Praise Assembly Church 312 Jamestown Street Columbia, kY 42728 Pastor's Bob and Patty McCann
Sunday, July 31, 2016
The Steps to Inner Healing
This week a friend of mine showed a ministry website that helps people find inner healing. Because the sins we do, the sins people do to us, the traumatic events in life, the things passed to us by our ancestors, they can damage and wound our souls. God wants to heal our inner man and make us whole. I would highly suggest that you read this ministry web page on inner healing, and go through the steps of inner healing. Steps to Inner Healing, Click here
Thursday, July 14, 2016
When You Life is Off Track!
When you look at the life of Moses, you can see that he made some decisions when he was young that got his life off track. He thought that his mistakes were so bad that his life could never be restored or repaired to God's original plan. There are so many people that I talk to everyday that is in the same boat as Moses. They made some really bad mistakes as they were going through their late teens and early twenties, and they have been trying really hard to get their life back on track. But, with each decision it is like they get farther away from where they need to be and it gets worse and worse for them. So, if your life is OFF track, how do you get it back ON track?
What most people do when they feel their life is off track is they start looking for security. And most people think that security is found in love, or in possessions. If I could just get someone to really love me, or if I could just get a good job and a nice home and reliable transportation, then I could be back on track. But those things don't bring happiness even if they do bring a sence of security. Look at Hollywood stars and professional atheletes. Even those who have plenty of money, no problem finding relationships, nice homes, nice cars are so miserable they use sleep aids to sleep, and anti-depresents to make it through the day! So our hearts desire security and we begin looking for that in worldly and material things and with each decision we make our lives get farther and farther off track.
So what is the problem? The problem is that we are following the desires of our hearts, and those desires are misplaced. The desires of our hearts are leading us the wrong direction. We desire material things, jobs, homes, cars, relationships, because we think this will bring us security, and we think that security will bring us peace and contentment and it is all a lie. If you think material things and relationship with someone is what you need in life you have drank the worlds kool-aide! Everyone is chasing those things, and most everyone is getting more and more messed up because they are making one poor decision right after the other!
What do we need? We need God to come and change the desires of our hearts. We need to pray, "God give me the desires of YOUR heart!" If we would seek after righteous, peace and the joy found in the Holy Ghost we would find peace and conentment, and then God would add to us all the relationship and material things in life that we need.
We keep making the wrong decisions when we chase after the wrong things. Chase after God and you will find that life gets better! amen.
What most people do when they feel their life is off track is they start looking for security. And most people think that security is found in love, or in possessions. If I could just get someone to really love me, or if I could just get a good job and a nice home and reliable transportation, then I could be back on track. But those things don't bring happiness even if they do bring a sence of security. Look at Hollywood stars and professional atheletes. Even those who have plenty of money, no problem finding relationships, nice homes, nice cars are so miserable they use sleep aids to sleep, and anti-depresents to make it through the day! So our hearts desire security and we begin looking for that in worldly and material things and with each decision we make our lives get farther and farther off track.
So what is the problem? The problem is that we are following the desires of our hearts, and those desires are misplaced. The desires of our hearts are leading us the wrong direction. We desire material things, jobs, homes, cars, relationships, because we think this will bring us security, and we think that security will bring us peace and contentment and it is all a lie. If you think material things and relationship with someone is what you need in life you have drank the worlds kool-aide! Everyone is chasing those things, and most everyone is getting more and more messed up because they are making one poor decision right after the other!
What do we need? We need God to come and change the desires of our hearts. We need to pray, "God give me the desires of YOUR heart!" If we would seek after righteous, peace and the joy found in the Holy Ghost we would find peace and conentment, and then God would add to us all the relationship and material things in life that we need.
We keep making the wrong decisions when we chase after the wrong things. Chase after God and you will find that life gets better! amen.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Don't Miss Out On Your Experience With God
Matthew 28:1 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.
Jesus had been crucified. And all the disciples had given up 'everything' to follow him, but none of them were willing at that point to give their lives. Later that changed, but they all fled. And on the third day Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were going to go tend to the body. You see, the disciples weren't going to tend to his body, because he was DEAD to them. And they didn't want nothing to do with his death! They were still hiding. If they showed up at that tomb to tend to the body they just might get arrested too! Often times we want the blessings of God! We want life, blessings, health, peace! Come on Lord bring on the benefits! But how many of us will take up His cross and follow Him. You see it isn't all blessings and life when it comes to the Lord. You see there is death too. You see if we suffer with Him we will also reign with Him. So nobody went to the tomb except Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary. And watch this, they are going to get an EXPERIENCE with God that the others only get to HEAR about.
Somebody needs to just catch what I just said: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were the ONLY two that went to the tomb, to associate with HIS DEATH, and there they got an EXPERIENCE THAT the others only got to HEAR about!
Mathew 28: 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. 3 His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. 4 And the guards shook for fear of him, and became like dead men.
Now I don't know about you all, but earthquakes scare me. I live in the heart of Kentucky and we very seldom have an earthquake. But, if we have one, any size at all, and we feel the earth shake, we will talk about it for the rest of our lives. And every body got their story of where they was, and what they were doing the day the earth shaked and we all got scared! Can you imagine them going to the tomb of Jesus and the ground begin to shake! What a story that would be. Oh, yeah! I remember that earthquake we had, I was on my way to the tomb of Jesus, and the ground started shaking! And a big angel came and He rolled away the stone! And all the guards that we were afraid of they all fell to the ground like dead men! Oh! Could you imagine. I don't care what experience you have had with God in your life, these ladies right here has the BEST testimony of all. They can say, "I was there when the ground began to shake! And this big angel came down and rolled away the stone." GLORY! But the others, they were hiding. They didn't want nothing to do with his death, AND THEY MISSED THE WHOLE THING!
If you will not associate with the sufferings of Jesus, you going to MISS what God is doing. You are going to MISS what Giod is saying. Yeah. They were afraid of the guards at the tomb, so they stayed home. But these two woman, they got this testimony, "The guards fell down like dead men, and wasn't NOBODY arresting us today because we came to see JESUS! When was the last time you got up at the crack of dawn and ran to see Jesus in your own life! You are missing your encounters with God because YOU ain't seeking Him. You casually hanging out with the church folk, and going to the dinners, and praying when you feel like it, or you have a reason to pray. And you are not searching, seeking, knocking...and you hear about others having experience with God. Others are hearing His voice, but you ain't. Others are getting supernatural provisions, but you ain't. Others are getting a healing in their soul, their body, but you ain't. Lord. Let us run with you!
Matthew 28:5 But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.”
8 So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word.
And they were afraid too! If you like to live a life of excitement and being on the edge, having fresh vision, fresh word, fresh revelation...GROWING, GROWING, GROWING as a person than lay aside your life and start seeking God with a hunger! We get stagnant and stuck in ONE spot in life cause we don't have any fresh revelation or vision from God. You see, God is going to move you forward. Cause he don't always change your circumstances until AFTER He change YOU! And if you don't draw close to him and run after him he can't change you. See here is one thing you KNOW. When these ladies had this EXPERIENCE with God, it CHANGED them! Forever, forever, forever, forever changed! We are too often looking for change, but we don't want nobody changing ME. How you going to have change without submitting to change yourself? You ARE NOT! When you submit to change, you will find that YOUR LIFE changes! Praise God!
So what happened? They got to go back and tell the disciples, "We have expereienced and been witness to HIS RESURRECTION." The only ones that experienced His RESURRECTION was the ones that were willing to associate and deal with HIS DEATH. They faced the persecustion of possible arrest and said we don't care if we are arrested, we are going to go to Jesus!
How far will you go with Jesus! Will you suffer with him? Or is your relationship with Him all about you and what YOU want in life? If we suffer with Him, we will also REIGN with Him.
Jesus had been crucified. And all the disciples had given up 'everything' to follow him, but none of them were willing at that point to give their lives. Later that changed, but they all fled. And on the third day Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were going to go tend to the body. You see, the disciples weren't going to tend to his body, because he was DEAD to them. And they didn't want nothing to do with his death! They were still hiding. If they showed up at that tomb to tend to the body they just might get arrested too! Often times we want the blessings of God! We want life, blessings, health, peace! Come on Lord bring on the benefits! But how many of us will take up His cross and follow Him. You see it isn't all blessings and life when it comes to the Lord. You see there is death too. You see if we suffer with Him we will also reign with Him. So nobody went to the tomb except Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary. And watch this, they are going to get an EXPERIENCE with God that the others only get to HEAR about.
Somebody needs to just catch what I just said: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were the ONLY two that went to the tomb, to associate with HIS DEATH, and there they got an EXPERIENCE THAT the others only got to HEAR about!
Mathew 28: 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. 3 His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. 4 And the guards shook for fear of him, and became like dead men.
Now I don't know about you all, but earthquakes scare me. I live in the heart of Kentucky and we very seldom have an earthquake. But, if we have one, any size at all, and we feel the earth shake, we will talk about it for the rest of our lives. And every body got their story of where they was, and what they were doing the day the earth shaked and we all got scared! Can you imagine them going to the tomb of Jesus and the ground begin to shake! What a story that would be. Oh, yeah! I remember that earthquake we had, I was on my way to the tomb of Jesus, and the ground started shaking! And a big angel came and He rolled away the stone! And all the guards that we were afraid of they all fell to the ground like dead men! Oh! Could you imagine. I don't care what experience you have had with God in your life, these ladies right here has the BEST testimony of all. They can say, "I was there when the ground began to shake! And this big angel came down and rolled away the stone." GLORY! But the others, they were hiding. They didn't want nothing to do with his death, AND THEY MISSED THE WHOLE THING!
If you will not associate with the sufferings of Jesus, you going to MISS what God is doing. You are going to MISS what Giod is saying. Yeah. They were afraid of the guards at the tomb, so they stayed home. But these two woman, they got this testimony, "The guards fell down like dead men, and wasn't NOBODY arresting us today because we came to see JESUS! When was the last time you got up at the crack of dawn and ran to see Jesus in your own life! You are missing your encounters with God because YOU ain't seeking Him. You casually hanging out with the church folk, and going to the dinners, and praying when you feel like it, or you have a reason to pray. And you are not searching, seeking, knocking...and you hear about others having experience with God. Others are hearing His voice, but you ain't. Others are getting supernatural provisions, but you ain't. Others are getting a healing in their soul, their body, but you ain't. Lord. Let us run with you!
Matthew 28:5 But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.”
8 So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word.
And they were afraid too! If you like to live a life of excitement and being on the edge, having fresh vision, fresh word, fresh revelation...GROWING, GROWING, GROWING as a person than lay aside your life and start seeking God with a hunger! We get stagnant and stuck in ONE spot in life cause we don't have any fresh revelation or vision from God. You see, God is going to move you forward. Cause he don't always change your circumstances until AFTER He change YOU! And if you don't draw close to him and run after him he can't change you. See here is one thing you KNOW. When these ladies had this EXPERIENCE with God, it CHANGED them! Forever, forever, forever, forever changed! We are too often looking for change, but we don't want nobody changing ME. How you going to have change without submitting to change yourself? You ARE NOT! When you submit to change, you will find that YOUR LIFE changes! Praise God!
So what happened? They got to go back and tell the disciples, "We have expereienced and been witness to HIS RESURRECTION." The only ones that experienced His RESURRECTION was the ones that were willing to associate and deal with HIS DEATH. They faced the persecustion of possible arrest and said we don't care if we are arrested, we are going to go to Jesus!
How far will you go with Jesus! Will you suffer with him? Or is your relationship with Him all about you and what YOU want in life? If we suffer with Him, we will also REIGN with Him.
Monday, June 27, 2016
The Seven Statements That Will Change Your Life!
I am going to make some revelatory statements, and there is going to be at least one that breaks down the walls for you.
1. Just because you hear voices doesn't mean you have to do what they say, or believe what they say!
Random voices in your head are NO DIFFERENT than voices of people sitting next to you! You have to decide if you are going to believe the Word of God, or the voices around you. Just know this the Word of God is going to lead you to FAITH and VICTORY, while those 'other voices' are going to bind you in FEAR. Here is what you do. Begin saying outloud as many times as you need to these words. "I believe the Word of God and I am NOT AFRAID!" "I WILL NOT FEAR" "I AM NOT AFRAID" You see random voices in your head are just that NOISE, and they only have power if those voices make you afraid. HELLO PEOPLE. We are living in a time in society when everyone is just a half notch from crazy. Don't be surprised if you or someone you know can 'hear voices' that is no big deal. The bad part is if you start BELIEVING the voices. Now you have a real problem!
2. Just because you have NO OPTIONS does not mean you can or should lay down and QUIT!
We are living in a time in American culture in which financial and relatlional situations can often leave people with little or few options in life. So many times when people are faced with limited options they just lay down and quit. HELLO! When Moses ran into the RED SEA, he had NO options, but they didn't quit. When Jonah was swallowed by the whale he had little or no options, but he didn't quit. When Gideon was oppressed by the Midianites they had little to no options, but he didn't quit, they were still threshing grain! Why are you laying down and quitting?? Get up and move forward. Pray a prayer of repentance and ask God to help you. Do what you can with the little you have and keep moving and pressing forward. Life is like a boat. You can't really move it unless you got some movement already going. You have tied yourself down to the dock. Untie from the dock, push your self out a bit into the water and start your engine, and move forward even if it is just an inch at time!
3. Just because someone is talking about you, or hurt you doesn't mean you have to FALL APART!
What would happen if someone talked about you, or hurt you and you went on with life and prospered anyway! I guess you would have OVERCOME the world! Jesus came so that we could overcome the world. If there are 5000 people in this county and 2400 are talking about me, and I don't allow that to IMPACT my life, my work, my joy, my peace, my mind, my thoughts, my directions, my flow in God that guess what I WIN! If someone hurts you, talks about you, and wants to see you ruined and you REACT to their gossip guess what? THEY WIN! Please listen to me child of God. Yea. Haters going to hate. People are going to lie on you, the going to be jealous of you. They won't be doing no good works at all, but they will criticize the good works YOU do. Of course they going to hate you, but what did Jesus say? He said but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. I have spent a life time IGNORING my haters and REFUSING to respond to their nonsince. And you know what bothers them more than you prospering. It's when you prosper and they attack you for it and you IGNORE THEM. It burns them up. No more facebook post rants about your haters. If you respond like that, they eat it up. You are doing just what they want. Listen to me child of God! Just because someone talks about you doesn't mean you have to RESPOND! Take that and be set free!
Show me how many people and things you are truly comitted to and I will tell you how strong your life is. So many times people lives are so fragile and their whole house falls apart two or three times a year, they got to move, start all over, get new job, new people, new relationships, new furntiure, new everthing over and over and over. They are only starting all the time, but never sticking and flourishing. Why is that? It is because they haven't made enough comittments in their life. What are you comitted to? Your children? If the only thing you have made a comittment to is your kids, you are going to have a terrible time raising them. Please listen to me. When we think that a comittment to our kids is ALL that we need in life to have stability and a home we are going to fall short and those kids are going to be dragged from person to person, home to home, relationship to relationship.
5. Your procrastination is KILLING you.
I think that is enough said. You know what you should do, but you haven't done because you are 'waiting on God's timing' that simply put is saying, "I want to wait until I don't have to use faith to do it, so wait on God to make it EASY.' Wrong. Without faith it is impossible to please God!
6. You will know a person by their FRUIT.
If they have a prison record, don't date this person. If they have kids by several people, don't date this person. If they are married to someone else, don't date this person. If they have no job, no money, no class, don't date this person. If they do more drugs than they do work, don't date this person. What makes you think that you can date someone and have a baby with them and then all the sudden they will be a responsible parent that helps raise this child? If they aren't responsible before the baby, they won't be afterward either!
If you put your family and your life, your job, your kids, your family time, your stuff before you put the things of GOD, (notice I didn't say God but I said the things of God) than your family is not going to serve God at all. You call Him your GOD, and yet you put yourself and your family before HIS things. Why would your family honor a God that you yourself do not honor.
1. Just because you hear voices doesn't mean you have to do what they say, or believe what they say!
Random voices in your head are NO DIFFERENT than voices of people sitting next to you! You have to decide if you are going to believe the Word of God, or the voices around you. Just know this the Word of God is going to lead you to FAITH and VICTORY, while those 'other voices' are going to bind you in FEAR. Here is what you do. Begin saying outloud as many times as you need to these words. "I believe the Word of God and I am NOT AFRAID!" "I WILL NOT FEAR" "I AM NOT AFRAID" You see random voices in your head are just that NOISE, and they only have power if those voices make you afraid. HELLO PEOPLE. We are living in a time in society when everyone is just a half notch from crazy. Don't be surprised if you or someone you know can 'hear voices' that is no big deal. The bad part is if you start BELIEVING the voices. Now you have a real problem!
2. Just because you have NO OPTIONS does not mean you can or should lay down and QUIT!
We are living in a time in American culture in which financial and relatlional situations can often leave people with little or few options in life. So many times when people are faced with limited options they just lay down and quit. HELLO! When Moses ran into the RED SEA, he had NO options, but they didn't quit. When Jonah was swallowed by the whale he had little or no options, but he didn't quit. When Gideon was oppressed by the Midianites they had little to no options, but he didn't quit, they were still threshing grain! Why are you laying down and quitting?? Get up and move forward. Pray a prayer of repentance and ask God to help you. Do what you can with the little you have and keep moving and pressing forward. Life is like a boat. You can't really move it unless you got some movement already going. You have tied yourself down to the dock. Untie from the dock, push your self out a bit into the water and start your engine, and move forward even if it is just an inch at time!
3. Just because someone is talking about you, or hurt you doesn't mean you have to FALL APART!
What would happen if someone talked about you, or hurt you and you went on with life and prospered anyway! I guess you would have OVERCOME the world! Jesus came so that we could overcome the world. If there are 5000 people in this county and 2400 are talking about me, and I don't allow that to IMPACT my life, my work, my joy, my peace, my mind, my thoughts, my directions, my flow in God that guess what I WIN! If someone hurts you, talks about you, and wants to see you ruined and you REACT to their gossip guess what? THEY WIN! Please listen to me child of God. Yea. Haters going to hate. People are going to lie on you, the going to be jealous of you. They won't be doing no good works at all, but they will criticize the good works YOU do. Of course they going to hate you, but what did Jesus say? He said but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. I have spent a life time IGNORING my haters and REFUSING to respond to their nonsince. And you know what bothers them more than you prospering. It's when you prosper and they attack you for it and you IGNORE THEM. It burns them up. No more facebook post rants about your haters. If you respond like that, they eat it up. You are doing just what they want. Listen to me child of God! Just because someone talks about you doesn't mean you have to RESPOND! Take that and be set free!
Show me how many people and things you are truly comitted to and I will tell you how strong your life is. So many times people lives are so fragile and their whole house falls apart two or three times a year, they got to move, start all over, get new job, new people, new relationships, new furntiure, new everthing over and over and over. They are only starting all the time, but never sticking and flourishing. Why is that? It is because they haven't made enough comittments in their life. What are you comitted to? Your children? If the only thing you have made a comittment to is your kids, you are going to have a terrible time raising them. Please listen to me. When we think that a comittment to our kids is ALL that we need in life to have stability and a home we are going to fall short and those kids are going to be dragged from person to person, home to home, relationship to relationship.
5. Your procrastination is KILLING you.
I think that is enough said. You know what you should do, but you haven't done because you are 'waiting on God's timing' that simply put is saying, "I want to wait until I don't have to use faith to do it, so wait on God to make it EASY.' Wrong. Without faith it is impossible to please God!
6. You will know a person by their FRUIT.
If they have a prison record, don't date this person. If they have kids by several people, don't date this person. If they are married to someone else, don't date this person. If they have no job, no money, no class, don't date this person. If they do more drugs than they do work, don't date this person. What makes you think that you can date someone and have a baby with them and then all the sudden they will be a responsible parent that helps raise this child? If they aren't responsible before the baby, they won't be afterward either!
If you put your family and your life, your job, your kids, your family time, your stuff before you put the things of GOD, (notice I didn't say God but I said the things of God) than your family is not going to serve God at all. You call Him your GOD, and yet you put yourself and your family before HIS things. Why would your family honor a God that you yourself do not honor.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
God May Not Take You Out, But He Will Take You Through!
Often times we are wanting God to come and take us OUT of our problems, when all along God intends to take us THROUGH.
The three Hebrew Children were told to bow to the idol. They refused because of their faith in God. The threat was that anyone that did not bow would be thrown into the fiery furnance. OK, right there my prayer is going to be that God would not allow me to be thrown into the fire. Wouldn't it be the prayer of all of us that we would not have to be thrown into a furnace? And yet, they were thrown in. God didn't save them from the furnace, but he did save them from the flames. Flames that should have burned them alive was not able to touch them even though they walked in the midst of the flames. I'm talking to someone right now and you are waking in the midst of the flames. God may not take you OUT of the problem, but he will WALK you through it!
Daniel prayed everyday, and his enemies used his faithfulness against him. They tricked the King into making a decree that no one could pray to any God or man except to the King. What did Daniel do? He went right on and prayed to God anyway. The punishment? Thrown into a den of lions. Now right there I'm going to start praying that I don't have to go to that den. I would be praying God keep me out of that den of lions, and deliver me from it. Because I don't want to have to go through being thrown to lions. Who could survive that? God didn't take Daniel out of that situation, but He did take him through it. He was thrown to the lions, but God shut the lions mouth.
Joseph was given a coat of many colors. His brothers hated him because of his favor and his dreams. God didn't keep him from betrayal, abuse, and hardships, because his brothers gave him all of that, but God did take him through it. And in the end God took all those hardships and worked them together for his good.
Word of Wisdom: God doesn't always bring us out, but He will see us through. God didn't keep the Three Hebrew children out of the fire, but He did go with them THROUGH it. God didn't keep Daniel out of the lion's den, but He did go with him THROUGH it. God didn't keep Joseph from being hurt, betrayed and abused by his family, but He did take Him THROUGH it to a better place. Whatever circumstance or situation that you are going through today, God may not take you out of it, but He will take you THROUGH it! Even Noah built a boat and went THROUGH the flood. Somebody say, " I may not come out, but nothing can stop MY GOD from taking me THROUGH!"
The three Hebrew Children were told to bow to the idol. They refused because of their faith in God. The threat was that anyone that did not bow would be thrown into the fiery furnance. OK, right there my prayer is going to be that God would not allow me to be thrown into the fire. Wouldn't it be the prayer of all of us that we would not have to be thrown into a furnace? And yet, they were thrown in. God didn't save them from the furnace, but he did save them from the flames. Flames that should have burned them alive was not able to touch them even though they walked in the midst of the flames. I'm talking to someone right now and you are waking in the midst of the flames. God may not take you OUT of the problem, but he will WALK you through it!
Daniel prayed everyday, and his enemies used his faithfulness against him. They tricked the King into making a decree that no one could pray to any God or man except to the King. What did Daniel do? He went right on and prayed to God anyway. The punishment? Thrown into a den of lions. Now right there I'm going to start praying that I don't have to go to that den. I would be praying God keep me out of that den of lions, and deliver me from it. Because I don't want to have to go through being thrown to lions. Who could survive that? God didn't take Daniel out of that situation, but He did take him through it. He was thrown to the lions, but God shut the lions mouth.
Joseph was given a coat of many colors. His brothers hated him because of his favor and his dreams. God didn't keep him from betrayal, abuse, and hardships, because his brothers gave him all of that, but God did take him through it. And in the end God took all those hardships and worked them together for his good.
Word of Wisdom: God doesn't always bring us out, but He will see us through. God didn't keep the Three Hebrew children out of the fire, but He did go with them THROUGH it. God didn't keep Daniel out of the lion's den, but He did go with him THROUGH it. God didn't keep Joseph from being hurt, betrayed and abused by his family, but He did take Him THROUGH it to a better place. Whatever circumstance or situation that you are going through today, God may not take you out of it, but He will take you THROUGH it! Even Noah built a boat and went THROUGH the flood. Somebody say, " I may not come out, but nothing can stop MY GOD from taking me THROUGH!"
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
I Prophecy Life Over You Today
37 The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. Ezekiel 37: 1
This is what happens sometimes in life we come to a dead, dry place. Here is a valley of bones, dead, dry bones. It represents the things in our lives that were once alive, and now is dead. dead dreams. dead marriages. dead end jobs. dead relationships. dead partnerships. Everywhere the prophet looked here the mountain was filled with dead dry bones. And there are times when it just seems like everwhere we look life is dead, dried up, lacking energy. Just dead. Instead of living to fulfill the dreams of God in our lives we become servants to the system living each day to pay the bills.
2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
So I answered, “O Lord God, You know.”
Can these bones live? God is asking you today can these bones live? Those dead dreams, can they live again? That dead marriage, can it live again. That dead end job, can God move on that again? Those dead relationships and partnerships can they live again?
What do you say?? Maybe you are like Ezekiel here. He wanted to believe God but there were SO MANY DRY BONES, AND THEY WERE VERY DRY. I know you want to believe God. But there are so many problems and they are very big problems. I know you want to believe God but that PERSON you are living with is JUST so, so, so, so MEAN. Yet, the Lord is still asking you today: "Can these bones live?"
Ezekiel had his doubts so he said, "O Lord God, You know."
And yes God knows about your dead dreams, he knows about your dead marriage, he knows about your dead health, he knows about your dead finances...O Lord, Only You know. Sometimes people act like they know what you are going through. THEY DON'T KNOW! But God knows. "O Lord, Only You know."
4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 Thus says the Lord Godto these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”’”
Child of God you are going to have to PROPHECY over those dead, dry bones. I didn't say speak to them, or confess over them..I said Prophecy. To prophcy is to bring an utterance forth BY THE SPIRIT. The problem we got today is people trying to confess, or to speak positivily over their situation as if their words and their voice had some kind of power. There is very LITTLE power in the words you speak or what you say UNTIL THE SPIRIT OF GOD ANOINTS your mouth and those words come out under the unction of the HOLY GHOST!
What does that mean? It means before you start blabbing your mouth about your situation you got to wait upon God, and then when the Spirit of God comes and begins to move on you with a WORD, that is when you get up and speak to that mountain! Those mountain moving words that we speak must be anointed by the Holy Ghost or they are nothing more than a human speaking with his own mouth by his own will. Even when i know the will of God, I will wait upon the Spirit of God before I speak forth that will. Why? Because when words go through the air and they are anointed by the HOLY GHOST they are going to impact the atmosphere around it. You may say, "O I speak the Bible the Word of God, it is always anointed." The LETTER KILLS. But the Spirit gives life. You want to kill the work of God? Then just get up and preach the Word of God without the Spirit of God speaking that Word through you. It will be just as dry as those dead bones in that valley! It is the same way in our personal lives. When we speak the Word of God without the Spirit or breathe of God moving upon us to do so it is like the LETTER that kiils.
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.
When life comes it's going to get active, it's going to get busy, it's going to get messy, it's going to get noisy, it's going to get MOVING. If you don't want things to CHANGE. Wait, wait, wait, wait! I got to say that again. IF YOU DON'T WANT THINGS TO CHANGE THAN DON'T BE PROPHECYING OVER YOUR DEAD, DRY BONES! Cause when you do, things are going to change! Somebody needs to stop right there and say, "Lord, I want things to change" Somebody holler, "Change me Lord" Glory to God!
9 Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”’” 10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.
And right now I prophecy by the Spirit of the Lord that God is breathing upon your life today. I speak to those dead, dry bones in your life to LIVE! Rise up in the Spirit and the Power of God and LIVE! amen.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Prophetic Word for The Month of June
Prophetic Word for June 2016
May was a month of healings, purgings, restorations, cleasnings. Issues that some have carried for a very long time God began a work of removing these things from lives and bringing about restoration and renewal. If you have had a problem in your life for a very long time and you want help being rid of that issue contact me at the link below... God is going to help you.
God is still doing some restoration, healing and purging, so it's not too late to get on board! Contact me, I want to talk with you about bringing your life to a place of restoration so that you can complete the call that God has placed on your life.
June is going to be a month of visitation! God is giving out new anointings, new revelations, new visitations, new visions. I hear God saying, "Behold, I make all things NEW! Some of the stagnation that you have faced is going to be broken off of your life this month and God is giving out new direction.
I hear the Lord saying, "Break Up Your Fallow Ground!" This is a month also of specific prayer and fasting. Specific as in 'FOR A PURPOSE' Spend as many hours each day that you can seeking God. The prayers you sew in tears today is going to spring up into harvest in your life this fall around September, October, November. What is fallow ground? Fallow ground is unplowed ground. Nothing can grow deep in fallow ground, it's hard unyeilding ground. Prayer is the key to plowing the unfallowed ground of your heart, this allows the SEEDS OF THE WORD OF GOD to go deeper into your life. It is going to spring up into greater revelation, greater vision, greater manifestation of God's Word in your life.
The past few years the vision and plans that God has given, and the promises of God have been DELAYED, DELAYED DELAYED! I hear the Lord saying, "No more DELAYS!" Think back about the promises of God that have been spoken over your life and begin to seek God for his plan to bring those things into your life. If you are not planning for God's Word to come to pass in your life, than you are not making room for the promise! Adam sewed together fig leaves. Abel offered up a better sacrifice. Enoch walked with God. Noah built a boat. Abraham made a journey. Moses faced his past. Joshua marched and conquered. God's promises always comes with an action REQUIRED on your part. Do not sit by and be passive and miss the mark. This is the time right now in this season to open your ears to hear instruction. Some of those decisions you KNOW you have had to make and you been putting it off, NOW is the time to move! Sell that house! Trade in that car! Start that ministry! Step out into that Calling! If you don't move now you are going to risk losing the momentum of this season. Because we are in a season right now where God is shifting and bringing us from a place of stagnation to a place of moving forward and vitality. Move child of God! Don't miss this season of change!
I hear the word fruitful. Some of you have been in a stagnent place where the fruit was at best rotten and not fresh. This is the month to move into a place of fruitfulness. Fresh season, fresh fruit, fresh word, fresh bread. Don't settle for yesterdays crumbs any more. Seek God and ask him to do something fresh in your life.
The economy is going to bounce along this month about the same as last month. A few ups and downs, but I don't believe we will see anything major happen to the economy of the USA this month.
The Lord is showing me a map of the USA and it has a couple of needles in it and the Lord is saying that drugs have become a major problem for this nation. God is raising up men and woman of the church to minister to people who are on drugs, to help them be delivered. But not only delivered from drugs but to help them overcome the under lying issues such as: abuse, panic, fears, depressions and lack of purpose. For some of you, this month pray and ask God to begin to move you the direction you need to help these people recover. God is going to use you in this.
Also I am seeing these catastophes up ahead:
I'm seeing some kind of problem in the airline industry too. Problems with air planes, and riding in air planes. So be on your guard and pray for this industry this month. What I am seeing is two air planes exploding. If God's people would be aware and pray we could avoid these kind of catastrophes.
Also seeing some tornados coming up through the mid-western states, up around and through the Missippi river areas. I am seeing some F3 and F4 tornadoes. So once again, we are going to need to pray to avert these dangers.
I see a major fire breaking out somewhere too, cannot tell you what part of the world, but a few dozen people at least injured in this. I believe it is in Nevada. People of God let's pray against these things so it will not come to pass.
Sometimes I see catastophes and they happen soon and other times it takes a while before they come to pass, but if we will pray God will listen.
Also, the Lord is showing me that there is an organized syndicate overseas, with people spread out through several nations overseas and they are organized, not individuals, but an organized group of people, that what they do is find ways to scam Americans. I hear the Lord saying, "they want to squeeze the wealth out of us and make it thier own" They are plotting night and day on how to take the wealth of the average American. They are using our greed against us, our materialism against us, our fears against us. ISIS is NOT our only enemy against us, this is a hidden enemy but is just as deadly. We need to ban together and pray that God would expose these people and break up their schemes and foil their plans.
Once again, JUNE is a month of visitation. So prepare for God to visit both the righteous and the unrighteous. Make it your goal to witness to one person each day the month of June because God is going to be visiting the sinners this month and drawing them to himself. This will make this month a month of harvest if you will go to the fields and reach the lost. What God is doing this month is postioning HIS body for a turn around! So move this month! That thing you been putting off, GET UP AND MOVE. Let God position you for a turn around, and you will find that when you get up and move, God is moving with YOU.
If you would like a Personal Prophetic Word click here
personal prophetic word
May was a month of healings, purgings, restorations, cleasnings. Issues that some have carried for a very long time God began a work of removing these things from lives and bringing about restoration and renewal. If you have had a problem in your life for a very long time and you want help being rid of that issue contact me at the link below... God is going to help you.
God is still doing some restoration, healing and purging, so it's not too late to get on board! Contact me, I want to talk with you about bringing your life to a place of restoration so that you can complete the call that God has placed on your life.
June is going to be a month of visitation! God is giving out new anointings, new revelations, new visitations, new visions. I hear God saying, "Behold, I make all things NEW! Some of the stagnation that you have faced is going to be broken off of your life this month and God is giving out new direction.
I hear the Lord saying, "Break Up Your Fallow Ground!" This is a month also of specific prayer and fasting. Specific as in 'FOR A PURPOSE' Spend as many hours each day that you can seeking God. The prayers you sew in tears today is going to spring up into harvest in your life this fall around September, October, November. What is fallow ground? Fallow ground is unplowed ground. Nothing can grow deep in fallow ground, it's hard unyeilding ground. Prayer is the key to plowing the unfallowed ground of your heart, this allows the SEEDS OF THE WORD OF GOD to go deeper into your life. It is going to spring up into greater revelation, greater vision, greater manifestation of God's Word in your life.
The past few years the vision and plans that God has given, and the promises of God have been DELAYED, DELAYED DELAYED! I hear the Lord saying, "No more DELAYS!" Think back about the promises of God that have been spoken over your life and begin to seek God for his plan to bring those things into your life. If you are not planning for God's Word to come to pass in your life, than you are not making room for the promise! Adam sewed together fig leaves. Abel offered up a better sacrifice. Enoch walked with God. Noah built a boat. Abraham made a journey. Moses faced his past. Joshua marched and conquered. God's promises always comes with an action REQUIRED on your part. Do not sit by and be passive and miss the mark. This is the time right now in this season to open your ears to hear instruction. Some of those decisions you KNOW you have had to make and you been putting it off, NOW is the time to move! Sell that house! Trade in that car! Start that ministry! Step out into that Calling! If you don't move now you are going to risk losing the momentum of this season. Because we are in a season right now where God is shifting and bringing us from a place of stagnation to a place of moving forward and vitality. Move child of God! Don't miss this season of change!
I hear the word fruitful. Some of you have been in a stagnent place where the fruit was at best rotten and not fresh. This is the month to move into a place of fruitfulness. Fresh season, fresh fruit, fresh word, fresh bread. Don't settle for yesterdays crumbs any more. Seek God and ask him to do something fresh in your life.
The economy is going to bounce along this month about the same as last month. A few ups and downs, but I don't believe we will see anything major happen to the economy of the USA this month.
The Lord is showing me a map of the USA and it has a couple of needles in it and the Lord is saying that drugs have become a major problem for this nation. God is raising up men and woman of the church to minister to people who are on drugs, to help them be delivered. But not only delivered from drugs but to help them overcome the under lying issues such as: abuse, panic, fears, depressions and lack of purpose. For some of you, this month pray and ask God to begin to move you the direction you need to help these people recover. God is going to use you in this.
Also I am seeing these catastophes up ahead:
I'm seeing some kind of problem in the airline industry too. Problems with air planes, and riding in air planes. So be on your guard and pray for this industry this month. What I am seeing is two air planes exploding. If God's people would be aware and pray we could avoid these kind of catastrophes.
Also seeing some tornados coming up through the mid-western states, up around and through the Missippi river areas. I am seeing some F3 and F4 tornadoes. So once again, we are going to need to pray to avert these dangers.
I see a major fire breaking out somewhere too, cannot tell you what part of the world, but a few dozen people at least injured in this. I believe it is in Nevada. People of God let's pray against these things so it will not come to pass.
Sometimes I see catastophes and they happen soon and other times it takes a while before they come to pass, but if we will pray God will listen.
Also, the Lord is showing me that there is an organized syndicate overseas, with people spread out through several nations overseas and they are organized, not individuals, but an organized group of people, that what they do is find ways to scam Americans. I hear the Lord saying, "they want to squeeze the wealth out of us and make it thier own" They are plotting night and day on how to take the wealth of the average American. They are using our greed against us, our materialism against us, our fears against us. ISIS is NOT our only enemy against us, this is a hidden enemy but is just as deadly. We need to ban together and pray that God would expose these people and break up their schemes and foil their plans.
Once again, JUNE is a month of visitation. So prepare for God to visit both the righteous and the unrighteous. Make it your goal to witness to one person each day the month of June because God is going to be visiting the sinners this month and drawing them to himself. This will make this month a month of harvest if you will go to the fields and reach the lost. What God is doing this month is postioning HIS body for a turn around! So move this month! That thing you been putting off, GET UP AND MOVE. Let God position you for a turn around, and you will find that when you get up and move, God is moving with YOU.
If you would like a Personal Prophetic Word click here
personal prophetic word
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Having a Heart To Follow God
Abraham went on a journey with God. He didn't know where he was going, he just had a promise from God and followed as God lead. There are some of you today this is all you got and how you have been living your life. You got a promise from God and you just been following along. Abraham was promised a son, and land flowing with milk and honey, descendants that would be as numerous as the stars...And NONE of that was coming to pass as he walked along. But he was running into a lot of problems. Family problems between him and Lot. Relational problems between him and his wife as she got more frustrated at nothing working out and not getting pregnaunt. Territorial problems in that he couldn't find a place to rest, wandering around in make shift tents not really finding a place to settle in and build his life. Sarai and Hagar fighting and fussing...and the list goes on and on and on and on...There are people right now, and they are reading this and you are facing similar things that Abraham faced. You got God's promises. You got God's dreams and visions. You have laid down your life and followed what God wanted. But none of the promises are coming to pass and everywhere you look you got problems. And you about to give up. Listen to me child of God. Abraham was no different than you are today, and God made him the Father of many nations, he is one of the most celebrated people that ever lived on this planet. The only reason is because he didn't give up. He kept believing even when nothing wasn't working and nothing was happening and nothing was coming to pass. And because he believed God, this was what made him the Father of our faith. Maybe that promise of God and your comittment to that promise is all you got. Hang on to it child. This is all that Abraham had to, and God raised him up! Praise God!
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
A Prophetic Word to Help you Fulfill Your Destiny
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
Some of you today have had plans that just didn't turn out the right way. And the enemy has done his best to keep you from living and fulfilling your dreams. Please listen to this word of the Lord and take it to heart. amen.
What the Lord is showing me is I see you and you got out a blue print and you are working on it like and engineer, and it's, it's just perfect. You could not find a better blue print. It is masterfully made. Absolutely brilliant and perfect. But then, the problem is that life isn't perfect. And you get frustrated because you have this perfect blue print and you can't get 'real life' to match the blue print. And this is exactly how life is.
People who succeed are the ones that can take that perfect blue print and wrap it around life, and keep the 'quality' of it while shaping the frame of it around realistic goals. Life is tough, and if something isn't moving, it hard to get it started moving. There is nothing "wrong" with the plan you got for life, the problem is life itself seldom co-operates with our plans. If making a plan and staying on schedule and fulfilling that plan were easy than everyone would do it. Jesus said, "IN this life you will have trials and problems but be of good cheer, I have overcome this world."
That blue print plan you have made for your life, is there to help you fulfill your dream, and Joseph in the bible had dreams. And they were big dreams. And weren't nothing working out. Next thing you know he was sold to slavery. That was NOT part of the plan. And then he was wrongfully acused and sent to prison, and it looked like his dreams weren't coming to pass at all, and the plans were all messed up. But out of all that chaos, God took him from the prison to the palace. What? Even if the plan doesn't go like planned God can still bring me to the fulfillment of my dreams? ABSOLUTELY! So it is good to dream, it is good to plan, but if your plans mess up, because life gets messy, don't let go of your dreams, just alter the plan and take another route to them! This is a liberating thought for you today. Just because my plan messed up doesn't mean I will never reach my dreams! Hey, plans are good, keep making them but know this, in spite of our plans, God is the one that brings us to our fulfillment
Monday, May 30, 2016
Witch Craft is Evil
Witch craft is evil. Hear the word of the Lord. If you are involved in witch craft, satanism, demonology, wicca or any form of paganism you are on the path of darkness. There is no LIGHT in any of these path. These are the paths of the enemy. He only comes to steal, kill and destroy. The longer you follow these paths the more messed up your life is going to get. Demons ARE NOT your friends. The are ANGELS of darkness, disguised as angels of light. They come and promise you POWER, STRENGTH, REVENGE, LUST, the ability to KILL, STEAL or destroy but the DEVIL does not give you a free will like God give us. That means that you will not be a FREE AGENT to use those tools anyway that you see fit. And the moment you begin to buck the will of these demons, that is when they will turn on you and destroy you. Are you really ignorant enough to believe that a demon could be a friend, or trust worthy?
I hear the Lord saying today that those of you that have played around with magic, wicca, witch craft, demonology, stanism, NOW is your time to get OUT! Do not delay. The door is already closing on you, get out now while you have an opportunity to do so. Here is a link to contact me. I want to pray with you and help you get out. Click this link and fill out the information to receive a prophetic word and type in the message block, I've been into stuff that I want to get out of..
I'm Into that stuff, but I want OUT
I hear the Lord saying today that those of you that have played around with magic, wicca, witch craft, demonology, stanism, NOW is your time to get OUT! Do not delay. The door is already closing on you, get out now while you have an opportunity to do so. Here is a link to contact me. I want to pray with you and help you get out. Click this link and fill out the information to receive a prophetic word and type in the message block, I've been into stuff that I want to get out of..
I'm Into that stuff, but I want OUT
Thursday, May 26, 2016
I believe YOU can fly!
You have to spread your wings if you want to fly...and that means reaching out to others...
If you are in business and you want to fly you have to reach out to other clients, other customers, other resources, other possibilities...
If you are in a trade and you want to fly you have to reach out to other skills, other venues, other fans or customers...
If you are in charge of an organization and you want to fly you have to reach out to other things to offer, other groups of people, other methods of doing things...
And you have to catch the wind...wind is breath. And breath is talking
you need people talking about you...
God talking about you...
competition talking about you...
friends talking about you...
enemies talking about you...
Holy Spirit wind comes under your life when God speaks about you and the Spirit of God begins to blow on you and lift you up. He lifts you up where you belong, and you can fly high on eagles wings.
You can spread out your wings and fly, and yes, EVERYONE Is going to talk about it! And that talk is good, friendly talk, enemy talk, God talk, competitors talking, people talking all of this creates the wind that lifts you up and enables you to fly. So spread your wings and get everyone talking about you today. I believe YOU can fly!
If you are in business and you want to fly you have to reach out to other clients, other customers, other resources, other possibilities...
If you are in a trade and you want to fly you have to reach out to other skills, other venues, other fans or customers...
If you are in charge of an organization and you want to fly you have to reach out to other things to offer, other groups of people, other methods of doing things...
And you have to catch the wind...wind is breath. And breath is talking
you need people talking about you...
God talking about you...
competition talking about you...
friends talking about you...
enemies talking about you...
Holy Spirit wind comes under your life when God speaks about you and the Spirit of God begins to blow on you and lift you up. He lifts you up where you belong, and you can fly high on eagles wings.
You can spread out your wings and fly, and yes, EVERYONE Is going to talk about it! And that talk is good, friendly talk, enemy talk, God talk, competitors talking, people talking all of this creates the wind that lifts you up and enables you to fly. So spread your wings and get everyone talking about you today. I believe YOU can fly!
Monday, May 23, 2016
Overcoming the Spirit of Rejection
When we look at the Bible we see people who had to suffer some rejection. Look at the life of Joseph. Rejected by his brothers, betrayed by his masters wife, he went through many rejections and trials. Look at the life of David. When the Prophet Samuel went to the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons as King, Samuels first thoughts was to anoint the oldest and the biggest. But God said, "No, do not look on the outward but on the heart." David was so disappointing that his Father didn't even present him to the prophet as a candidate to be anointed as King. Yet God chose him. Later his brothers belitteled and berated David, his family gave him a lot of rejection. There are many of you reading this and you know exactly what it is like to feel rejected by your family and close relatives. You have been rejected all your life, and it still impacts your life today.
Here are 11 things that the spirit of rejection does to harm your life and altar your personality.
Inability to receive love.
When someone who is significant in our lives has rejected us, it makes us feel unworthy. It establishes a root belief that if we are unworthy, we are unlovable; therefore, we are unable to receive love.
Romans 5:8 But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Inability to love others.
The root of rejection destroys our ability to trust others. We are reluctant to allow ourselves to get into close relationship with others. Obviously, if we can't get close to another person, we can't consider loving that person.
John 13:34-35 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
After we have experienced rejection by someone significant in our lives, we don't know whom we can trust. Subconsciously, we walk through life as if we were walking on eggs. We always expect betrayal or criticism to be right around the corner.
Proverbs 3:26 For the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.
Because we feel vulnerable in the presence of others, we feel there is safety in isolation. Our natural tendency, therefore, is to withdraw from the mainstream of society.
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Our inability to trust others breeds suspicion of everyone. We never really know when we might be rejected again.
Psalm 3:3 But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.
Because we feel unworthy, we naturally feel inferior to others. This inferiority is reflected in our relationships and in our work.
Isaiah 62:4a, 5b It will no longer be said to you, “Forsaken,” Nor to your land will it any longer be said, “Desolate”; But you will be called, “My delight is in her,” And your land, “Married”; for the Lord delights in you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so your God will rejoice over you.
Social Shyness.
Social gatherings are painful to us because we feel we are surrounded by superior people who look upon us as we look upon ourselves. Although this is not true, our mind-set will not allow us to think differently.
Jeremiah 31:3-4 The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! Again you will take up your tambourines, and go forth to the dances of the merrymakers.
Fear of failure.
We are convinced we are incapable of accomplishing anything as well as others can accomplish them. Our low expectation of ourselves is usually reflected in our willingness to stay in jobs or relationships that require little of us.
Isaiah 35:4 say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”
Fear of man.
Because we look upon everyone else as superior to ourselves, we rarely initiate anything on our own for fear of being criticized. We prefer to be told what to do and when and how to do it. Our only problem from that point is to follow directions accurately.
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, But he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted.
Fear of rejection.
The fear of rejection keeps us from ever being our real selves. We are always in a performance mode, hoping to please others.
We consider ourselves to be misfits, with no place in society.
2 Cor. 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Because we fear reality, we have a tendency to live in a world of our own fantasy. We are safe in this world of fantasy, never challenged, always victorious. This is an obvious form of withdrawal. It can only generate an unhealthy personality.
2 Cor. 10:5 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Rejection is a spirit and we get rid of it the same way that we get rid of all unwanted spirits. We rebuke it and cast it out of our lives in the name of Jesus. Pray with me. IN the name of Jesus, I bind and break that spirit of rejection off of your life, I come against it and command it to leave you now by the blood of Jesus. Spirit of rejection, go from them now, and give them peace of mind amen.
Here are 11 things that the spirit of rejection does to harm your life and altar your personality.
Inability to receive love.
When someone who is significant in our lives has rejected us, it makes us feel unworthy. It establishes a root belief that if we are unworthy, we are unlovable; therefore, we are unable to receive love.
Romans 5:8 But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Inability to love others.
The root of rejection destroys our ability to trust others. We are reluctant to allow ourselves to get into close relationship with others. Obviously, if we can't get close to another person, we can't consider loving that person.
John 13:34-35 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
After we have experienced rejection by someone significant in our lives, we don't know whom we can trust. Subconsciously, we walk through life as if we were walking on eggs. We always expect betrayal or criticism to be right around the corner.
Proverbs 3:26 For the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.
Because we feel vulnerable in the presence of others, we feel there is safety in isolation. Our natural tendency, therefore, is to withdraw from the mainstream of society.
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Our inability to trust others breeds suspicion of everyone. We never really know when we might be rejected again.
Psalm 3:3 But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.
Because we feel unworthy, we naturally feel inferior to others. This inferiority is reflected in our relationships and in our work.
Isaiah 62:4a, 5b It will no longer be said to you, “Forsaken,” Nor to your land will it any longer be said, “Desolate”; But you will be called, “My delight is in her,” And your land, “Married”; for the Lord delights in you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so your God will rejoice over you.
Social Shyness.
Social gatherings are painful to us because we feel we are surrounded by superior people who look upon us as we look upon ourselves. Although this is not true, our mind-set will not allow us to think differently.
Jeremiah 31:3-4 The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! Again you will take up your tambourines, and go forth to the dances of the merrymakers.
Fear of failure.
We are convinced we are incapable of accomplishing anything as well as others can accomplish them. Our low expectation of ourselves is usually reflected in our willingness to stay in jobs or relationships that require little of us.
Isaiah 35:4 say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”
Fear of man.
Because we look upon everyone else as superior to ourselves, we rarely initiate anything on our own for fear of being criticized. We prefer to be told what to do and when and how to do it. Our only problem from that point is to follow directions accurately.
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, But he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted.
Fear of rejection.
The fear of rejection keeps us from ever being our real selves. We are always in a performance mode, hoping to please others.
We consider ourselves to be misfits, with no place in society.
2 Cor. 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Because we fear reality, we have a tendency to live in a world of our own fantasy. We are safe in this world of fantasy, never challenged, always victorious. This is an obvious form of withdrawal. It can only generate an unhealthy personality.
2 Cor. 10:5 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Rejection is a spirit and we get rid of it the same way that we get rid of all unwanted spirits. We rebuke it and cast it out of our lives in the name of Jesus. Pray with me. IN the name of Jesus, I bind and break that spirit of rejection off of your life, I come against it and command it to leave you now by the blood of Jesus. Spirit of rejection, go from them now, and give them peace of mind amen.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
How To Release The Miracle Working Power Of God In Your Life Today
Have you ever been trapped in your circumstance? This is how it was for Moses and the children of Israel when they had the Red Sea in front of them and Pharoah's army behind them. They were completely trapped with NO WAY OUT. Moses and the children of Israel did exactlly what we would have done they fell on their faces and began to pray to God. In these verses we find out how to get your miracle when you are in a situation where you are trapped. And you can't find your way out. There is a way to release the power of God BUT MOST PEOPLE MISS IT? Why do they miss it? They miss it because prayer is the only spiritual practice that they do to try to release God's power in their lives. If you want to release God's power in your life you are going to have to GO BEYOND PRAYER. Oh don't get me wrong prayer is a GOOD START, but if that is the only spiritual practice you do to obtain your miracle, you are going to fall short of that miracle 90 percent of the time.
When the walls came down for Joshua, did they come down by prayer alone?
When Noah was saved from the flood was he saved by prayer alone?
When Gideon over threw the opposing army did he do that by prayer alone?
When Joseph saved the whole world from a severe famine did he do that by prayer alone.
Over and over again the answer is going to be NO, the men and woman of the Bible did not conquer and overcome their obstacles by prayer alone, so what makes us think that just because we pray everyday that we are going to see our miracle? Prayer is just the starting point, not the total package.
Exodus 14:15 And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. 16 But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it.
What did God say to Moses when he was trapped between Pharoah's army and the Red Sea? He said, "Why do you cry to Me?"
You have prayed, and you have prayed, and you have prayed, and you have prayed and you are still in the same mess, same circumstances, same sickness, same poverty, same relationship, nothing has gotten better, nothing has moved. God is saying to you today the same thing he said to Moses, "Why do you cry to ME?" Then what did he say? Tell them to move FORWARD!
FORWARD!?! HELLO GOD! THERE IS A SEA IN THE WAY! What is in your way today stopping your forward movement! What is God saying to you about that?? He is saying get up off your face, and move FORWARD anyway. But how? How can we do this? They didn't have time to build a bridge across the sea. They didn't have time to find or build a boat to take them across. They didn't have time to build a tunnel through the heart of the sea. What did God say to Moses?
But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide it.
What was his rod? His rod was the thing he had in his hand! What do you have in your hand today? What little bit has God given you. LIFT UP WHAT LITTLE YOU HAVE and DO SOMETHING WITH IT! The answer for you is already in your hand. and stretch forth your hand, don't hold back, don't sit down, don't give up, don't wait until things get better before you move on, don't wait on God to move first, Maybe what you have in your hand is just a small thing! USE IT! If you are faithful with the small things, God will give you more! Instead of focusing on what you cannot do, lift up your head, look at what you got, assess what you CAN do and begin to move forward. Now don't get me wrong. That forward movment is NOT what saved MOSES and the children of Israel. No, that forward movement was only going to move them into the sea, a sea of impossible circumstances. Your efforts to move forward is NOT going to fix your circumstances. Your efforts to move forward is nothing more than an ACTION OF FAITH, knowing that if you will do what you can do, God will do what you CANNOT do!
You circumstances will part when you finally get up off your face and begin to move forward! RElease the miracle of God in your life today. Child, get up and move forward!
When the walls came down for Joshua, did they come down by prayer alone?
When Noah was saved from the flood was he saved by prayer alone?
When Gideon over threw the opposing army did he do that by prayer alone?
When Joseph saved the whole world from a severe famine did he do that by prayer alone.
Over and over again the answer is going to be NO, the men and woman of the Bible did not conquer and overcome their obstacles by prayer alone, so what makes us think that just because we pray everyday that we are going to see our miracle? Prayer is just the starting point, not the total package.
Exodus 14:15 And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. 16 But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it.
What did God say to Moses when he was trapped between Pharoah's army and the Red Sea? He said, "Why do you cry to Me?"
You have prayed, and you have prayed, and you have prayed, and you have prayed and you are still in the same mess, same circumstances, same sickness, same poverty, same relationship, nothing has gotten better, nothing has moved. God is saying to you today the same thing he said to Moses, "Why do you cry to ME?" Then what did he say? Tell them to move FORWARD!
FORWARD!?! HELLO GOD! THERE IS A SEA IN THE WAY! What is in your way today stopping your forward movement! What is God saying to you about that?? He is saying get up off your face, and move FORWARD anyway. But how? How can we do this? They didn't have time to build a bridge across the sea. They didn't have time to find or build a boat to take them across. They didn't have time to build a tunnel through the heart of the sea. What did God say to Moses?
But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide it.
What was his rod? His rod was the thing he had in his hand! What do you have in your hand today? What little bit has God given you. LIFT UP WHAT LITTLE YOU HAVE and DO SOMETHING WITH IT! The answer for you is already in your hand. and stretch forth your hand, don't hold back, don't sit down, don't give up, don't wait until things get better before you move on, don't wait on God to move first, Maybe what you have in your hand is just a small thing! USE IT! If you are faithful with the small things, God will give you more! Instead of focusing on what you cannot do, lift up your head, look at what you got, assess what you CAN do and begin to move forward. Now don't get me wrong. That forward movment is NOT what saved MOSES and the children of Israel. No, that forward movement was only going to move them into the sea, a sea of impossible circumstances. Your efforts to move forward is NOT going to fix your circumstances. Your efforts to move forward is nothing more than an ACTION OF FAITH, knowing that if you will do what you can do, God will do what you CANNOT do!
You circumstances will part when you finally get up off your face and begin to move forward! RElease the miracle of God in your life today. Child, get up and move forward!
Monday, May 16, 2016
Prophetic Utterances
I see planes exploding in the sky, war, bombs, explosions. But just under all of this warfare, is a net, that is not letting it come down. I hear the Lord saying, "I am holding back destruction for a season. Many prophets have said, "it is coming destruction is coming for we have forsaken the Lord our God." But, for a season I am with holding my destruction says the Lord, but it will come in due season if my people do not repent, and seek my face, and turn to me with their whole hearts.
I also hear the Lord saying, "It is a new day" Whatever you thought was 'normal' or the way things were, it is a new day. The old ways and the old things have passed, so don't look to the past, or to the way things used to be. Move forward says the Lord and meet the challeges of today. Learn to shine like a beacon in the night to a lost and dieing world, and go forth as my witnesses. The old things have passed and it is a new day, learn to shine in this day and bring glory to my name says the Lord.
The Lord says, I called some to be Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelist but there is a new breed that has risen up that have called themselves 'blessed' and they are nothing more than swindlers. They will say and do anything to make another buck, and turn another dollar. They say they are blessed of me, but they will persish with their money. They will NO longer prosper in this new day but each one will be exposed.
The Lord says, Many of you have said to me, "Are we on the march to armageddon? But I say unto you this world has always been on the march to Armageddon.
The Lord showed me the earth, and it actually wobbled on it's foundation, and afterward, there were earthquakes, and other tragedies upon the earth. I said, "Lord, what has just happened?" He replied "the earth will shake and tremble at my presence, tell my people to get ready, for I am coming back in power and glory"
Also, any of you that have followed us for a while may remember that just before the Supreme Court leaglized homosexuality, I prophesied that homosexuality would be legalized and then the churches would begin to over react and it would turn the tide of America against the churches in which we would be called haters and bigots. I still see this up ahead for us in an even greater degree than what is already happening. Don't forget that the weapons of our warfare are mighty, spiritual weapons, that all we need to do to see the tide turned is to preach the truth, and humble ourselves through repentance and prayer. Whatever we do to turn the tide of the battle that is not SPIRITUAL thing is just playing right into the enemies plan.
I hear the Lord saying, "Fear not little flock, for I am with you to uphold you and strengthen you. I will increase my power, my favor, my blessings and my provisions on all who will stand up in the POWER OF MY SPIRIT and be a witness to me. You will do signs, wonders and miracles, and preach the truth IN LOVE as a testimony to my name. You will go forth in power. Do not allow the things of this world to distract you for I have an awakening for America. Not all will see it, but those who rise up in my glory and power will go forth and shake the nations with my glory!
I also hear the Lord saying, "It is a new day" Whatever you thought was 'normal' or the way things were, it is a new day. The old ways and the old things have passed, so don't look to the past, or to the way things used to be. Move forward says the Lord and meet the challeges of today. Learn to shine like a beacon in the night to a lost and dieing world, and go forth as my witnesses. The old things have passed and it is a new day, learn to shine in this day and bring glory to my name says the Lord.
The Lord says, I called some to be Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelist but there is a new breed that has risen up that have called themselves 'blessed' and they are nothing more than swindlers. They will say and do anything to make another buck, and turn another dollar. They say they are blessed of me, but they will persish with their money. They will NO longer prosper in this new day but each one will be exposed.
The Lord says, Many of you have said to me, "Are we on the march to armageddon? But I say unto you this world has always been on the march to Armageddon.
The Lord showed me the earth, and it actually wobbled on it's foundation, and afterward, there were earthquakes, and other tragedies upon the earth. I said, "Lord, what has just happened?" He replied "the earth will shake and tremble at my presence, tell my people to get ready, for I am coming back in power and glory"
Also, any of you that have followed us for a while may remember that just before the Supreme Court leaglized homosexuality, I prophesied that homosexuality would be legalized and then the churches would begin to over react and it would turn the tide of America against the churches in which we would be called haters and bigots. I still see this up ahead for us in an even greater degree than what is already happening. Don't forget that the weapons of our warfare are mighty, spiritual weapons, that all we need to do to see the tide turned is to preach the truth, and humble ourselves through repentance and prayer. Whatever we do to turn the tide of the battle that is not SPIRITUAL thing is just playing right into the enemies plan.
I hear the Lord saying, "Fear not little flock, for I am with you to uphold you and strengthen you. I will increase my power, my favor, my blessings and my provisions on all who will stand up in the POWER OF MY SPIRIT and be a witness to me. You will do signs, wonders and miracles, and preach the truth IN LOVE as a testimony to my name. You will go forth in power. Do not allow the things of this world to distract you for I have an awakening for America. Not all will see it, but those who rise up in my glory and power will go forth and shake the nations with my glory!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Five Things You Need to be an OVERCOMER!
There are so many challenges in life. For many people they go out of the fire into the frying pan, and then between a rock and a hard place and than back to the fire again! Many people in this life just go from one trial to another without much break in between. There are five areas of life that we emphasize, health, emotional, spiritual, financial and relational. And there are so many people in the USA today that is messed up in all five areas. Going through trials and problems no matter which way they turn. There are 5 things you need to overcome in this life. Cleave to these 5 things and you WILL overcome.
Revelation 12:11 is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death. In this verse of Scripture we see the first three things we need to overcome in this life.
1. The Blood of the Lamb - We hear a lot of teaching on faith today, but faith alone cannot bring you to a place of overcoming in this life. This is why many people are speaking positive, quoting Scriptures, and trying to walk in faith but not seeing results. It is the blood of Jesus that makes our prayers and efforts acceptable to God, and without his blood all our efforts to please God is useless. First we overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb. If people could see how often demonic interference messes up their life and spoils their plans, hopes and dreams they would run to Jesus! We need the blood of the lamb to make us right with God, but also to overcome the enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy.
Hebrews 13:12 Therefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate.
2. Faith -The Second part of that verse says, and by the word of their testimony. I ask you, what WORD are you speaking today? Does your lips ring with the testimony of Jesus? Are the words of your mouth glorifying the problems, or glorifying the KING OF KINGS. You may think how can I glorify Jesus when I have so many problems. Well, that is what FAITH is. IF you only glorify God AFTER he comes through for you, that isn't FAITH, that is PRAISE. Faith is when you talk about his goodness before HE answers your prayer. You have FAITH that HE will do what HE PROMISED HE would do, so by FAITH you lift HIM up and glorify HIS name.
1 John 5:4 For whoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.
3. Standing Firm The third part of that verse says, and they loved not their lives even unto the death. Wow. That is standing firm. As long as you are walking by the blood one day, and living like you never knew Jesus the next, you are not going to overcome the world. As long as you walk in faith one day, and talk and live like a sailer the next you are not going to overcome the world. What do you have to do? You have to continue walking with God, doing the will of God, living the word of God until your deliverance comes. How determined do you have to be to walk with God and overcome this world? You have to be determined enough to walk with God all the way to the death.
Hebrew 6:13 Therefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
4. Being Good Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
No matter how much you plead the blood of Jesus, or speak the words of faith, or stand your ground in God if you are not good eventually you will be overcome by the evil of this world. If you are not good to your spouse eventually they will leave you. If you are not good to your body, eventually you are going to get a lot of sickness. If you do not fight the good fight of the faith, eventually you will be overtaken by darkness. If you do not do what is right and good with your money, poverty will soon overtake your life. Often people try to 'be good' without completely turning their lives over to the will of God. I am telling you today that there is NO ONE good except for God, and you will NOT be GOOD unless Jesus Christ is living in you and you have fully surrendered your life to him. The Apostle Peter said to make every effort to add to our faith goodness. There are those today that say the blood is all you need to overcome, but the blood of Jesus is not going to stop you from landing in jail if you break the law. If you want to have a more drama free life, learn to add goodness to your faith!
2 Peter 1:5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
5. Jesus In You - 1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. The answer is always the same, Christ in you the HOPE of glory! Do you have to overcome past mistakes? The BLOOD IS GREATER, you can overcome them by the blood of the lamb, that washes our sins away! Do you have to overcome issues that leave you broke, sick, or oppressed? OUR FAITH in GOD is GREATER! Faith can move any mountain! Is this world pushing and shoving on you and trying to blow you every which direction? WHEN you STAND on the ROCK of AGES, your strength is GREATER. Nothing can move you off that ROCK if you plant your feet and refuse to budge! Is this world DARK? Jesus is the LIGHT! Is this World bad? God is the answer! You can be good and shine as a beacon in a world that is dark and cold because our God is greater! It is Christ in YOU the Hope of GLORY!
Revelation 12:11 is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death. In this verse of Scripture we see the first three things we need to overcome in this life.
Hebrews 13:12 Therefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate.
2. Faith -The Second part of that verse says, and by the word of their testimony. I ask you, what WORD are you speaking today? Does your lips ring with the testimony of Jesus? Are the words of your mouth glorifying the problems, or glorifying the KING OF KINGS. You may think how can I glorify Jesus when I have so many problems. Well, that is what FAITH is. IF you only glorify God AFTER he comes through for you, that isn't FAITH, that is PRAISE. Faith is when you talk about his goodness before HE answers your prayer. You have FAITH that HE will do what HE PROMISED HE would do, so by FAITH you lift HIM up and glorify HIS name.
1 John 5:4 For whoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.
3. Standing Firm The third part of that verse says, and they loved not their lives even unto the death. Wow. That is standing firm. As long as you are walking by the blood one day, and living like you never knew Jesus the next, you are not going to overcome the world. As long as you walk in faith one day, and talk and live like a sailer the next you are not going to overcome the world. What do you have to do? You have to continue walking with God, doing the will of God, living the word of God until your deliverance comes. How determined do you have to be to walk with God and overcome this world? You have to be determined enough to walk with God all the way to the death.
Hebrew 6:13 Therefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
4. Being Good Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
No matter how much you plead the blood of Jesus, or speak the words of faith, or stand your ground in God if you are not good eventually you will be overcome by the evil of this world. If you are not good to your spouse eventually they will leave you. If you are not good to your body, eventually you are going to get a lot of sickness. If you do not fight the good fight of the faith, eventually you will be overtaken by darkness. If you do not do what is right and good with your money, poverty will soon overtake your life. Often people try to 'be good' without completely turning their lives over to the will of God. I am telling you today that there is NO ONE good except for God, and you will NOT be GOOD unless Jesus Christ is living in you and you have fully surrendered your life to him. The Apostle Peter said to make every effort to add to our faith goodness. There are those today that say the blood is all you need to overcome, but the blood of Jesus is not going to stop you from landing in jail if you break the law. If you want to have a more drama free life, learn to add goodness to your faith!
2 Peter 1:5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Do You Need More Power In Your Life?
We often use the Word CHRIST when referring to Jesus. Jesus was the name by which his neighbors knew him growing up as a child in Nazereth. Christ means (anointed one) and when this is added to his name it is a declartation that God's Spirit is upon his life. So Jesus Christ would mean Jesus, anointed one of God. And then his followers became known as Christians. The root word of that being CHRIST. Which means the anointed followers of Jesus. The Bible says if that SAME SPIRIT that raised Christ from the dead dwells in YOU it will quicken your mortal body! And we ALL have a measure of that anointing, it is the power of God upon our lives. First of all this anointing from God helps us to live a Godly and Holy life. When you 'put on Christ' it means you are putting on the anointing. You are waiting on the Spirit of God until his presence comes and clothes you. You should not let one morning pass by that you do not wait upon the Spirit of God until He comes and clothes you in His presence. It is that anointing that gives us life, joy, peace and the will to live Godly in Christ Jesus.
Romans 13:14 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Instead, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the desires of the flesh.
When we fail to 'put on Christ' (the anointing) we are making provision for the flesh. The worst part about making provision for the flesh is that in the flesh is where we make all our mistakes in life that cost us later down the line. When we put on the mind of Christ (we allow the anointing to fill our mind with the peace of God) we are being lead by the Spirit of God and He leads us into all truth and blessings.
How do we put on Christ? Walk in the Spirit and you will not make provision for the flesh. Seek God daily until you are so full of the Spirit you are drunk on that same Spirit, completely saturated. Let the Spirit take control of your life. It will not only bring deliverance to your life, but it will mean deliverance for every person that your life touches through out the day!
Galatians 3:27
For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
The Spirit of God should envelope your life like a blanket EVERYDAY. IF this is not happening to you in your Christian walk you need to seek God desperately and earnestly until this is happening EVERYDAY. When you are clothed with CHRIST it means the anointing is so wrapped around you that the every plan of the enemy to send spirits to attack you through the day cannot get through that cloak of the Spirit of God that is around your life. That is like a hedge of protection around your life. Cloth yourself in Christ. Who should do this? According to this verse EVERYONE that has been baptized in Christ should cloth themselves with Christ. Clothe yourself with the Spirit of God. How do you cloth yourself in the morning with clothes? You look for them, you put them on. How do you cloth yourself with Christ. You seek the Lord, and when His presence comes, that clothes you in the anoitning.
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed,
Not only does the anoitning help you live a Godly life but it gives you power over the enemy. How do we break sickness? How do we break oppressions? How do we heal the sick? How do we bring liberty to the captive? We do so because we are clothed in the Spirit of God.
Acts 1:8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
What are you going to receive when the Holy Spirit comes? POWER. The Holy Spirit isn't just for making us feel better, or to shout, run, and shake with an EXPERIENCE. The Holy Spirit is come upon you to give you POWER. When the anointing us upon us we have POWER over the forces of darkness. POWER over sickness and disease. POWER over injuries. POWER over circumstances. POWER over lack. POWER over anger, and other works of our flesh.
The key to everything you need is to put on Christ and cloth yourself in the anointing.
Romans 13:14 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Instead, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the desires of the flesh.
When we fail to 'put on Christ' (the anointing) we are making provision for the flesh. The worst part about making provision for the flesh is that in the flesh is where we make all our mistakes in life that cost us later down the line. When we put on the mind of Christ (we allow the anointing to fill our mind with the peace of God) we are being lead by the Spirit of God and He leads us into all truth and blessings.
How do we put on Christ? Walk in the Spirit and you will not make provision for the flesh. Seek God daily until you are so full of the Spirit you are drunk on that same Spirit, completely saturated. Let the Spirit take control of your life. It will not only bring deliverance to your life, but it will mean deliverance for every person that your life touches through out the day!
Galatians 3:27
For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
The Spirit of God should envelope your life like a blanket EVERYDAY. IF this is not happening to you in your Christian walk you need to seek God desperately and earnestly until this is happening EVERYDAY. When you are clothed with CHRIST it means the anointing is so wrapped around you that the every plan of the enemy to send spirits to attack you through the day cannot get through that cloak of the Spirit of God that is around your life. That is like a hedge of protection around your life. Cloth yourself in Christ. Who should do this? According to this verse EVERYONE that has been baptized in Christ should cloth themselves with Christ. Clothe yourself with the Spirit of God. How do you cloth yourself in the morning with clothes? You look for them, you put them on. How do you cloth yourself with Christ. You seek the Lord, and when His presence comes, that clothes you in the anoitning.
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed,
Not only does the anoitning help you live a Godly life but it gives you power over the enemy. How do we break sickness? How do we break oppressions? How do we heal the sick? How do we bring liberty to the captive? We do so because we are clothed in the Spirit of God.
Acts 1:8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
What are you going to receive when the Holy Spirit comes? POWER. The Holy Spirit isn't just for making us feel better, or to shout, run, and shake with an EXPERIENCE. The Holy Spirit is come upon you to give you POWER. When the anointing us upon us we have POWER over the forces of darkness. POWER over sickness and disease. POWER over injuries. POWER over circumstances. POWER over lack. POWER over anger, and other works of our flesh.
The key to everything you need is to put on Christ and cloth yourself in the anointing.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
God's Promises Have Not Come to Pass In My Life, So What Can I Do To Help Them Manifest?
What do you do if God gives you a promise and time is running out and the promise has not be manifested yet? Is there a reason that a promise can be delayed, or is there some way we can activate the promises of God by faith and help them come into place in our lives?
Yes, there is something we can do that will release the power of God into our lives and activate the promises of God. We are going to look in the book of Daniel for the answers. Daniel chapter 9.
Daneil 9:1 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the descendants of the Medes, who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans; 2 In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood from the books the number of the years, of which the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.
As Daniel began to search the Word of God, he realized that God had spoken through the prophets that their exile to Babylon would last 70 years and then they would be restored and returned to their land. But that time had passed and the promises had not been fulfilled. So Daniel began to seek the Lord as to why the promise had not come to pass.
3And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:
The first thing you should do is seek God through fasting and prayer. How serious are you about seeing that promise come to pass? Are you serious enough to fast and pray? Maybe health issues keep you from fasting food, then fast TV, fast your favorite online game, fast your texting or phone communication. Food is not the only thing that you can fast. Pray about what God would have you fast, and spend some time in prayer. Ask God to reveal to you the reason your promise has not manifested. Ask God to move upon your life. Seek Him with your whole heart.
And what did Daniel pray during his fast?
7 O Lord, righteousness belongs unto you, but unto us shame of face, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries where you have driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against you.
He prayed a prayer of repentance. Do you want to find God's favor? Then pray a prayer of repentance from your heart. Do you want to find healing for your soul? Then pray a prayer of repentance. And be specific, confess your sins. Ask God to reveal to you your unknown sins, so that you can repent of them and be healed.
After repentance you are going to find that the promises of God begin to manifest in your life.
How many times do we hinder and delay the works of God in our lives because we fail to repent of our sins? We have the idea that we confess the Word of God, Quote the promises of God, rehearse the plans of God and decree the will of God manifest in our lives. Those things are not bad things to do, and we should do those things. But, all the confessing, decreeing and rehearsing is not going to help bring the promises of God in our lives if we are living a life of sin, or harboring sin in our hearts. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
God's promises were being delayed, so, Daniel fasted and prayed and began confessing and repenting of sins, and pleading for God's mercy and grace. Can we do this over our lives, the lives of our children, over our nation. Yes, we can. Here in Daniel chapter 9 Daniel was confessing the sins of the entire nation of Israel and pleading with God to forgive and to remember his promises. We can confess the sins of our nation before God, and repent before him on behalf of our family or our nation, and ask God to have compassion and remember his promises. This kind of faith and confession will move both heaven and earth and those promises God gave you is going to come forth as you humbly ask God for forgivness and mercy.
Don't ever underestimate the power of repentance. It will activate the power of God quicker than anything else that you can do.
Yes, there is something we can do that will release the power of God into our lives and activate the promises of God. We are going to look in the book of Daniel for the answers. Daniel chapter 9.
Daneil 9:1 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the descendants of the Medes, who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans; 2 In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood from the books the number of the years, of which the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.
As Daniel began to search the Word of God, he realized that God had spoken through the prophets that their exile to Babylon would last 70 years and then they would be restored and returned to their land. But that time had passed and the promises had not been fulfilled. So Daniel began to seek the Lord as to why the promise had not come to pass.
3And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:
The first thing you should do is seek God through fasting and prayer. How serious are you about seeing that promise come to pass? Are you serious enough to fast and pray? Maybe health issues keep you from fasting food, then fast TV, fast your favorite online game, fast your texting or phone communication. Food is not the only thing that you can fast. Pray about what God would have you fast, and spend some time in prayer. Ask God to reveal to you the reason your promise has not manifested. Ask God to move upon your life. Seek Him with your whole heart.
And what did Daniel pray during his fast?
7 O Lord, righteousness belongs unto you, but unto us shame of face, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries where you have driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against you.
He prayed a prayer of repentance. Do you want to find God's favor? Then pray a prayer of repentance from your heart. Do you want to find healing for your soul? Then pray a prayer of repentance. And be specific, confess your sins. Ask God to reveal to you your unknown sins, so that you can repent of them and be healed.
After repentance you are going to find that the promises of God begin to manifest in your life.
How many times do we hinder and delay the works of God in our lives because we fail to repent of our sins? We have the idea that we confess the Word of God, Quote the promises of God, rehearse the plans of God and decree the will of God manifest in our lives. Those things are not bad things to do, and we should do those things. But, all the confessing, decreeing and rehearsing is not going to help bring the promises of God in our lives if we are living a life of sin, or harboring sin in our hearts. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
God's promises were being delayed, so, Daniel fasted and prayed and began confessing and repenting of sins, and pleading for God's mercy and grace. Can we do this over our lives, the lives of our children, over our nation. Yes, we can. Here in Daniel chapter 9 Daniel was confessing the sins of the entire nation of Israel and pleading with God to forgive and to remember his promises. We can confess the sins of our nation before God, and repent before him on behalf of our family or our nation, and ask God to have compassion and remember his promises. This kind of faith and confession will move both heaven and earth and those promises God gave you is going to come forth as you humbly ask God for forgivness and mercy.
Don't ever underestimate the power of repentance. It will activate the power of God quicker than anything else that you can do.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
5 Things God is Going To Do For You By His Mighty Right Arm
Whatever you are needing today, God is going to save you by HIS mighty right arm. There are 5 things that God will do in your life through His mighty right arm. The right arm is the dominate arm for most people, and is a symbol of strength. Sometimes I will take both of my arms and try to pull on Bob's right arm, and his right arm is stronger than both of my arms put together. If this is the case, just imagine how strong the right arm of God is going to be in your life? Is there anything too hard for our God? Is there any stronghold that HE cannot break? Some of you are facing oppressions, sickness and wounds, and I am here to tell you today that these things can be broken off of your life in Jesus name. Yes, some wounds are rejections are NOT to be healed and carried with you through life, instead they are things that need to be broken off your life and completely gone!
What can the strong mighty right arm of God do in our lives?
1. bless you - Genesis 48:12-14
12And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth.
13And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and brought them near unto him.
14And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands knowingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn.
Jacob blessed his grandchildren and he put his right hand on he younger and left hand on the elder. Joseph told him, you have it wrong, Manasseh is the elder, but Jacob crossed his hands and blessed the younger with his right hand. God's right hand today is reaching out to bless you, his right hand of blessing is upon your life. You are not cursed with bad luck! You are not on your own just another face in the crowd. God has crossed his hands, and went out of the way to make sure the RIGHT hand of his blessings is upon your life.
2. deliver you - Exodus 15:5-7
5The depths have covered them: they sank to the bottom as a stone.
6Your right hand, O LORD, has become glorious in power: your right hand, O LORD, has dashed in pieces the enemy.
7And in the greatness of your excellency you have overthrown them that rose up against you: you sent forth your wrath, which consumed them as stubble.our life
This verse is the victory rant of Moses when all of Pharaohs army was drowned into the sea. PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY. God is getting ready to TAKE YOU where the enemy CANNOT persue you, HE is going to take you where the enemy is crushed and broken off of your life! By HIS might right arm, God is taking you to a place where you find deliverance, and your enemy is completely crushed and broken off of your life!
Somebody say, "Lord, take me there!" You can get closer and closer to God and that will help sheild you FROM the enemy, but when God moves by His mighty right arm, the enemies stronghold is completely shattered off of your life. Somebody shout, "Count me in I'M READY!" Well, if you are ready, then get ready to move, because God is going to break things off of your life, and your life is going to change!
3. Build your life - Isaiah 48: 12-13
12Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.
13My hand also has laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand has spread out the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.
God created this whole world in 6 days! By his right arm He spread out the heavens. He flung the stars into space the same way you or I would fling marbles. What can man do? If there was a mountain in the way, and we needed it moved to bring a road through, it would takes us days and weeks to break the side off that mountain. God can make this whole earth in six days, and yet, man cannot move one mountain without days and hours of work? What will God do with His mighty right arm? God will build your life. You have to surrender it to Him. It doesn't take God days, weeks and months to change and build your life. Change only happens that slowly when we refuse to yeild ourselves completely to God. Yeild yourself to God 100 percent and watch change happen in you in a moment, in a twinking of an eye.
4. Comfort you -Rev. 1:17-18
17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
18 I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hades and of death.
God is going to comfort you by His mighty right arm. My husband can lift a big couch up into a boxed trailer, and then those same hands can hold our son John. He has great strength as well as great love and compassion. This is the love of the Father towards us. He can shatter the stronghold of the enemy with one breath of his nostrils, so much power, authority and strength in his mighty right arm, yet when He touches us, He is loving and kind and compassionate.
5. Lead you Psalms 139:9-10
The devil may have taken and taken, but God is going to bless you with his mighty right hand. There is no obstacle that can stand against God! You may have hit hard times and suffer some loss, but God is going to build up your life again! He will comfort you and lead you, He will be you strength to see you through the day. Let God lead you by His mighty right hand!
What can the strong mighty right arm of God do in our lives?
1. bless you - Genesis 48:12-14
12And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth.
13And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and brought them near unto him.
14And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands knowingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn.
Jacob blessed his grandchildren and he put his right hand on he younger and left hand on the elder. Joseph told him, you have it wrong, Manasseh is the elder, but Jacob crossed his hands and blessed the younger with his right hand. God's right hand today is reaching out to bless you, his right hand of blessing is upon your life. You are not cursed with bad luck! You are not on your own just another face in the crowd. God has crossed his hands, and went out of the way to make sure the RIGHT hand of his blessings is upon your life.
2. deliver you - Exodus 15:5-7
5The depths have covered them: they sank to the bottom as a stone.
6Your right hand, O LORD, has become glorious in power: your right hand, O LORD, has dashed in pieces the enemy.
7And in the greatness of your excellency you have overthrown them that rose up against you: you sent forth your wrath, which consumed them as stubble.our life
This verse is the victory rant of Moses when all of Pharaohs army was drowned into the sea. PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY. God is getting ready to TAKE YOU where the enemy CANNOT persue you, HE is going to take you where the enemy is crushed and broken off of your life! By HIS might right arm, God is taking you to a place where you find deliverance, and your enemy is completely crushed and broken off of your life!
Somebody say, "Lord, take me there!" You can get closer and closer to God and that will help sheild you FROM the enemy, but when God moves by His mighty right arm, the enemies stronghold is completely shattered off of your life. Somebody shout, "Count me in I'M READY!" Well, if you are ready, then get ready to move, because God is going to break things off of your life, and your life is going to change!
3. Build your life - Isaiah 48: 12-13
12Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.
13My hand also has laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand has spread out the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.
God created this whole world in 6 days! By his right arm He spread out the heavens. He flung the stars into space the same way you or I would fling marbles. What can man do? If there was a mountain in the way, and we needed it moved to bring a road through, it would takes us days and weeks to break the side off that mountain. God can make this whole earth in six days, and yet, man cannot move one mountain without days and hours of work? What will God do with His mighty right arm? God will build your life. You have to surrender it to Him. It doesn't take God days, weeks and months to change and build your life. Change only happens that slowly when we refuse to yeild ourselves completely to God. Yeild yourself to God 100 percent and watch change happen in you in a moment, in a twinking of an eye.
4. Comfort you -Rev. 1:17-18
17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
18 I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hades and of death.
God is going to comfort you by His mighty right arm. My husband can lift a big couch up into a boxed trailer, and then those same hands can hold our son John. He has great strength as well as great love and compassion. This is the love of the Father towards us. He can shatter the stronghold of the enemy with one breath of his nostrils, so much power, authority and strength in his mighty right arm, yet when He touches us, He is loving and kind and compassionate.
5. Lead you Psalms 139:9-10
9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10Even there shall your hand lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Does God Have A Favorite Candidate for President. A prophet Word for America!
The past couple of days I have been studying about paths. God has a specific path for each of our live, and no matter what direction we go in life or career that we choose, out path will be a straight and narrow path if we are walking with the Lord. If we begin to get confused and stray off of that path, God will help us find it again.
Today let's study about this straight and narrow path to God.
Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
Who will make you paths straight? God will-- if you acknowledge Him in ALL your ways. What does it mean to acknowledge someone? It means to consider them, to listen, to allow them to impact your life and decisions. As long as you remain humble and willing to yeild to the will of God you are not going to get lost in life. You will find the path for your life. Listen to what God says here:
Galatians 5:19-21 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
People in America choose to live their lives doing these very things, and as long as we choose to do what God tells us not to do we have not acknowledged His ways in our lives. Why is America in such a mess? Because we do not acknowledge the ways of God. We have gone our own path, done our own thing, did what was right in our own eyes. We have followed our OWN HEARTS instead of following God.
And does the church acknowledge God? A large portion of the church does not acknowledge God, they acknowledge their own doctrines, their own traditions, their own desires.
As a nation we have strayed off the staight and narrow path. This isn't something that has happened just in the past year. We began straying off the path nearly a half century ago, and we have never corrected course. And here is the Word that God gave to me, it is not a good word, it is a hard word for our nation. But here is the Word:
America is on the path of destruction. There are people running for president, but thus saith the Lord of Host, do not think that any candidate can save America from her path of destruction. Reguardless of who the America people elect for their president America is on the path of destruction and will remain there until she repents. Did I say to you that a leader could save a nation? No, I said to you my people, who are called by name, if you will humble yourselves and pray and TURN FROM your wicked ways, then I would come and heal the land. Humble yourselves and pray says the Lord, acknowledge me in all your ways, and I will direct your path and I will lead you away from this path of destruction, look to me and live says the Lord of Host!
Today let's study about this straight and narrow path to God.
Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
Who will make you paths straight? God will-- if you acknowledge Him in ALL your ways. What does it mean to acknowledge someone? It means to consider them, to listen, to allow them to impact your life and decisions. As long as you remain humble and willing to yeild to the will of God you are not going to get lost in life. You will find the path for your life. Listen to what God says here:
Galatians 5:19-21 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
People in America choose to live their lives doing these very things, and as long as we choose to do what God tells us not to do we have not acknowledged His ways in our lives. Why is America in such a mess? Because we do not acknowledge the ways of God. We have gone our own path, done our own thing, did what was right in our own eyes. We have followed our OWN HEARTS instead of following God.
And does the church acknowledge God? A large portion of the church does not acknowledge God, they acknowledge their own doctrines, their own traditions, their own desires.
As a nation we have strayed off the staight and narrow path. This isn't something that has happened just in the past year. We began straying off the path nearly a half century ago, and we have never corrected course. And here is the Word that God gave to me, it is not a good word, it is a hard word for our nation. But here is the Word:
America is on the path of destruction. There are people running for president, but thus saith the Lord of Host, do not think that any candidate can save America from her path of destruction. Reguardless of who the America people elect for their president America is on the path of destruction and will remain there until she repents. Did I say to you that a leader could save a nation? No, I said to you my people, who are called by name, if you will humble yourselves and pray and TURN FROM your wicked ways, then I would come and heal the land. Humble yourselves and pray says the Lord, acknowledge me in all your ways, and I will direct your path and I will lead you away from this path of destruction, look to me and live says the Lord of Host!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. And by Faith we can move mountains though the power of the name of Jesus. How does our adversary the devil work? He works through fears, through doubts, through confusions, through strife and unforgiveness. All of those things open a door to the enemy to do a work in your life. How does God work? Through faith, through love, through kindness, through gentelness, through peace, through forgiveness, through the Spirit of God, and all of those things open up doors for God to move through your life.
We are going to study today how the enemy works through fears. When fears overtake your life it hinders your faith, and without faith the Spirit of God has nothing to move on in your life. Fear overshadowing your life will make your prayers of non-effect. So what must we do? We must learn to get rid of and overcome our fears.
First let's look at how the enemy works. 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:
The devil is like a wild animal, the most ferocious of wild animals, a lion. One thing about wild animals is they can smell your fear, they since it. We were given dominion and authority over the animals. Humans are at the top of the food chain, however, even a small dog can smell and since your fears. You can take a small dog that is only 1/10 of the size of a human and if it sinces your fear, it will give that dog confidence that it has authority OVER you. According to God, this dog does not have authority over you, but the dog isn't paying attention or listening to God, the dog is paying attention to your fear. And that fear of the dog in you is telling the dog to advance aggressively against you because your fear tells the dog that it has authority over you.
When you fear sickness, you are giving sickness authority over you.
When you fear poverty, you are giving poverty authority over you.
When you fear bad luck, you are giving bad luck authority over you.
When you fear violence, you are giving violence authority over you.
When you fear everything, you are giving everything authority over you.
Whatever you fear, you have given that authority over you. As believers we should fear NOTHING but God.
All those things mentioned above, sickness, poverty, bad luck, violence, are tools of the devil against you in life. Whatever you become afraid of, this is what the enemy can use to over take and over whelm you.
What did David say in the book of psalms?
yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, for THOU ART WITH ME.
David is giving us two keys to overcoming our fears. No matter what you are facing today, you are WALKING THROUGH IT. It won't last forever, it won't stay like that forever. No matter what the doctors say, maybe they say this sickness will kill you, it doesn't matter, you are only walking through it, it won't last forever. Just imagine being in a forrest. If you think you will be there forever and never find a way out this leads to fear, discouragement, hopelessness. But when you realize, I won't be in this forrest forever, I'm just going THROUGH it right now, eventually I will come out of this place, then you can walk with confidence and peace and enjoy the beauty of the landscape around you. Knowing that you are walking through your circumstances instead of LIVING IN THEM FOREVER is what enables you to overcome fear, discouragement, hopelessness and all the other things the enemy throws at you.
So David said though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. How do you get under the shadow of death. That means that death is looming over you. What is looming over you today? Is sickness looming over your life? Is poverty looming over your life? Is Violence loomig over your life? Is bad choices looming over your life? Is the possibility that you child is going the wrong way looming over your life. King David had death looming over his life, and yet he said boldly, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL! Why? FOR THOU (GOD) ART WITH ME!
Glory, they key to a life of NO FEARS is to keep in mind that you are not stuck where you are, it will pass, and that GOD is with you. God will keep charge over you. God will protect you. He is your sheild, your fortress.
We have been given authority over sickness, so we should not and will not fear it. We have been given authority over poverty so we will not and should not fear it. We have been given authority over everything that has a name, that at the name of Jesus everything on earth and under the earth should BOW. We WiLL not FEAR! Glory to God!
We are going to study today how the enemy works through fears. When fears overtake your life it hinders your faith, and without faith the Spirit of God has nothing to move on in your life. Fear overshadowing your life will make your prayers of non-effect. So what must we do? We must learn to get rid of and overcome our fears.
First let's look at how the enemy works. 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:
The devil is like a wild animal, the most ferocious of wild animals, a lion. One thing about wild animals is they can smell your fear, they since it. We were given dominion and authority over the animals. Humans are at the top of the food chain, however, even a small dog can smell and since your fears. You can take a small dog that is only 1/10 of the size of a human and if it sinces your fear, it will give that dog confidence that it has authority OVER you. According to God, this dog does not have authority over you, but the dog isn't paying attention or listening to God, the dog is paying attention to your fear. And that fear of the dog in you is telling the dog to advance aggressively against you because your fear tells the dog that it has authority over you.
When you fear sickness, you are giving sickness authority over you.
When you fear poverty, you are giving poverty authority over you.
When you fear bad luck, you are giving bad luck authority over you.
When you fear violence, you are giving violence authority over you.
When you fear everything, you are giving everything authority over you.
Whatever you fear, you have given that authority over you. As believers we should fear NOTHING but God.
All those things mentioned above, sickness, poverty, bad luck, violence, are tools of the devil against you in life. Whatever you become afraid of, this is what the enemy can use to over take and over whelm you.
What did David say in the book of psalms?
yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, for THOU ART WITH ME.
David is giving us two keys to overcoming our fears. No matter what you are facing today, you are WALKING THROUGH IT. It won't last forever, it won't stay like that forever. No matter what the doctors say, maybe they say this sickness will kill you, it doesn't matter, you are only walking through it, it won't last forever. Just imagine being in a forrest. If you think you will be there forever and never find a way out this leads to fear, discouragement, hopelessness. But when you realize, I won't be in this forrest forever, I'm just going THROUGH it right now, eventually I will come out of this place, then you can walk with confidence and peace and enjoy the beauty of the landscape around you. Knowing that you are walking through your circumstances instead of LIVING IN THEM FOREVER is what enables you to overcome fear, discouragement, hopelessness and all the other things the enemy throws at you.
So David said though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. How do you get under the shadow of death. That means that death is looming over you. What is looming over you today? Is sickness looming over your life? Is poverty looming over your life? Is Violence loomig over your life? Is bad choices looming over your life? Is the possibility that you child is going the wrong way looming over your life. King David had death looming over his life, and yet he said boldly, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL! Why? FOR THOU (GOD) ART WITH ME!
Glory, they key to a life of NO FEARS is to keep in mind that you are not stuck where you are, it will pass, and that GOD is with you. God will keep charge over you. God will protect you. He is your sheild, your fortress.
We have been given authority over sickness, so we should not and will not fear it. We have been given authority over poverty so we will not and should not fear it. We have been given authority over everything that has a name, that at the name of Jesus everything on earth and under the earth should BOW. We WiLL not FEAR! Glory to God!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Getting Out of Bad Relationships
We are going to talk first about how to keep from getting into a bad relationship, and second on how to get out of one if you are in it. Bad relationships can bring ruin and damage to your whole life. So many people who write me are in a bad relationship and they are needing some kind of change. Often though they are looking for change to come in the wrong areas. They looking for a change of finances. Or a change of work conditions. Or a change in the other person. The truth is the only change that any of us are in control of is a change in ourself. Start by reading this blog today with the thought that the only true thing you can change is yourself and you are already on your way to freedom. First let's talk about how to avoid a bad relationship:
Ok. I get emails that say: "What can I do? He is not being good to me, and is selfish, mean to me, in trouble with the law." Or I get emails that say, "He is not being good to me, and he is cheating on me, and he promised to married me but he hasn't made any efforts, what do I do?"
And everytime I get an email like this the person they are in a relationship with was that kind of person BEFORE they got invovled with them. All I can say is "Why? Why? Why? Why do that to yourself." You knew they were no good, and you go with them anyway? when I ask this the responses vary, but usually, It's because they love them and they going to help them change. IF that person can't help themself change, you won't help them either. They lieing to you about change. If they wanted change they would have already done change.
It's like this if you are a bunny rabit and you find someone to date and this thing is green, got big teeth, and live in the water, you found an alligator, and it's going to eat your bunny tail alive! The Bible says do not be unequally yoked. If you are a good person, don't get invovled with a jerk because they are telling you that you are the one that can change them. Does everyone deserve a chance to do better? Absolutely! But that doesn't mean you have to enter into relations with this person, and if they won't let you help them change without any 'physical realtions going on'' they are just lieing to you about wanting to change. HELLO! BAM! Yes, there it is! For instance:
If that person you are interested in is doing drugs DONT GO ON A SECOND DATE. HELLO! If that person you are interested in has a big hickey on his neck from someone else he dated last night or last week, DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE! If that person you are interested in hasn't had a consistent job for at least a year or two DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE. If that person you are interested in can't get along with his family and even his momma is not happy to see him. DONT GO ON A ANOTHER DATE. If that person you interested in says He wants to serve God after you say you a church girl but he has never been to church in the past six months DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE. If that person you are interested in wants to tell you what clothes to wear, what music to listen to, what food you can and cannot drink, who you can and cannot talk to DONT GO ON A ANOTHER DATE. If that person you are interested in has a reputation for getting in trouble with the law and sleeping around DONT GO ON A ANOTHER DATE. If that person cusses you and raises his fist at you and knocks holes in the wall when they don't get there say DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE. If this person is still living with his wife and kids and he telling you he is going to leave them for you. DON'T GO ON ANOTHER DATE. Hey, these are the no brainer expamples, but there is more. Make your own list and set your standards high. You may think you won't ever find anyone that would pass all those test. HONEY IT IS BETTER TO BE ALONE THAN TO BE IN A BAD RELATIONSHIP! You can't find MR. right, if you hanging off the arm of the wrong person. Same thing for you guys too. When you are a bunny (a good person) don't think you can date an alligator (a bad person) without getting swallowed alive because you can't! Don't deceive yourself into thinking that with God you can change that old alligator of a person into a bunny. I mean they will lie to you and tell you how much they want to be a good person, they just want you to carry their sorry butt for them, that's all.
Now what if you already with an alligator and you got a soul tie with them and it hurts to stay and it hurts to leave. Then you do got problems!
1. Fast and pray. Don't fast and pray that they will change. Fast and pray that God will help you get out of this without it completely destroying your life.
2. Don't enable them. They are going to act out to show you how much they need you there. They will play the part of the lost sheep that is just looking for some good person like you to help them, they will give you the guilt card for not jumping at their every need. Just say, "NO" and walk away, and just like Lot, DONT LOOK BACK!
3. Don't treat them like they are handicapped. Let them know you expect them to get a job like everyone else. Let them know they have responsiblitlies like everyone else. Did they stay out all night drinking? Don't enable them by letting them sleep all day. Stay after them to pull their own weight and carry their own responsibilites.
4. If nothing else works, Plain and simple BREAK FREE. If it is your house, tell them to leave and don't cave in, stand your ground. If it is their house, why are you there? Humble yourself and find some place else to go.
Remember that the storms did not stop until the men threw Jonah overboard. Those storms in your life are not going to stop until you get that sorry Jonah out of your house. You deserve peace, and no it is not your responsiblity to take care of them or try to help change them. Their momma couldn't do nothing with them, and you aren't going to be able to either.
Ok. I get emails that say: "What can I do? He is not being good to me, and is selfish, mean to me, in trouble with the law." Or I get emails that say, "He is not being good to me, and he is cheating on me, and he promised to married me but he hasn't made any efforts, what do I do?"
And everytime I get an email like this the person they are in a relationship with was that kind of person BEFORE they got invovled with them. All I can say is "Why? Why? Why? Why do that to yourself." You knew they were no good, and you go with them anyway? when I ask this the responses vary, but usually, It's because they love them and they going to help them change. IF that person can't help themself change, you won't help them either. They lieing to you about change. If they wanted change they would have already done change.
It's like this if you are a bunny rabit and you find someone to date and this thing is green, got big teeth, and live in the water, you found an alligator, and it's going to eat your bunny tail alive! The Bible says do not be unequally yoked. If you are a good person, don't get invovled with a jerk because they are telling you that you are the one that can change them. Does everyone deserve a chance to do better? Absolutely! But that doesn't mean you have to enter into relations with this person, and if they won't let you help them change without any 'physical realtions going on'' they are just lieing to you about wanting to change. HELLO! BAM! Yes, there it is! For instance:
If that person you are interested in is doing drugs DONT GO ON A SECOND DATE. HELLO! If that person you are interested in has a big hickey on his neck from someone else he dated last night or last week, DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE! If that person you are interested in hasn't had a consistent job for at least a year or two DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE. If that person you are interested in can't get along with his family and even his momma is not happy to see him. DONT GO ON A ANOTHER DATE. If that person you interested in says He wants to serve God after you say you a church girl but he has never been to church in the past six months DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE. If that person you are interested in wants to tell you what clothes to wear, what music to listen to, what food you can and cannot drink, who you can and cannot talk to DONT GO ON A ANOTHER DATE. If that person you are interested in has a reputation for getting in trouble with the law and sleeping around DONT GO ON A ANOTHER DATE. If that person cusses you and raises his fist at you and knocks holes in the wall when they don't get there say DONT GO ON ANOTHER DATE. If this person is still living with his wife and kids and he telling you he is going to leave them for you. DON'T GO ON ANOTHER DATE. Hey, these are the no brainer expamples, but there is more. Make your own list and set your standards high. You may think you won't ever find anyone that would pass all those test. HONEY IT IS BETTER TO BE ALONE THAN TO BE IN A BAD RELATIONSHIP! You can't find MR. right, if you hanging off the arm of the wrong person. Same thing for you guys too. When you are a bunny (a good person) don't think you can date an alligator (a bad person) without getting swallowed alive because you can't! Don't deceive yourself into thinking that with God you can change that old alligator of a person into a bunny. I mean they will lie to you and tell you how much they want to be a good person, they just want you to carry their sorry butt for them, that's all.
Now what if you already with an alligator and you got a soul tie with them and it hurts to stay and it hurts to leave. Then you do got problems!
1. Fast and pray. Don't fast and pray that they will change. Fast and pray that God will help you get out of this without it completely destroying your life.
2. Don't enable them. They are going to act out to show you how much they need you there. They will play the part of the lost sheep that is just looking for some good person like you to help them, they will give you the guilt card for not jumping at their every need. Just say, "NO" and walk away, and just like Lot, DONT LOOK BACK!
3. Don't treat them like they are handicapped. Let them know you expect them to get a job like everyone else. Let them know they have responsiblitlies like everyone else. Did they stay out all night drinking? Don't enable them by letting them sleep all day. Stay after them to pull their own weight and carry their own responsibilites.
4. If nothing else works, Plain and simple BREAK FREE. If it is your house, tell them to leave and don't cave in, stand your ground. If it is their house, why are you there? Humble yourself and find some place else to go.
Remember that the storms did not stop until the men threw Jonah overboard. Those storms in your life are not going to stop until you get that sorry Jonah out of your house. You deserve peace, and no it is not your responsiblity to take care of them or try to help change them. Their momma couldn't do nothing with them, and you aren't going to be able to either.
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