You Don't Have to Stay Stuck in a Rut!
The bible speaks of a little widow who was denied justice. She kept going back everyday for justice until she wore the judge down and he gave her the justice she deserved. This is how it is with us today. You are either going to wear the devil out, or he is going to wear you out! Jesus said we should be like the little widow in our prayer life. We must keep praying and seeking God until we literally wear the devil out and we are no longer denied justice. Jesus said
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
You have to ask, seek and knock to move forward in the Kingdom of God. When you don't feel like asking, you have to ask. When you aren't in the mood to knock, you have to keep knocking. When you don't have the will power to keep seeking, you have to ask God for the grace to keep seeking anyway. We fail to move forward because 'things happen' and we quit asking, we quit seeking, we quit knocking and we get STUCK in one spot. And if you are stuck in one spot long enough it makes a deep rut. There are those today that have been stuck in the same spot for so long that you have made such a deep rut that you feel like you will never be free of it.
There are those that have asked for a better job, you have knocked on doors, you have sought a better pay, but just like the story of the little widow you have been denied justice. This little widow WOULD NOT give up. She kept going day after day looking for justice. Asking for it, seeking out the one in charge, knocking on the door to justice, and finally she got the justice she deserved.
There are those of you today, you have been wanting a better relationship with someone that you love. You have asked for it, sought it ought and knocked on the door, but things keep going from bad to worse and you have not gotten justice. You have to keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking, you will get your break through in the end.
Walt Disney ran into all kinds of difficulty making his magic kingdom in Orlando, he was told he would never succeed by engineers that were skilled at what they do. He would not give up. He kept seeking, he kept knocking, he kept asking, he kept believing, he kept moving forward, he did prevail. Thomas Edison tried many times to make a light bulb. He kept failing, but he would NOT give up. He kept seeking, he kept asking, he kept knocking, he did prevail. Abraham Lincoln kept losing his political races. But he would not give up. He kept seeking, he kept knocking, he kept asking, he did prevail.
There is someone today, and you are in a rut. You can't seem to get out of the place you are in and you are just going through the motions, and you have let go of your dreams of a better day. You have quit seeking, quit knocking and quit asking and you have settled for less than God's best for your life. It's time to start dreaming again. It's time to get up and shake yourself off and put your foot down and demand justice. It's time to ask, seek and knock. It's time to wear the devil out!
Ready to move forward? Keep moving forward!
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