
Monday, December 22, 2014

Prayer Alone Is Not Enough To Get Your Break Through

Prayer is about getting NEEDS met and about receiving abundantly more then we could ask or think.  Going beyond our needs and receiving all the abundance and provision of God.   We have to start thinking outside the box if we want to find the provisions of God.  To get our needs mePrt and to live an abundant life, prayer is only the FIRST step. 

The Bible says that the children of Israel were in slavery in Egypt.  They cried out to the LORD and God raised up a deliverer named Moses.  When they cried out to God in prayer, that was the first step to their deliverance but they had to go on to another step.

Once God sent Moses they had to submit to his leadership.  We must follow the vision and plan of God, and walk in complete trust and faith, they had to do more than just pray to get out of the mess they were in.   They had to submit to Moses, for God had made them accountable to him. 

Jonah disobeyed God and got himself swallowed up by circumstances,  literally eaten by a whale.   He had to do MORE than just pray to get out of that situation he was in.  He prayed and cried out to God, then he had to submit to God's will for his life.  Then he had to go by faith and preach God's Word. 

So we see that once again we see prayer, followed by submission which was followed by an act of faith.  This IS the path to deliverance.

Noah had to do more than just pray to be saved from the destruction of the flood.   He prayed and God revealed his plan.  He had to submit to building the boat and actually follow through with God's plan.  By faith he labored several decades without giving up and built a boat and his family was saved.

You are praying and praying and praying and praying and nothing has changed, breakthrough has not come.   Things just keep going about the same...Remember that it takes prayer, followed by submission, followed by faith to see the hand of God move.   Prayer is the key, submission finds the door, and faith puts the key in the door lock and opens you up for breakthrough. 

In your situation add submission to your prayer.  There is a person, a program or a word of instruction sent to you from God.  Submission is the key.  Often we want to pray for deliverance, but we don't want to line up in a 12 step program, or get an accountability partner, or listen to our family, or submit to the Pastor God has in our lives, or obey the Word of God.   Without submission you will not find deliverance.   Then STEP out in faith.  Don't just try to free yourself from your bondage, step out into a new LIFE.  Develop new friendships.  Start serving where you used to just be all taking.  Move from a bad attitude to a good one. 

Pray, Submit, and serve through faith in God.  If you do these things you will find that your prayers have been answered. 

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