First we talked about condemnation, and how we must forgive ourselves, and then we talked about guilt and how we must love ourselves in spite of our mistakes and short comings. Today we are going to look at how FEAR can block the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
First of all not all fear is bad. When we have the fear of the LORD this actually helps us line our lives up with the truth, that is a healthy dose of fear. But when fear gets out of control in our lives not only does it block the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives, but it cripples us and hinders our faith so that we are unable to step out and do the will of God.
Job 28:28
And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
Fear causes us to lack confidence and the number one thing that hinders the flow of God in our lives is the LACK OF CONFIDENCE.
Now look at these Scriptures, some of you are going to get a key revelation here that frees up the flow of God in your life.
Ephesians 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in him.
Look at the above verse. The result of our faith will be boldness and confidence, and this helps us to have access to the throne of God, and the presence of God.
See the verse again. We have boldness ad access WITH CONFIDENCE through faith in him.
Fear hinders our confidence. I operate in all the gifts of the Spirit, preach, teach, pray intercessory prayer, sing worship, play instruments, prophecy, and I can tell you that when my confidence is shaken that impacts the flow of the Holy Spirit in my life more than anything else.
Now look at Hebrews 10:19 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus,
We have CONFIDENCE to do what? To enter the most HOLY PLACE. This is where we come into contact with the very presence of God. Lack of confidence will hinder you from entering into God's presence, and fear opens the door to our lack of confidence in life.
Now look at Hebrews 10:35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
Are you just struggling to get by? What will be RICHLY rewarded? YOUR CONFIDENCE!
Unless you get a confidence in God. Confidence in His Word. Confidence in His love and provision, you are always going to struggle to make ends meet. What does that mean? It means that when your provisions are gone and you are running in the negative, and there is no end in sight in the natural you don't lose your CONFIDENCE in God. You keep praising, your keep believing, your keep fear from controlling your life. We don't give because we afraid we can't pay our bills. That mentality will keep you in the slums for your entire life. You see, I have CONFIDENCE in God, and so must you have confidence in God!
Hebrews 3:6 But Christ is faithful as the Son over God's house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.
Now don't miss this one right here. What does it mean we are HIS HOUSE? It means you are the temple of the Holy Ghost. And where does the presence of God reside? In his temple. Yes, the river of God and presence of God can dwell inside of you day by day. And Christ is what? A faithful SON over God's house. Christ is going to be faithful to you, to protect you, to help you, to prosper you if you are the temple of the Holy Ghost! And what are the conditions? It says we are his house, IF INDEED we hold FIRMLY to our CONFIDENCE and the HOPE in which we glory. Without confidence and hope you are going to struggle with feeling the presence of God in your LIFE! And without his presence, we miss his blessings!
Fear will cause your 'survival instinct' to kick in. When we go into 'survival mode' it is hard to walk in faith and confidence towards God, and without that faith, it is impossible to please him.
After the children of Israel had crossed the Red Sea. They had went 3 days into the wilderness and had not found any water to drink. Now they had their herds, their children, their elderly. Do you know what happens to a child when they have went three days without water? They are close to death, very close. They complained and grumbled because their 'survival instincts' kicked in. You would think that going three days without water would be a good reason to grumble. Who could blame them for being upset and angry? Yet, God was upset with them because they grumbled and complained. No matter how bad you have it in life, it is never OK with God that you grumble and complain, there are NO EXCUSES for not being and living in FAITH and confidence towards God.
There are those of you today, you have been in survival mode for so long. You go from fear to fear, from worry to worry, from anxiety to anxiety, from drama to drama. This is what happens when fear, grumbling and complaining get out of control and takes over your life. You live only to survive! Is that all you want out of life? Just to survive? If you want to just survive than live in fear, anxiety, worry, drama, and complaints. But if you want to live, put survival mode behind you and walk in the confidence of FAITH.
If you were three days in the wilderness following God and you could find no water to drink what would you do? Would you go into default 'survival mode' and, worry, complain, fear, anger and stress like the children of Israel did? Or would you trust God and walk in the confidence and faith that God will supply your needs, not just to survive, but to lead you to a land flowing with milk and honey. After all God promised them milk and honey, yet they couldn't even find water. Is that where you are right now. Has God promised you blessings, and you can't even pay your bills? Has God promised you prosperity and you can't even buy the things you need? What are you going to do then? Are you going to stay in faith and confidence knowing that God is not a man that He should lie and that he will do as He promised? Or are you going to give way to fear? The children of Israel gave way to fear, Instead of having faith and confidence that God would supply milk and honey they got angry and violent and accused God of mistreating them.
What must we do? We must decide to live for the blessing and refuse to yield to 'survival mode' if you complain and gripe when you don't have provisions you will spend your life just barely getting by...but if you have faith and confidence in God, even in the midst of your lack, you will eventually find the blessing and prosperity of God.
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