I Corinthians talks about all of the things that will 'pass away' and 'cease' in time because this time will be over and we will all be in heaven and we won't need them anymore.
1 Corinthians13:13 Now these three remain:faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love
Back up to verse 8
8Charity is never lost, but prophecies shall come to an end, tongues shall cease, and knowledge shall come to an end. 9For we know in part, and we prophesy in part
Some people use this verse to say that these things have already ceased, but has knowledge ceased? I guess for some people it has. Have you ever looked at someone and thought, yes, knowledge has ceased indeed! NO knowledge has not ceased, prophecy has not ceased, tongues has not ceased, not yet. While we are on earth we still need these things to live life here. If you use this verse to say tongues has alread ceased, than you must also say prophecy and knowledge have already ceased. The point of this verse is that in time these things will cease, we won't need knowledge of the earth, or speaking in tongues, or prophecy in Heaven. But on the other hand verse 13 tells us what will REMAIN! Even if we die and leave our bodies to go to the heavenly realm there are three things in this life that we will take with us, and these things will be useful in heaven as well. FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.
As a matter of fact when you operate in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE you are walking in the Kingdom of God HERE on earth. Jesus prayed, "Thy Kingdom of come, they will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven!" When you walk in Faith, hope and love you are bringing the Kingdom of God to earth, and by these three things God's WILL is accomplished here.
It takes MORE than prayer to see the Kingdom of God move in your life. You must operate in faith, love and hope AS YOU PRAY! What does the enemy do? He gets you stuck in doubts, questions, fears, confusion. Why? Because at ALL cost the enemy has to keep you out of FAITH so that the Kingdom will not manifest in your life. The enemy will try to keep you discouraged, depressed and frustrated. Why? Because at all cost the enemy wants to keep hope OUT of your Life! The enemy wants you angry, self preserving, too busy with your own 'problems' to help anyone else out. Why? The enemy wants to keep you from being able to give LOVE to another...What is going to remain? Faith, hope and love.
So that means if you don't keep those things alive, active and well in your life, in the end NOTHING you have will remain! Don't get me wrong, if you are full of doubts, confusion, questions, fears, discouragements, depressions, frustrations, anger, and consumed by your 'own problems' it is a GOOD thing that those things as well as many other things will NOT remain. That someday they will cease, that those things won't last forever. We all know the songs of Heaven, and what a wonderful day that will be...BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND, if these things make up a majority of your life, than nothing of your life will remain. You are working too hard, trying too hard, striving too hard, caring too much for it all to be NOTHING on that day you enter Heaven!
What is going to remain? Faith, Hope and Love. Learn to walk in faith, and all that you have done by faith will remain. Learn to hold on to hope, and to hold out hope to others, and all that you have done through hope will remain. These things are eternal elements. Faith, Hope and Love and all that you do by them will remain forever! And the greatest of these is love. Most of the parables about heaven that Jesus taught in some way address if we were loving and kind to our fellow man or if we were negligent to them.
The most important thing is love. Don't get so 'busy with your problems' that you forget to love. I know, love hurts. Jesus found that out on the cross! But, He has asked us to take up our cross and follow him. No matter how much love hurts, I will continue to love, and show kindness to others, because God is LOVE, and when I withhold love from others, I am withholding God from them. The greatest way you can lay down your life and take up your cross and follow Jesus is to show love and kindness to your fellow man.
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