Against all odds the walls of Jericho fell down. Against all predictions Joseph rose up to fulfill his destiny. Against all circumstances Esther was able to convince the King to help her cause. Against all hope Abraham believed God would keep his promise even after it was impossible for Sarah to have a child. Yes, I KNOW the odds are against you. I know the circumstances are bad. I know it is beyond the realm of possibility that things could work out for you now according to God's Word. No matter what your difficulty or your circumstances the same God that knocked down the walls of Jericho is going to knock down the walls that surround your life. The same God that brought Joseph up out of prison is the same God that will bring you out of the pit you are in right now. The same God that kept his promise to Abraham is the same God that will keep his promise to you.
Joshua had to march, Joseph had to persevere, Esther had to fast and pray, Abraham had to keep on believing. Look at the situation Joshua was in when he tried to take Jericho. He had moved forward from the wilderness across the Jordan River. He kept moving forward until suddenly there was a WALL in the way. I know there are those of you here today and you were moving forward in life and suddenly you ran right into a wall of opposition, and here came a big delay. What did God tell Joshua to do? He told him to march. Look here people, you have run into a wall, it has stopped your forward movement, but when Joshua faced his wall God never told him to stop moving. He kept moving forward in circles, going around the wall, moving forward one day at a time. When there is a wall in your way don't sit down and quit. Circle the wagon, and march around that problem and give a shout out to the LORD. God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. You may look the first day and the wall may still be blocking you, but keep marching and believing. Very soon God is going to knock those walls down.
Look at he situation of Joseph. God gave him a promise in life and his life went 100 percent the other direction. Instead of being the head, he was at the bottom of the pile. He had every right to LAY DOWN AND QUIT. I'm talking to someone today that the promises of God haven't come to pass in your life, everything has went the opposite direction, and you want to lay down and quit. Joseph kept on keeping on, and God brought him out. The same God that brought him out from the prison to the palace is the same God that will resurrect your life from ashes to beauty.
Look at Father Abraham. God promised him that Sarah would have his son, but it didn't happen. She grew old, went through menopause and was no longer able to bare a child. Yet, Abraham continued to believe. He had every right to think that maybe God had aborted the promise, and had changed his mind, yet Abraham wouldn't think evil of God, he continued to believe. Sarah gave birth to a son, and God was faithful.
In the natural I know that everything has went wrong, and problems and troubles plague you on every side. What do you do? Lay down and quit? No. Look up for your redemption draws nigh, God who is faithful will do all he promised he would do if you will look to him and live.
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