Panic and fear are more than just emotions or biological reactions, they are spirits. This is why they can come upon you suddenly, and often for NO reason whatsoever. 2 Timothy says that God has not given us the spirit of fear. If God didn't give it than why do so many people have fear, anxiety and panic attacks? We have to realize that God is not in charge and responsible for EVERYTHING that happens to us. There are some things that happen to us that God did not want and did not ordain for us at all. If God's will is always done here on earth than why did Jesus instruct us to pray, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven?" He did so because most of the time God's will is NOT done here on the earth.
The more that God's will is ignored and terror and sin reign on the earth, the more that panic, fear and anxiety rise. The only way to overcome the spirit of fear is when the Spirit of God gives us peace, love and a sound mind. Isn't that what fear and panic do in us? They attack our mind. Fear and panic will take over your mind with the possibilities of what might happen, things that might bring us harm in some way. It is the Spirit of God that fills our hearts and mind with peace, joy and a sound mind. So I have to ask you, how much time do you spend fellowshipping with God in the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you spend time in God's presence everyday? God is more than able to give you peace but you have to realize that when you belong to Christ Jesus, you are no longer of this world. You are a stranger and an alien here, your citizenship is of Heaven, not of this world. The bible tells us to keep our mind on things above, and not on things below. If you are experiencing problems with panic and fears, you have had your mind on this world, instead of on the kingdom of God. Jesus promised that you would be kept in perfect peace if your mind was stayed on Him.
Lay down your life, and quit worrying about how to fix everything around you. Trust God and put your mind upon Him, for He cares for you. God wants us to have peace, joy and a sound mind. It is NOT God's will for you to be fearful, anxious, stressed out and full of panic. Put your mind on things above, and He will sustain you.
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