
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Why Are So Many People Unhappy?

Jesus began preaching that the Kingdom of God was at hand.    Does God want us to prosper?  Yes.  Even as our SOUL prospers.  What does it mean for your soul to prosper?  Jesus taught us that the Kingdom of God was within us.

Luke 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

I have counseled many people that have asked Jesus into their heart, repented of their sins, serve God daily and yet they are miserable.  Unhappy, defeated.  The have little to no inner peace.  They are full of worry, strife, envy, anger, bitterness, hopelessness, panic, fears, and depressions.  They have very little joy, they feel condemned and discouraged.  And they begin to question God and themselves.  Sadly many Christians today fit this example.    What does it mean when we are living in this condition?  It means our SOUL is NOT prospering.     I have seen many people who are trying to walk in faith to see the material things of this world come to reality in their lives but their soul in not prospering.   And the sad part is that often they feel alienated from God.  Often in times like this it seems that the presence of God is far from them and that is the worse part of it all.  

So many people live like this from day to day, week to week, year after year.   I have helped people come out of this condition so that their SOUL can prosper, but it only happens for people who really want to be free.   Some people fall back into a victim mentally and blame God, blame their Spiritual leaders, blame their spouse, blame their circumstances, blame their past.  But why would they do that?   It is easier to blame others than it is to allow God to change us.  But until God changes us,  we will not find our souls prospering.  

Look at what Jesus said about the Kingdom of God.  

Romans 14: 17For the kingdom of God is not food and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Do you see the contrast of what Jesus is saying in this verse to the above description of how many in the body of Christ live.  The Kingdom of God is not about health, wealth, and prosperity.   It is common for false teachers to say, "Sow your best financial gift into the Kingdom." And what they mean is sow into my ministry.  They are misleading about the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom is not something that you can touch, taste or handle.  The Kingdom is within you.   I hear others say, "Are you building your kingdom or God's Kingdom."  And they are referring to a work or ministry.  The Kingdom is not what you can produce or can be seen with human eyes.  The Kingdom of God is a work of the Holy Spirit inside of you that produces righteousness, peace and joy.   Until you comprehend this you will be completely frustrated with God.  You will be sowing and sowing looking to reap back the 'benefits of the Kingdom"   The only benefits of the Kingdom of God is an internal work inside of you, God promised if you sought this first than all these OTHER THINGS would be added to you.  What other things?   Our material needs.  Gaining our material needs is not a part of the Kingdom,   And once again what is the Kingdom of God?  It is an inner work of the Holy Spirit inside your life  The enemy wants you to be condemned, discouraged, frustrated, depressed and angry.  But, when the Kingdom of God resides inside of you there is righteousness, peace and joy.     How do you obtain this?  BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.  This is the key.  

The enemy will trap you in a place where you cannot connect with the HOLY SPIRIT because he does not want the righteousness, peace and joy of the KINGDOM inside of you.   How does he do this?   The enemy will get you to do things in your everyday life that grieves the Spirit of God, and then after He is withdrawn, the enemy fills you inside with the worst kind of misery.   And in our misery we cry out to God to help us feel better, and it feels like He is a million miles away.   We must be careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit!    Walking as a christian but not having good communion with the Holy Spirit is a common problem is the body of Christ among believers today.   At a later date we will talk about the things that grieve the Spirit of God.  Repentance is the key, and a refreshing of the Holy Spirit always follows repentance.  

If your soul is in distress today, and it has been a long time since you have felt the presence of God,  you must find out what you are doing to grieve the Holy Spirit.  You may say, "I do everything right, I don't do anything that would grieve Him, the presence of God just won't come to me."   Will you accuse God?  Is God unfair and unjust?   Would God be unrighteous towards you?  How can a man or woman accuse God?   If you struggle feeling the presence of God and this has happened for several months with no relief,  you HAVE grieved God.  If you can't see it, you are blinded to it.   You must ask God to open your eyes and let you see it.  But be warned, when light suddenly rushes in where we have been blind it really, really hurts.  But, if you are serious about finding the righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit,  you will be willing to pay that price.  

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