
Monday, October 19, 2015

No Longer Living with Shame and Condemnation!

The worse kind of condemnation and shame is the kind that comes and you have NO IDEA WHY it is there, it is just THERE, and no matter what you do it stays.  The enemy wants you to spend your life in shame and condemnation that leads to anger and fear.     There are three things that will remain after all else has passed.  Those three things are FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.   The enemy like to bring shame, condemnation and fear into your life because he is trying to replace faith with fear.  Hope with shame.  And love with condemnation.    No matter what happens to your in life, you must hang on to faith, hope and love, for if you have these three things you have EVERYTHING already!

What is going to bring you into prosperity?  Faith, hope and love.
What is going to bring you to a place of happiness in life?  Faith, hope and love.
What is going to bring you to a place of contentment?  Faith, hope and love.

If someone said to me, "I will give you a million dollars but you have to choose between having that or having faith, hope and love, then I would decline the money and hang on to those three virtues!   Million dollars can come and go, but faith, hope and love will always remain, without them life is meaningless, but with them all things are possible.

1 John 4:8 He that loves not knows not God; for God is love.
Why does the enemy send people into your life to hurt you, abuse you, betray you, slander you, wound you?  He is after more than just to hurt you.  The enemy is after your love.  He wants to steal every bit of the love out of your heart.  He wants to replace love with fear.  The enemy wants to make you afraid to love.  He wants you to back into a corner of isolation where you trust no one, help no one, reach out to no one, where you refuse to do acts of kindness for anyone.  The enemies ultimate goal is to steal the love out of your heart.    No matter who hurts you, or abuses you, or takes advantage of you HANG ON to love in your heart.   Don't let you heart turn stone cold, dark and cynical.   Oh, if only people could see that there are three things that make up life, joy, peace, soundness of mind.  Those things are faith, hope and love!   NO matter what life dishes out at you, hang on to love in your heart, be a giver, reach out to others, continue to care of one another.   IF you have lost love, allow God to restore you soul.    

Why does the enemy hit us suddenly with bad news, bad circumstances, bad breaks, rough times, hard situations?  IT is because he is after your HOPE.   No matter what happens to you today or what you have to go through do not allow hope to slip out of your grasp.  Without hope despair, depression anger and frustrations move in, and when they move in our life falls into greater and greater darkness.  You see the world is a bad and sorrowful place and it is hard to go through this world at times, so the faith, hope and love inside us help us to balance out our lives so that we can make it through the hard times.  When we lose our love, our hope, our faith we get our lives out of balance.   When we get all out of balance the enemy throws us around like a ping pong ball, back and forth, up and down.  Our peace is gone, our energy is gone, our path is dark.   Only when God restores our soul and puts faith, hope and love back into our souls do we find our path that leads to a brighter future.

Romans 5:3And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Why does the enemy try to cover us in shame, condemnation, guilt and remorse?   It is because he is after our faith!   He wants to replace your faith with fear and doubts.   He wants you to think that God has forsaken you, forgotten you, been unfaithful to you.      NO matter what you are facing, and whatever you are losing today, just let it go and hold on to faith, hope and love with everything that is within you.  If you have nothing left but your faith, hope and love you already have everything you need to rebuild your life and receive back even more than whatever you have lost.     Losing everything you have is not as bad as losing faith, hope or love.  Cleave to them with all that is within you and never let go.

1 Corinthians 13:3 And now abides faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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