything and seek the Kingdom alone. I can tell you from experience it will be tough at first, but as the years go by you will find that God actually does straighten everything out and make it right when you surrender your life to him and seek him alone.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Why Are So Many People Unhappy?
Jesus began preaching that the Kingdom of God was at hand. Does God want us to prosper? Yes. Even as our SOUL prospers. What does it mean for your soul to prosper? Jesus taught us that the Kingdom of God was within us.
Luke 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
I have counseled many people that have asked Jesus into their heart, repented of their sins, serve God daily and yet they are miserable. Unhappy, defeated. The have little to no inner peace. They are full of worry, strife, envy, anger, bitterness, hopelessness, panic, fears, and depressions. They have very little joy, they feel condemned and discouraged. And they begin to question God and themselves. Sadly many Christians today fit this example. What does it mean when we are living in this condition? It means our SOUL is NOT prospering. I have seen many people who are trying to walk in faith to see the material things of this world come to reality in their lives but their soul in not prospering. And the sad part is that often they feel alienated from God. Often in times like this it seems that the presence of God is far from them and that is the worse part of it all.
Luke 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
I have counseled many people that have asked Jesus into their heart, repented of their sins, serve God daily and yet they are miserable. Unhappy, defeated. The have little to no inner peace. They are full of worry, strife, envy, anger, bitterness, hopelessness, panic, fears, and depressions. They have very little joy, they feel condemned and discouraged. And they begin to question God and themselves. Sadly many Christians today fit this example. What does it mean when we are living in this condition? It means our SOUL is NOT prospering. I have seen many people who are trying to walk in faith to see the material things of this world come to reality in their lives but their soul in not prospering. And the sad part is that often they feel alienated from God. Often in times like this it seems that the presence of God is far from them and that is the worse part of it all.
So many people live like this from day to day, week to week, year after year. I have helped people come out of this condition so that their SOUL can prosper, but it only happens for people who really want to be free. Some people fall back into a victim mentally and blame God, blame their Spiritual leaders, blame their spouse, blame their circumstances, blame their past. But why would they do that? It is easier to blame others than it is to allow God to change us. But until God changes us, we will not find our souls prospering.
Look at what Jesus said about the Kingdom of God.
Romans 14: 17For the kingdom of God is not food and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Do you see the contrast of what Jesus is saying in this verse to the above description of how many in the body of Christ live. The Kingdom of God is not about health, wealth, and prosperity. It is common for false teachers to say, "Sow your best financial gift into the Kingdom." And what they mean is sow into my ministry. They are misleading about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is not something that you can touch, taste or handle. The Kingdom is within you. I hear others say, "Are you building your kingdom or God's Kingdom." And they are referring to a work or ministry. The Kingdom is not what you can produce or can be seen with human eyes. The Kingdom of God is a work of the Holy Spirit inside of you that produces righteousness, peace and joy. Until you comprehend this you will be completely frustrated with God. You will be sowing and sowing looking to reap back the 'benefits of the Kingdom" The only benefits of the Kingdom of God is an internal work inside of you, God promised if you sought this first than all these OTHER THINGS would be added to you. What other things? Our material needs. Gaining our material needs is not a part of the Kingdom, And once again what is the Kingdom of God? It is an inner work of the Holy Spirit inside your life The enemy wants you to be condemned, discouraged, frustrated, depressed and angry. But, when the Kingdom of God resides inside of you there is righteousness, peace and joy. How do you obtain this? BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is the key.
The enemy will trap you in a place where you cannot connect with the HOLY SPIRIT because he does not want the righteousness, peace and joy of the KINGDOM inside of you. How does he do this? The enemy will get you to do things in your everyday life that grieves the Spirit of God, and then after He is withdrawn, the enemy fills you inside with the worst kind of misery. And in our misery we cry out to God to help us feel better, and it feels like He is a million miles away. We must be careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit! Walking as a christian but not having good communion with the Holy Spirit is a common problem is the body of Christ among believers today. At a later date we will talk about the things that grieve the Spirit of God. Repentance is the key, and a refreshing of the Holy Spirit always follows repentance.
If your soul is in distress today, and it has been a long time since you have felt the presence of God, you must find out what you are doing to grieve the Holy Spirit. You may say, "I do everything right, I don't do anything that would grieve Him, the presence of God just won't come to me." Will you accuse God? Is God unfair and unjust? Would God be unrighteous towards you? How can a man or woman accuse God? If you struggle feeling the presence of God and this has happened for several months with no relief, you HAVE grieved God. If you can't see it, you are blinded to it. You must ask God to open your eyes and let you see it. But be warned, when light suddenly rushes in where we have been blind it really, really hurts. But, if you are serious about finding the righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit, you will be willing to pay that price.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
God Wants You To Have Inner Peace
In the book of Proverbs we are told to guard our hearts, because out of it comes the issues of life. What issues are you facing today. When our circumstances get desperate, the issues that are in our OWN heart begin to rise to the surface. God does not want us to have a heart that is dominated by worries, anxieties, frustrations, anger or self pity.
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you.
God wants us to have a heart that is dominated by God's love. When we have the idea that our circumstances are going to have to change before we can be joyful, we are letting or circumstances dictate to us what life will be for us. How are we going to have a heart after God's own heart? By casting all of our cares on him. Moses had a big problem. There was a big sea in his way. There are times that we think that everything would be OK, if we could only get this problem out of our way. Getting that sea out of the way only lead to ANOTHER problem...a desert without water. We look at our current problem and think if only I could get this problem to go away...but when it goes away, it just opens us up into another situation, another problem. This is how some have been living from day to day, year to year. Fix one problem run into another. You keep waiting for the problems to go away, so that you can finally have peace and soundness of mind, but they NEVER go away. Problems just keep coming, and coming, and coming.
The book of Hebrews says that they failed to enter into God's rest:
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you.
God wants us to have a heart that is dominated by God's love. When we have the idea that our circumstances are going to have to change before we can be joyful, we are letting or circumstances dictate to us what life will be for us. How are we going to have a heart after God's own heart? By casting all of our cares on him. Moses had a big problem. There was a big sea in his way. There are times that we think that everything would be OK, if we could only get this problem out of our way. Getting that sea out of the way only lead to ANOTHER problem...a desert without water. We look at our current problem and think if only I could get this problem to go away...but when it goes away, it just opens us up into another situation, another problem. This is how some have been living from day to day, year to year. Fix one problem run into another. You keep waiting for the problems to go away, so that you can finally have peace and soundness of mind, but they NEVER go away. Problems just keep coming, and coming, and coming.
The book of Hebrews says that they failed to enter into God's rest:
8Harden not your hearts, as in the rebellion, in the day of testing in the wilderness:
9When your fathers tested me, proved me, and saw my works forty years.
10Therefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.
11So I swore in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.)
So we see that the worst kind of unbelief is disobedience to God's voice. In the wilderness they had a lot of problems and stress, the Bible says they all died there, so they faced death nearly everyday. It was 40 years of walking in circles and funerals. It was not pleasant at all. God said they erred in their hearts through unbelief because of their disobedience they did not get to enter into God's rest. How much of the stress and strife and drama in your life right now is the result of poor choices where you violated God's Word? God hasn't abandoned you, just as God did not abandon them in the wilderness, but they never had inner peace, they never were able to enter into God's rest. The good news is there is still a promise of entering into his rest. God wants you to have inner peace and what blocks that peace inside of your life? Trauma from our past can block our inner peace. Regrets of things we have done to hurt ourselves and others can block out inner peace. Jealousy because others got things we wanted without near as much effort or because they cheated can block our inner peace. Fear that things are not going to work out to our good as God has promised can block our inner peace. Overspending and materialism can block our inner peace. Insecurities, fears, selfishness, worry, jealousies, these things lead to pride, anger and depression and can destroy our inner peace.
All throughout the Bible God is teaching us how to overcome these very things but few will listen. Instead of letting the Word of God change them, they continue to live as they please and then pray that God would give them the miracle of inner peace. That is like punching yourself in the nose all the time and then asking God to stop the bleeding. He could do that, but would it teach you not to punch yourself in the face? We do things that are absolutely destroying ourselves on the inside like jealousy, worry, addictions, gossip, selfishness, perversions of all sorts and then we wonder why we have no peace. I know this is a tough word, but it is time for the body of Christ to grow up.
You may say, "But how do I keep myself from doing those things?" You are SANCTIFIED by the Word of God and by prayer. To be Sanctified means to be set apart unto God. Set apart from what? From the world. Why would we want to do that? Because walking in this world is not the thing that hurts us. In the long run it is when the world gets INSIDE us that hurts us. Sanctification won't take you OUT of the world, it will take the WORLD out of you. The world is full of lust, panics, fears, mistrust, doubt, hatred, strife, envy, selfishness...and it is impossible to have inner peace and enter into the rest of God with these things active inside our hearts.
Someone may argue, "But there is much good in the world too." The Bible says that are none that are good but God, there is nothing truly good in this World that does not come from the Father above. This world and all that it has to offer is passing away. Do not invest your life in the things of this world, but invest your life in the things of God and lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.
You can spend a life time building a home, with a nice yard, only to have an earthquake devastate it in one day, and the insurance company deny your claim! You may spend a life time taking care of your body, only to have sickness or an accident take it in an instant. You could spend hours learning how to play a sport, only to have one injury take your ability to play forever. The things of this world are passing away. We chase after those things and then live in fear, panic, strife all the time because those things are so fragile. They are not a good investment of your time, talents and treasures. Invest your life in the Kingdom, obey God's Word and enter into the rest of God and enjoy inner peace. Allow God to Sanctify your life and set you apart for his purposes. When you do these things you will find that everything else that you need is added unto you.
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