
Monday, November 3, 2014

Lord, I'm Tired of Living on the Rough Side of the Mountain!

Elijah got depressed.  Jeremiah got depressed.  Hannah's soul was embittered to the point of tears.  When we do all that we can and somehow we still don't achieve what we expected it can be very discouraging.  I'm talking to someone today that is full of disappointments and discouragement because of all the set backs and challenges that you have faced.  We all understand the concept of going up the rough side of the mountain, but I am talking to someone today that the rough side of the mountain isn't just someplace you are climbing up.  The rough side of the mountain is where you live!  And just like Jacob in the bible you have made some mistakes, and those  mistakes are partly what has hindered your forward movement.  But through every set back, mistake and failure God has had his hand upon your life.

Jacob made mistakes when he was young.  He wanted what belonged to his older brother.  He deceived his dad, he deceived his brother, he stole and he lied.   His zeal to get what he wanted caused him to have to flee from his father's home.  From that moment on,  every person that he met cheated him, deceived him and lied to him.  He was reaping back what he had sewn.  No matter where he went, someone was taking from him or trying to deceive or cheat him.   I know that there are people today, and you are still paying for some of the mistakes that you made when you were younger.  You have even felt at times that you are being paid back for those mistakes, and you wonder if it will ever end.

Things turned around for Jacob.  One night God came to visit with him, and he wanted a blessing, but God would not give Jacob a blessing.   Jacob continued to wrestle saying I won't let you go until you bless me!  He wrestled all night long, and finally God blessed Jacob, because Jacob wouldn't let him go,  and God changed his name to Israel.  From that point on in his life things went well for Jacob.  In spite of all the mistakes he made when he was younger, things began to get better for Jacob in all things and God blessed him. 

Are you tired of living and staying on the rough side of the mountain all the time.  Begin to wrestle with God in prayer.   Pray and fast and hang on to God, and don't let Him go until he blesses you!  Keep that prayer wheel burning!  The Bible tells of a little widow that was denied justice by and unjust judge, but EVERYDAY she kept going to the judge saying give me justice!  In time the judge decided to vote in her favor, she had worn him down and got what she needed.   Jesus said that we should come in prayer with the same attitude as the widow.  We must press in and hold on to what we want, praying continually until we receive what we need. 

I believe I am talking to someone today that has the heart to seek God until he comes and rains down righteousness upon you.   Don't be half hearted in seeking God.  Don't be double-minded seeking God.  We are double minded when we seek God one day and then we go out doing whatever the next.  If you want to see your life turn around seek God with your whole heart and let HIM know that you won't let go until He blesses you! 

James 4:8   Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Ready?  Good!  God is ready to wrestle with you!

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