I had a dream in which God exposed the plan of the enemy. All I can say is hold on child of God because the floodgates of perversion that has entered into the world has not finished it's course yet. In my dream I saw the enemy sending spirits of lust, and perversion, deceiving spirits to the Pastor's all across the USA. This not only lead many Pastors to sexual sin, but it caused them to think they were correct in committing these sins. It was a deception and heresy. The Lord spoke to me and said, "Keep watch on your life and doctrine closely, spirits have been released to lead the shepherds into HERESY, and those who do not have a love and devotion for the truth are going to fall into this trap.
Do not be surprised when you see leader after leader not only falling to sexual sin, but telling others it is OK if they do the same thing. We are living in the time of a great falling away. When men will no longer endure sound doctrine, but will go after those speaking heresies, with itching ears. Please understand that deceiving spirits have been sent out in the spirit realm right now in this hour and time in history to pervert and twist the belief and doctrines of the shepherds of God's flock. Keep an eye on your Pastor, and the people you watch on Christian TV. Do not sit under the mantle of anyone that falls to this tide of perversion. Anyone who sits under their teaching is also going to fall to the same heresy within a period of time. Do not associate with those who fall to these heresies. This is the time of testing for the church world wide and we must not fail this test.
Also, I shared with you a few months ago I had a vision in which I saw America plunged into perversion, and the church plunged with her. In this vision I saw there were many conservatives in the Bible belt that over reacted using true hate speech and violence to try to 'combat' the tide of evil. These conservative leaders became violent and hostile both in speech and in actions and it turned the tide of America even further away from the truth of God. We must take a stand for righteousness, but we must remember that our weapons are not carnal, but mighty in God, spiritual weapons for the pulling down of strongholds. In the next decade conservative Christians from the Bible belt are going to react in a harsh and extreme way to the tidal wave of perversion and that it is going to pull apart the strength of the Bible belt, and the Bible belt as we know it will not exist within the next 15 to 20 years. What we will see is the pulling away of the Bible belt until it no longer exist, and a host of spiritual leaders who embrace perversions and teach others to do the same.
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