
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jesus IS the LIFE

The past two days we have been talking about John 14:6 where Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  All though Jesus is the way, often our break through doesn't come until we spend time in consecrated prayer.  We forfeit our victory because we don't take enough time for prayer.  Jesus is the truth.  If we want to do things our way, instead of God's way, we have rejected the truth.  When we obey the Word of God we are tearing down the devil's strongholds.  When we disobey the Word of God we are allowing the devil to build his stronghold in our life. 

Today we will be talking on Jesus is the life.  A few years ago, a common phrase was 'get a life'  meaning your life is boring or meaningless and you need to find a better life.  Jesus does offer us a better life.  But, when Jesus said, "I am the life."  He was talking about more than saving us from boredom or adding purpose to our existence.   When we are born into the world we are born dead, and spiritual apart from God.   This verse isn't  just referring to having more life than you already have in this life.  This verse is referring to the fact that God said to Adam, 

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.

We are dead in our trespasses and sins.  Without Jesus we simply do not have life, we are dead.  There are people that are serving God, but they have never passed from death  unto life.  Christianity is more than just deciding to be a better person.  Christianity is having a spiritual birth.  When you have this spiritual birth you have passed from death unto life.  If you are trying to come to God, by being good, so that you are a better person that is commendable, but, to be part of the family of God you have to pass from death unto life.

What happens when we are born again.  When you are born again you begin to crave milk, God's Word is milk.  Maybe the Bible is just words to you, after you are born again the Word of God will satisfy you.  You will hunger for it just like a new born calf hungers for milk.  Also, when you are born again, you receive a measure of the Spirit of God and you want to commune with him. 

 You have to  understand that something happens to you in the Spirit realm when you come to God.  It is more than just trying to be a good person, you actually have a rebirth in your spirit man that launches you into a spiritual journey with God.  You will suddenly become so God conscience through the day that you tend to forget about other things that are important to you.  It is like going from death unto life .  If you have not had a spiritual rebirth, seek God until you are converted by the Spirit of God.  Then you have passed from death unto life.

If you have never had a spiritual experience with God this is something that you must experience. 

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 

With a spiritual rebirth comes new life,  purpose, meaning, a hunger for spiritual things.   If you have had this new birth experience but your hunger for the spiritual things has died out, ask God for renewal of the Spirit of God upon your life.  Seek him with  your whole heart, and you will find him. 

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