
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What is the Key to Walking in the Anointing. Learn more...

The name Christ means 'anointed'  When we say Jesus Christ that means Jesus the anointed.    The first believers in Jesus were called Christians in Antioch.   Christian would mean anointed ones.   If that same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, it will quicken your mortal body!  It is the anointing from God that makes the difference.   To say, "Let Christ dwell in you," is saying, "Let the anointing dwell in you."   Most people do not understand the anointing, but as Christians the anointing of God should dwell within us.

Romans 13:11 And this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.  13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and wantonness, not in strife and envying.  14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.

Verse 14 says to put on the Lord Jesus Christ!  The anointing comes upon your life like a cloak.  When I feel God wants me to preach, I begin looking for a message.  As I look for it, the anointing to hear a message and preach that message comes to me.    We all have a different measure of anointing.  We may not all preach from the pulpit, but nearly every believer in some way can bring forth a message from God.   When I feel God wants me to operate in the spirit of prophecy I begin asking God for words of prophecy, as I begin to ask for this anointing, words of prophecy come to me.   If you do not seek for the  anointing, it will not come to you.   Not all of us will stand in front of crowds like Kim Clement and prophecy words from the Lord, but most Christians can receive prophetic words from the Lord about their own life and direction and perhaps the people around them.   We all have a measure of the anointing, but unless we seek God for that measure it lays dormant in our lives.   When I looked for a message to preach, I received one.   When I look for a word of prophecy the Lord gives me prophetic words to say.   It is the same with healing, words of knowledge, words of wisdom.   When I look for a healing anointing, it comes to me, when I search for knowledge and words of wisdom God gives them to me according to the anointing upon my life.  And make no mistake about it, YOU have an anointing.  It may not be as powerful of an anointing as Joyce Meyers, but God has not left you an orphan, you have an anointing.

   When I begin my morning by looking for these anointings and I look for people through out the day to minister to, that is when the anointing to do these things come upon me.  This is how we put on Christ.   I put on the anointing by yielding my life to the anointing, by preparing my mind to look for people through out the day to minister to.   So that it is no longer I who live but it is Christ (the anointing of God) who lives through me!  Is it the minister that should live this way?  No. Not just the minister, but the CHRISTIAN that should put on Christ, (put on the anointing).  You belong to Christ Jesus, so put on Christ and walk in the level of anointing that has been given to you!

This is a Word for someone today.  The ministry is not about doing a work for God, but instead it is about putting on Christ,  putting on the anointing and allowing God to do a work through you!

Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

We clothe ourselves in the anointing when we seek God for the ability to minister to others, and we walk and live by the spirit as we go about our day with the mind of Christ, looking every day for an opportunity to minister to others as we go through our day.   This is not just for ministers to do, but for the ordinary CHRISTian.   For we are commanded to walk in the Spirit, and not in the lust of our flesh.  We are told to have the mind of Christ.   And Jesus carried the anointing daily looking for people through out the day he could minister too.   Let that same mind by in you which was in Christ Jesus.   If we walk in the Spirit this way we will not give way to the lust and desires of our flesh through out the day.   In fact we will walk with the anointing and the spirit will be upon us all through out the day.  This makes it harder for frustration to take us, harder for depression to take us, harder for jealousy, anger and all the works of the flesh to rule and reign in our lives.  Why is it harder for the flesh to rule us?  Because when we walk in the spirit we have our minds on the things of the spirit and not on the things of the flesh. 

When I wake up each morning and PUT ON CHRIST I am asking God for words of knowledge, words of prophecy, the gift of healings, words of wisdom, so that I will have these anointings to share with people through the day.  Then all through out my day I look for people to minister too, Christ (the anointing) lives through me this way.     By preparing myself with the mindset of Christ looking for as many people to minister to through out my day the anointing of God clothes me and I begin to do the will of the Father.

There is someone today and you have been looking for the key to the anointing and the power of God.  I have given you the key in this devotion today.  

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