If you want God to move on your behalf, you will have to hang on to HOPE.
Most of the time our answer is very simple.
Spend more time in prayer. Pay whatever price you must pay to live out the Word of God in your life. I have said this more than once because it needs repeating. It will take more than prayer and/or church attendance to change your life! Our lives must be built upon obedience to the Word of God! Often we cannot see our lives as well as we should be able to see them. Ask someone close to you if they see areas of your life where you do not obey the Word of God. Ask a mentor that knows you, your parent, your child, or someone close to you that you know will tell you the truth.
Sometimes our situation is that we 'date' or 'live with' or 'marry' people that do not live the Word of God in their lives. Anyone that does not live according to the Bible is not good for you. No matter how lonely you are, or how much you like them, they will leave your life barren and empty in the end. And you will have to start all over!
I have found that this is the single biggest mistake that people are making, they trying to change the other person. Do NOT believe the lie that you can change them. 100 percent out of 100 hundred people that I minister to that got themselves into that kind of situation will say to me, "I thought I could change them." How terrible! Would you want someone to enter into a relationship with you with the idea that they were going to change you?
How would you like to find out that someone is only with you with the idea that if they could change you, then you would be the person they always dreamed of. This is a terrible foundation for a relationship. Everyone wants to be loved JUST AS THEY ARE. No one wants someone else to try and change them. If you think you have to change that other person, they are not the one for you! I taught this one time and a woman said, "Oh, you are right, I wouldn't want someone always trying to change me, I'm going to stop trying to change him and love him just like He is." That is a noble thing to do except for one thing. She found out she DIDN'T love him just like he was, no that was the things she couldn't stand about him. What she really loved was her VISION of who he could be if He would change! How terrible. She is still miserable today. And the worst part is, if she divorces him she has to START ALL OVER again! Why is she miserable. She got involved with someone who does not live like God says to live! And if someone prays and goes to church, that still does not mean they truly are serving God with all their heart, mind and soul. The question is, "Do they obey God in their life choices!"
A lot of times people are 'with' other people in relationship because it is a money thing. It is hard to make it on just one income now a days. This is where your faith can grow. When you take things into your own understanding, and you depend on someone else to help pay the bills, you miss your miracles. Now don't get me wrong, it is not easy to live from miracle to miracle. I have done this before, and it will force you to get your life in line with faith, prayer, seeking God, depending upon Him alone. It will force you to grow spiritually to truly trust God to provide for your every need, but in the end it will bring the maturity in your life that you need. We become co-dependent when we rely on someone else to meet our needs. Better to be God-dependent. If you will put your full trust in God, line up with the Word of God, and refuse to be removed from that position, in time you will find that he turns your circumstances around and brings your life to a good place!
I know there are those reading this right now and your thinking, 'Wow, this is really true." but the problem is that if you leave your current relationship you have to start all over again. And wow. that is never easy. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith, but, it is worth the price if you become God dependent and wait for God to send you the right relationship, one in which you don't have to change the other person for the relationship to make you happy. Please forward this blog to anyone that really needs to hear it. I know so many are hurting and confused today. God bless.
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you!
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