Prayer changes things, but obedience is better than sacrifice. We are going to be looking at some things that hinder our breakthrough the next few days. No doubt about it that break through comes as we pray. Hannah prayed, and God gave her a baby. Jonah prayed and God brought him out of the belly of the great fish. Esther and the children of Israel prayed and God delivered them from the wicked man Haman. In fact if you do not pray, you are likely to miss your break through. However, sometimes it takes MORE THAN prayer to see your break through manifest in your life.
Did Joshua take down the walls of Jericho because he prayed to God for them to come down, or did they come down when he heard God's instructions and obeyed? His break through came when he heard and obeyed. Did Ninevah break out in revival because one man prayed, or did revival come to the city because Jonah heard God and obeyed his voice to preach? The break through came as he heard God and obeyed.
Prayer is the start of your deliverance, but obedience is the thing that will break down the walls and see your miracle through. We got people that are praying for better finances, and the prayer is good, but they have to ADD obedience to their prayers. They must give as God requires, because prayer alone will not bring you into prosperity. We got people praying for healing, but they are not ADDING to their prayers obedience. What did God say to do? To lay hands on the sick. "Oh Pastor, I will ask for prayer, but I don't want no one to lay hands on me." Ok, then stay sick. It's that simple. You have to add obedience to YOUR prayers!
When Moses was leading the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt, they were pressed up against the red sea, with Pharaoh right on their backs. Can't move forward, can't move backwards. They did the only thing that thought they could do...PRAY. God said to Moses, "Why are you praying to me, get up and tell the people to move forward." What? Move forward! There is a sea in the way! I'm talking to someone today and you are just STUCK, you can't move forward, you can't move backward, and you been praying, and praying and praying and nothing has budge. The Lord is saying the same thing to you today that he said to Moses. "Why are you praying to me, get up and move forward!"
I have faced many odds in my life. I have had challenges that were too great. Mountains that no one would be able to climb, or even WANT to climb. And I have found this one thing to be true, WHEN I GET UP AND MOVE, I FIND THAT GOD ALSO HAS MOVED, AND SO DID MY CIRCUMSTANCES MOVE. Hey when you are in a Mexican stand off. And it is you, your circumstance and God and it don't seem like any of the three of you are MOVING or budging guess who most USUALLY has to be the first one to get up and move? Yea. It's YOU!
Hey! I'm talking to someone today, and you think you are waiting on God, and all this time, God's been waiting on YOU!
Get up and move forward, even if it is only a baby step. God has a way of taking that first step into the water and parting a whole sea of circumstances with just one little baby step.
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