
Saturday, January 10, 2015

You Can Enter Into God's Rest!

In six days God created the heavens and the earth and then he rested.  We are admonished by God to also enter into his rest.  We are living in a generation that is shaking, running back and forth, never resting, always moving, we are the exhausted generation.  There is a rest in the flesh, and that is hard enough to enter into, but there is also a rest in the Spirit.  The rest of the Spirit is impossible to enter into without faith in God.  It is our faith in God's promises and God's abilities that enable us to enter into His rest. 

Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

God knows how we are made.  When it comes to this physical life God gave us a precedent of the perfect balance between rest and work.  Work consist of six days and rest consist of one day.  Often when we are having trouble resting, or trouble with our mind, or an inability to sleep it is because we have failed to maintain six days of work for every one day of rest.   God owns everything, has everything, is every where, knows everything, can do anything, can go anywhere at anytime.  Why would he chose to labor six days to make this world and then put mankind upon it?  Not only did it take him six days to make this creation, but now he also has to CONTINUE his work to answer our prayers, plan our days, help us with our walk, reveal to us creation, protect us from evil.  When he created this planet and put a man in the garden with animals and plants God was just giving himself MORE WORK.  Why?  Because we are made in the image of God and we were created to be beings that would be creative, productive, we were created to do a work, so God is a God that DOES A WORK! 

NO matter who you are or how disabled you are, or how much at a disadvantage you are, God has a work for you to do, and you were created to work six days a week.  The old saying is idle hands are the devils work shop, it is NOT OK to idle away your time.  Those who idle away their time are going to be struggling with fears, anxieties, mental disorders, and illnesses.  We need to finally understand that God created us to DO A WORK.  Too much idleness is not HEALTHY for our mind, our attitudes, our health or our Spirit.  There are those today that are reading this and a big part of your problem is that you do not stay busy doing the work that God has called you to do.  

And on the seventh day God rested.  It takes faith to rest.  Faith that if you rest on the seventh day that God will cause things to work out in your favor.  Wisdom to understand that if you do not rest that you will get weary, tired and more unproductive.  There are those today that between your job, your family, your entertainment, and everything else you are simply exhausted.  God love you more than you know.  Learn to take your rest in him and you will find your faith and your life soar to new heights.

To get your life in order learn how to work six days and rest one day to have the creative power of God flowing in and through your life. 

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