Miracles happen everyday. God is healing, saving, delivering and shaping the live of individuals. The key is finding where the anointing is being released and getting in on that anointing. Nothing was going to change for Moses until he obeyed God and went back to Egypt. In all the time he was with his Father-in-law, he only saw the hand of God move in the miraculous one time. He came to the mountain to see the bush and to hear the voice of God. This experience didn't give him a miracle in itself. It was just an experience and an indicator that God wasn't through with His life and had a plan for him to see the miraculous. He obeyed the voice of God and this sent him on a journey that not only changed his life, but the life of everyone that he came into contact with. How would you like to go beyond having an experience with God, and move into the place where God is using you to change not only your own life, but the life of everyone that you come into contact with? You can do this through obedience to God.
Moses had an experience with God on the mountain, but if it stopped right there, he would have had a good story, it would have produced an inner change in his life that he would never forget, but it was not going to change his circumstances until AFTER he obeyed God. It is obedience that releases the miracle working power of God in our lives, merely experiencing God falls short of it. But we all LOOK for the experience. You see the EXPERIENCE doesn't change your circumstances in the Long run, it is obedience to what God ask of us that changes our lives. It is wonderful to see a burning bush and hear the voice of God, but we have to go past experiencing God and hearing his voice if we want our circumstances healed. Because Moses was living with some consequences. He had killed a man in Egypt and fled. Through that 'mistake' he had found found his way to Jethro's house and married into his family, had children, a whole life shaped by one mistake back in Egypt. How often do we make a mistake and it takes our whole life suddenly a direction we never dreamed we would go. Moses was now having an experience with God on the mountain. Seeing His Glory. Taking off his shoes, walking on Holy Ground. Hearing the audible voice of God speaking from the burning bush. Wow. What awesome experiences with God. And yet, if that had been the end of it NOTHING would have changed. God is looking for a people that are no longer satisfied with an experience on the mountain, He is looking for a people that will come down from that experience of the mountain with a renewed determination to be obedient to God!
How many times do we have incredible experiences with God and yet NOTHING in our circumstances change! The experiences with God are good. They give us direction, focus, anointing, they commission our steps, and yet if we stop right there and do not step out in obedience to do the will of God it is just what it was an experience with God, that ultimately did not change our circumstances at all.
When you step out in obedience to God this will not only change your life but just like Moses it will change the life and circumstances of everyone around you. We look for and crave the experiences and we SHOULD do this, but we must come out of those experiences with a renewed focus on obedience to God, and then our world will change.
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