
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Vision of the Coming Economic Collapse

In 2008 God gave me a vision of the coming economic collapse, it won't just effect America.  It will be world wide.    In 2008 I had my own business and it was very lucrative,  I paid off 50,000 dollars of debt in just three years, for God had opened up a door for us to have a business.  Later we closed that to go full time in the ministry as we were spending a lot of time running the business and also doing ministry as well.    As I was running this business in 2008 I had a vision and I saw myself standing in a stream.  The water was quite shallow, but there was gold coins in the creek bed.  I was bending over and picking up coins and putting them in my pocket.  They were there for anyone that was willing to pick them up.   I looked around and a few people were in the creek picking up coins, but most people were busy doing other things unaware of the blessings laying in the creek bed.  I began trying to get people's attention to tell them to come and get some of the gold coins, but it seemed that no one could comprehend that it was just as easy as bending over and picking them up.  I continued to pick up  coins with the others that were in the stream until my pockets were full and overflowing.  

I looked to the east and I noticed something unusual.  It seemed as if I could see all the way across the ocean into Europe and the odd part was that the whole world seemed to be under water except for the USA.  Economic destruction was pulling the countries of  Europe, the Middle-East, and the East apart.  I thought why is this not happening in America.  I looked and there was a great barrier, it was made of very thick glass around America.    I could see through it,  and this glass barrier represented  the economic policies that the USA had put in place to keep us from falling to economic chaos.  So what I was seeing was the whole world under water, and economic collapse, and  nothing but this glass barrier was keeping it out of the USA.    The rest of the world had sent submarines and they were right there on our borders, just on the other side of the barrier.  It was like they were looking for a way to break the glass and flood us with the same economic chaos that they were enduring.    Just then I head a loud CRACK, and I saw a crack that came in the glass barrier that was protecting America.    I knew that this flood of economic chaos was eminent  and would happen as soon as that glass fully gave way.   I took off running as fast as I could to get out of the stream.  I yelled at everyone in the stream to run because destruction was eminent, but they seemed to ignore me as they continued to pick up gold coins and put them into their pocket.   As I ran towards the bank each step that I took represented a year going by,  I don't know how many steps I took, but I was running as fast as I could go.   It all happened very fast in this vision and I didn't think to count my steps as I ran, but each step represented another year going by.  I got to the bank and leaped up and landed on the bank and the glass barrier gave way and it washed everyone and everything in the stream away.    All those picking up the gold were washed away, all the gold was washed away as well.   I looked across America and some homes stood above the flood, and some were under it, or washed away, for we were now under the same economic problems that had swept the rest of the world.   And there was no one to help us restore it all.    After I looked at where I had landed I was surprised.   Remember that as I ran to get  out of the stream each step represented a year going by, so I had been in a very lucrative business in 2008 when I first began running, but when I got out of the stream I looked at my inventory which was there beside me and it looked like yard sale items, old furniture and such.   I thought to myself why would I ever even have a business like that?   

After this vision two months later the economic crisis of 2008 hit America and I believe that was the CRACK in the glass wall.  Shortly after that countries in Europe began to go bankrupt.  There are economies in the east that are close to going bankrupt now.     I expect to see more of Europe and the Eastern Countries including China and Russia going bankrupt and finally they will find a way to pull us down with them just like I saw in the vision.  I began closing my business in 2008 and was out of it by 2010, and now we run non-profit thrift stores as a blessing to the community and to reach the loss.      It has been seven years since the vision, and I expect total collapse of Europe and the Eastern economies to continue, and then those countries will band together to figure out a way to take us down with them.   If you are in debt, do all you can to be out of debt before these things take place.   Only those out of debt and able to handle  all the wealth being washed away are going to withstand this coming economic collapse.  

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