
Monday, December 15, 2014

Your Circumstances Are No Match For God

When the walls of Jericho fell God had kept the promise that he had given to the children of Israel when he brought them out of Egypt.   There had been some set backs and delays.  God had intended to take them into the land 40 years before they actually took Jericho.    There are times in our lives when the promises that God gives to us suffers from set backs and delays.  When God sent Moses to Egypt to confront Pharaoh he already saw the Israelites free from slavery, through the red sea, across the wilderness and taking the promised land.  He said, "I am giving you a land flowing with  milk and honey."  This is how are lives are as well.  God not only sees where you are today, but he knows what he is doing in your life in the future.  God sees you for who he is making you to be and not for just who you are today. 

When the angel came to Gideon he was hiding from the enemy trying to bring in the harvest.  The angel called him a mighty man of valor.   Gideon felt like they had gotten the wrong guy.   He thought that God had made a mistake.  He didn't feel like a mighty  man of valor, and he was hiding he had not done any valiant things in his life.  Yet, God saw  him as a mighty man of valor because God had already seen him as the man that conquered the enemy.

God doesn't see you just for who you are right now, God sees you for who you will be when you walk in faith and obedience to his Word.  We feel restricted, and caught in circumstance and stuck in a rut in life that we can't overcome.    This was the condition of Israel in Egypt.  They were slaves and in impossible circumstances.   The idea that they could go from slavery to owning a land flowing with milk and honey was like a fairy tale to them.

What circumstances are  you facing today?  There is no wall of circumstances that God cannot bring down.  There is no sea of difficulties that God cannot part.  There is no mountain that God cannot move.  Whatever situation that you are in today God sees the path to victory, listen to him and obey his Word and you will see every promise that God has given you come to pass. 

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