When we look at this verse of Scripture we see the keys to happiness. First we must REALIZE THAT THE LORD IS OUR SHEPHERD. Shepherds tend Sheep. We are called the sheep of God through out the Bible. Sheep are defenseless animals. They have no way to protect themselves, provide for themselves or figure out where they are going. Without the Shepherd they would end up lost and make a nice meal for the wolves. Have you ever just felt lost and like the wolves were closing in? Often people find themselves in panic, fears, stress and cares. But a sheep depends on the Shepherd. When you stop watching over your own life and learn to depend on the voice of the Shepherd to lead and guide you, you will find you stress levels going down. You will find the peace of God which passes all understanding filling up your soul. I remember the day I realized the LORD is MY Shepherd. It revolutionized my life. He not only leads me but he keeps me safe and where does he lead us? It says this throughout the rest of the Psalm.
If the Shepherd is going to lead us than we must be willing to go where the Shcpherd wants, do what the Shepherd wants and be what the Shepherd wants. Often a sheep will stray off, and the Shepherd has to come find that one. Why does this happen? Why do we stray from God, from peace, from His path and His ways? We do so because we WANT WHAT WE WANT! That leads to the second half of the first verse. I SHALL NOT WANT. David knew the importance of that statement I SHALL NOT WANT! He had tended to sheep all of his life. Why do the wander off? Why do they get lost? Why do they go astray, out there for the wolves to destroy? It is because they WANT to go somewhere besides that place of safety that the Shepherd leads them too. As the Shepherd David would lead his flock to a nice green meadow where they could eat and drink, and where he was able to see them all and protect them. But there would always be that one that would wander away. He would go get it and it would wander away again. IT ALWAYS WANTED TO BE SOMEWHERE ELSE BECAUSE IT WANTED WHAT IT WANTED!
This is how we are. We start wanting this, that or the other thing, and BAM the next thing you know we are not following the Shepherd but our own desires and wants. The Bible says he grants the desires of our hearts when we are FOCUSED on him. The moment we are not focused on HIM and our hearts turn towards what we want and we put our focus on those things we want, that is the moment that like a sheep we go astray. David said it well:
The Lord is My Shepherd; I shall NOT want!
You see the key to happiness is no longer living for what you want, but living entirely for what God wants. Lord Jesus, I ask that my desires and wants would NEVER lead me, but only let your voice lead and guide me. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want!
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