
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Two Things That Will Cause You to Succeed!

Have you ever felt like your efforts may fall short?  Many people never get up and move at all because they feel defeated before they even try.  Yet, if our ways please the LORD, God will give us the desires of our hearts.  Abraham believed God, obeyed God and always did what was pleasing in the eyes of the Lord, and God blessed him, prospered him and made a covenant with Him.  Do we have a covenant with God?   Yes, through the blood of Jesus Christ we have the same blessings with God.
Hebrews 8
6But now has he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.
7For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.
Now if you can catch on to what I am going to say here it will change your life.  Abraham sent his servant to find a bride for Isaac, and the servant was concerned that she wouldn't come with him to Canaan.  Just like when we have a task before us and we are concerned that we are going to invest time, money and effort into something, get out hopes up and then fail.  He felt insecure in stepping out and moving forward into a new direction.  
I know there are those today, you have dreams, hopes and aspirations, visions of a better tomorrow and it seems like you can't press through to take that STEP OF FAITH, to see those things come to pass.  How do you rise up when the steps you need to take are such huge risk?   It's hard to risk failure, to risk loss, to risk the stigma of being 'stood up'   Abraham's servant didn't have what it took to get past those fears and they weighed heavily on his heart.  He said to Abraham, but what if I make this journey and the young woman won't come back with me?   
Abraham had stepped out in faith many times.  He had found a way where there seemed to be no way.  He had found provision where there was no resources.  He had found life where there was only death.  He had become fruitful well past the age of fruitfulness in his body.  Abraham was not afraid to spend the time resources and hopes of making this journey to get a bride for his son, because he KNEW that God was with him.  He said to his servant.
Genesis 24
7The LORD God of heaven, who took me from my father's house, and from the land of my kindred, and who spoke unto me, and that swore unto me, saying, Unto your descendants will I give this land; he shall send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife unto my son from there.
How did he gain his confidence.  He did so the same way you can gain your confidence.  His confidence was in God.  
First he knew that finding a wife in this manner was God's command and God's will.    If you want confidence to step out in faith you have to know God's Will.  You must know that you know that you know what God has asked you to do.  Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!  When you HEAR GOD.  If you don't know what to do, then you have to HEAR GOD.  When God speaks FAITH can begin!  Where God does not speak there is confusion, fear and lack of confidence.  Hear a Word from God and you have what you need to step out and begin.  Abraham said, "The Lord God spoke to me"   Has God spoke to you?  If so, this is the anchor of your faith!

Second he understood that God's promise (His covenant) meant that the angel of God would go before him to do all of God's Will in his life.  If God gave you a promise and spoke to your heart, He will send his angels before you to open up the way.  

I know it can be a big step to stand up and move forward in life, but we also have covenant with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Those promises that God spoke to you are not just ideas, they are SUBSTANCE.  Hebrews said that Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for.  Since God's promise has substance you can step out and those promises are something you can stand on. They are solid, substance, REAL.   

Do you have the faith to step out and make a difference?  Remember that all things are possible for those who believe.   

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