
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Prophetic Word for America 2016 - 2018

While in prayer, I received a prophetic revelation for the Body of Christ, for America.  

While in prayer I was shown Christians spread out across our nation of every color and in every state. 

The Lord said, "These are the mighty ones that I have called and chosen to carry my power and my message to this nation.  These were given power and mandate years ago and have been hidden away in small places training. They are being called forth now to rise up and be my witnesses. To go forth in power with signs and wonders. To preach my word and boldly proclaim the message of repentance."

I looked at these mighty ones of God and I noticed that many of them were frustrated, and had endured many wounds and hardships. They had been ridiculed for their refusal to compromise the Word of God and many of them were bitter towards the body of Christ, some had given up. Then I replied. "Lord. Many of these are struggling and lack focus. "  

The Lord replied, "Each one is being called out now and has 3 years to begin to move forward into that for which I have called them to go and do. I have placed my hand upon them and right now even now I am shaking them to wake up and go forth. If this remnant will go forth and do my will they can shake and turn this great nation. If enough of them do not go forward or wake up then the great inner cities of America will be just as corrupt as Sodom with three decades." 

As I looked at those saints of God spread across the USA I realized that many of them had carried God's power on their lives for several decades and had seen people saved, healed and delivered but they were discouraged because it seemed like on every side doors had been locked up for them. Finances had been tied up. Relationships had been broken. Each of these had been stabbed so many times in the back it was terrible to even look at or think about. This group of witness have been lied about, lied to, stolen from, accused falsly, taken for granted and often rejected and misunderstood.

I replied Lord, "Are you saying the fate of this nation rest upon this remnant rising up? " The Lord replied, "Many of them are wounded and bitter and have faced many trials rejections and frustrations. They must overcome these things and rise up."

This word from the Lord moved me. I have also faced the cruel pain of wounds rejections and frustrations. But I am certain that the remnant can rise up in spite of the hurdles that have been faced. Have you been called by God to carry healing? To carry the Word of the Lord? To preach Good news? To Set the Captive Free? Rise up church and be a witness. Don't look for a ministry inside the church house or a building structure. All great awakenings happen on the streets, in a tent, in a barn, out in a field. Rise up Church the time is NOW. God bless.

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