In Genesis 15:13 God told Abram that his descendants would be slaves in a foreign land for 400 years. This number is also mentioned in Acts 7:6. Exodus 12:41 says that the Israelites were in Egypt for 430 years. This number also appears in Galatians 3:17. That is a long time to be held in bondage. When you consider that the US won their independence in 1776, only 238 years ago it can help us get a broad idea of how long they were in bondage to slavery in Egypt.
In Exodus 3:7 God says: And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
After 430 years, God is moving to answer their prayers and deliver them out of bondage. Have you been praying a long time for something? No prayer goes unanswered, or unheard, or unfelt by heaven. God says here, I KNOW THIER SORROWS, yet, he waited 430 years to bring them out of bondage.
God had told Abram that they would be in a foreign land for 400 years, and then to make it worse it was actually 430 years. Sometimes the will and plans of God are delayed. God has set a precedent in the Bible of often delaying his promises, but even though delayed He always keeps his promises.
Have you ever had a promise of God that did not come to fulfillment? God is not on a time table or a clock. He lives in eternity, and time passing effects us, but does not effect him. Abraham was on a time clock with his body as he grew older, his wife was no longer able to have children. God was not limited to that time clock. He was able to fulfill the promise even though it was impossible. If you are going to stay in faith to receive the promises of God, you have to quit thinking about time. How many times do we give up or lose faith because things do happen in our time.
One day is like a thousand years to God and a thousand years like one day. That means that things you might expect from God in one day may take much longer, and things that could never happen in a million years might be given to you by God in one day. Once you understand that God is not limited, effected or impacted by time it will liberate you from the idea that time has dominion over you.
I'm talking to someone today that your faith is going to peak and go through the roof once your realize that time no longer has dominion over your life.
We are all getting older year after year. Time restraints and the age of the recipients of God's blessings has never stopped God from fulfilling his promises. Do you have a disease that is ravaging your body? I have had serious medical conditions before that God healed in a moment of time. One moment you may be on your death bed, the next moment healed by God just as if the disease never had a hold on your body. Even the decomposition of the body after death that happens is no problem for God, as Lazarus came forth completely whole and alive.
We tend to get weary and to give up over time. You have to understand that every day that your promise is over due, is one day closer to your miracle. Prayers are not limited by time. Don't worry about how long you have prayed, because God will answer in HIS time, and he is not limited by time, so that means YOU are not limited by time.
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