
Thursday, February 19, 2015

If You Know Someone That Is Messed Up Read This!

Jacob purchased the birth right from his brother for a bowl of beans.  It shows spiritual lethargy and a lack of caring about moving forward in life from Esau.  We see the same today.  When people reach adulthood they would rather party than make the best decisions to propel them forward in life.  They would rather loaf around, play games, ride their bikes, hunt in the field...instead of getting serious about making something out of their life.  They want to SPEND their life on pleasures instead of INVESTING their life in worth while goals.    Some people say, "Hey, that is normal for an 18 year old."  Well if that is normal maybe we should raise the age of adult hood to about 30 then.   When we live our lives for pleasures we get felonies and stuck with child support and bad reputations that hinder us through out our lives, and often people KNOW they are trading those things for pleasures.  Just like Esau KNEW he was trading his birth right for a bowl of beans.

But often, what happens in life is that those who live for pleasure get to the point that they are no longer just throwing away their lives, eventually it comes to the place where their lives are being STOLEN from them and they are getting NOTHING in return but heart ache and pain.  Esau liked to play around, and when it came time for him to receive his blessing, his mother moved against him and helped Jacob steal the blessing from him.  NO DOUBT about it, Jacob could not have stolen the blessing if the mother of the two boys had not helped him do it.

It is the same way in life.  We play around with drugs, and with people's hearts, and with lies and with goofing off until we lose the respect, hope and blessings of the people around us.  An uncle that would have blessed us with his 'old' car, never hands it our way, because he knows what kind of person we are and what kind of trouble we would get into with it.  A job is open, but we are over looked because the one hiring knows how messed up we are and they give the job to another.  A grand-parent would have asked a friend to give you a ground breaking job in a company that would have eventually lead you to a six figure income, but Granny was too ashamed to recommend you because of your reputation, felonies and mis-behaviors.

The bible says that when Esau lost his blessing he became bitter and wept aloud and he got mad at Jacob.
Genesis 27
41So Esau bore a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him; and Esau said to himself, "The days of mourning for my father are near; then I will kill my brother Jacob."

I've seen people in this same situation.  They lived their life for selfishness, pleasure and sin, and have the mentality and dependability of a eighth grader (all though they are 25)  and then they get mad at the world because nobody will bless them.  They get mad at uncle because he gave his old car to their brother or sister.  They get mad at granny cause she won't give them money, or help them get a job.   They get mad at the cops because they follow them around town.  They get mad at the work place because they won't hire them...eventually our life that we threw away for pleasure is stolen from us until we are lost, alone and crying out for help and by that time no one is listening.  

See it starts out by you not respecting the good things, and not caring about doing something good with your life and just living for WHAT YOU want, but it ends up you getting what you deserve and nobody wanting anything to do with you, and then the fun time is over and there is nothing left but the bitter tears, the grudges to hold, and the anger at the world.  

How do you break the cycle and receive the blessing? 

Isaac said this to ESAU  
40"By your sword you shall live, And your brother you shall serve; But it shall come about when you become restless, That you will break his yoke from your neck." 

When you become restless, and you are ready to lay down selfishness and self gratification and you are ready to pick up responsibility and to make your mark on this world as an influence for GOOD, you will break the yoke of curses off your life.  But until you get restless and tired of what you got you will continue to see everyone else get the good breaks while you get the police following you around and the hard knocks of life. 

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